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Victor Stein - 'Literatus'

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:46 am
by gunnar
IRC Nickname: Gunnar

Name: Victor Stein
Alias: 'Literatus'
Age: 23
Date of Birth: November 13th
Hometown: Oakland, California

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: German American - Caucasian

Occupation: College Student - writer

Personality Profile: Victor is a bit of a loner. Growing up in a poor neighborhood there were only a few choices: join the gangs or stay inside. Victor chose to stay inside. As a result of his choices, Victor never had many friends and instead turned to writing as an outlet for his emotions. He finds that he relates better to the characters he creates than to the people in the so called 'real' world around him.

Physical Description: A bit tall and lanky, Victor wont be winning any modeling competions or the like, but at least he isnt 'people of walmart' ugly either. He has large eyes that seem to penetrate deeply into everything he looks at, the effect can be rather... creepy. It isnt that he is trying to be rude, but Victor somewhat lacks social graces...

Character Picture (Optional):


Mutation/Powers: As a result of his focus on literature and the written word, Victor's X-gene manifested itself in a creative way: the things he writes about tend to come to life, and take on a life of their own, often in ways that Victor cannot anticipate.

Primary : So let it be written... - When Victor writes about something in sufficient detail, before the ink is even dry there is a chance for whatever it is he has described will literally be brought into existance... somewhere within a 1 mile radius of where he is sitting. The more vague the detail of the object of his description, the less likely that it is to be created (50% chance), or if it is created there is an increased likelyhood that some unmentioned detail will become known (75% chance) that will alter something fundamental about the creation.

Secondary : ...So let it be done - Recently, minor things that Victor has written about have come to pass, if this is merely coincidence or the foreshadowing of greater things to come... is difficult to say at this time. (Individual free will is not circumvented, he cannot control people with this, however by shaping events, he can limit their choices)

Tertiary : None

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Book of Life - If the paper he writes on is destroyed, so are the things that are described. This can pose significant issues if the items are described on a non-durable medium. Things that are described are not under his control. If victor describes a dragon for instance, the dragon will behave as a dragon is wont to do, not how he desires it to behave... obviously, this can pose significant issues.
Also, whatever is done to the medium on which the object is described, is reflected in the object itself (IE: torn, burnt, erased, etc)

Also, there is some limit to what can be created, objects over a certain size cannot be created, and the strain of their creation causes the ink to literally burn itself out. This means that the more mass an object has, the shorter its lifespan. Though some things (effects) are instantaneous and once released cannot be recalled. IE: a fire will continue to burn, rain will continue to fall... etc.

A major limitation to this ability is the fact that every time an object is created, it must be described in intense detail. This means that Victor cannot create 'cue cards' or anything of the sort to store his creations. Even before the ink is fully dry, it will begin to fade, meaning that the object that was created will have a finite existance, and once the ink is gone, so too is the creation it describes.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.) Victor may develop the ability to better control his creations and increase their durability / longevity

Background: Raised in the slums of Oakland, Victor does not come from a family of means. He manages to make a living as a freelance writer using voice to text software on his computer. He has found that if he does things this way, they dont come to life.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Victor doesnt do well in crowds, and tends to be more than a little inept when it comes to dealing with people.

Re: Victor Stein - 'Literatus'

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:59 pm
by Remu
As he is currently written, this character's powers, even with weaknesses, touch far too close to being reality warping than we are comfortable with.