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Salem Afternoon Coverage

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:27 pm
by Remu
"The water contamination issue continues across Salem." A news report started to show images of peoples' homes, with brown and sometimes black water running out of faucets and hoses. "So far the toxicity levels are questionable. It isn't reccommended that anyone drinks the tap water, but bathing and showering should be acceptable... as long as they are done quickly." Cut away to shots of news crews discussing the situation with bewildered staff from the water treatment plant. "Rest assured, that we are doing everything we can to get this problem under control."

"Until the cause of this issue is determined, we strongly suggest stocking up on bottled water."

Back to the studio. "In other news, the Salem Five bank has seen its second, small robbery last night. About two thousand dollars was stolen from the vault and cameras were unable to catch even a glimpse of the thief in action. We don't know how or why, but police are dusting the area for fingerprints as we speak and hope to have an identity of the robber within the next twenty four hours."