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Lucia DeMici

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:02 pm
by LuciaDeMici
IRC Nickname: Lucia`DeMici

Name: Lucia DeMici
Alias: N/A
Age: 21
Date of Birth: August 2, 1989
Hometown: Malibu, California

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 127lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Nationality/Race: American/Italian

Occupation: Model/Student

Personality Profile: Despite the type of life she was raised with, she is very humble and outgoing. She is friendly, though tends to keep to herself for the most part, which is strange considering she models. She does not flaunt what she has, and one wouldn't know she comes from money if they didn't know her.

Physical Description: Lucia is a stunning 5'9" with goddess like curves to compliment her height. Chocolate tresses frame delicate features and accentuate her stunning greenish blue orbs. She is athletic and likes to run, so she is quite toned and very fit.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Telepathy - Luc only read surface thoughts, otherwise she have to be touching the person in order to read deeper. Also, with surface thoughts, she must be within 100ft of the person to hear them.

Secondary : Telekenetics - This requires concentration and energy. Luc cannot lift a whole bunch of weight, probably only 50lb at most. No cars or any shit like that. She is not super woman here.

Tertiary : Empathy - Anyone within the same room as Luc, can have their emotions altered slightly. Luc can sense what they are feeling, and if they are very angered, sad, etc, Luc can ease them and calm them, or alter them. It's kind of to control and ease things up if need be.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Luc's powers being mental powers can often leave her with headaches or migraines. She often has migraine medication with her if her powers are used too often. She also needs a lot of energy and relaxation as well as concentration, which is why she does yoga and meditation. If the migraines are not controlled, they can often lead to nose bleeds and blacking out if pushed too far.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? She would like to curb the blacking out and nose bleeds. She would also like to learn how to lift slightly heavier things, such as people and maybe even cars, who knows... Wherever it leads.

Background: An excerpt from her blog:
"Well, I guess this is the part where I tell you about myself and how I grew up. Here goes!

I guess I grew up like any normal kid... Or normal mutant kid. I grew up with money, and make my own in the world, but this is about my past so we will skip that for now.

My parents both own their own companies. My mom is a world class photographer, and my father is a chemist and has his own lab and has workers to work for and with him.

So... I grew up like any normal kid, went to school and tried to harness my powers on the side... Things got easier with time, but it was always a struggle. And if people found out you were a mutant in public school? Forget it. I had a couple of run-ins at different schools, but when things were finally said and done, everything seemed to work out.

Along with being a model, I went to school to become a teacher. I hope that I can help people in the future.

I guess there is nothing really deep about me, it's pretty simple... I don't have much to my history. No tortured soul here! If you have anything you wanna know, just ask I guess! :)"

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She liked to blog and even created a blog about herself:
She also likes to try new things. She likes to read and just hang out. She is not stuffy like many of the other people raised in the same hometown as her.