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Chloe Cane

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:38 am
by Suzthulhu
IRC Nickname: Chloe_Cane

Name: Chloe Cane
Alias: Asylum
Age: 20
Date of Birth: October 13
Hometown: Salem, Mass.

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Brown, most of the time
Eye Color: Hazel to green
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Student, majoring in psychology.

Themesong: "Sweating Bullets" - Megadeth

Personality Profile: Chloe is fairly reserved and tends to keep to herself. It isn't so much a matter of being shy, but that she honestly has difficulties understanding people at times. Also, she's honestly pretty loose in the brainpan, bats in the belfry, climbing the walls in her skull, etc. Her stream of consciousness has many branches, and her train of thought derailed long ago. In the right mood, she can be quite social, but often, her thoughts are so scattered that she has to concentrate to have prolonged conversations and would often prefer to be left alone and will stay in her dorm room or venture out during unconventional hours more often than not.

Physical Description: Chloe tends to look a little, well, eccentric. Her hair is quite curly, and she often pulls it up to keep from having to spend too much time fussing with it. She wears dark eye makeup to accentuate pale skin, and her attire ranges anywhere from goth to steampunk-inspired.

Character Picture (Optional):Image



Primary : Psychic Bedlam: Chloe can project a cone of fear in a forward arc in whatever direction she happens to be facing for a distance of up to 30 feet. This causes anyone trapped in range of the arc to be paralyzed with fear for up to 3 minutes while their very worst fears are realized in full sensory hallucinations. For example, if a victim's worst fear is drowning, they would feel as though their lungs were filling with water and that they were choking and unable to breathe. This effect is not fatal and causes no permanent damage, save for whatever residual affects an individual may feel afterwards. Chloe can use this ability at will, but it can be triggered involuntarily if she is subjected to stress or pain (mental or physical). It is limited to those in her visual range, be it directly in front of her or those she can see out of the corners of her eyes. Hiding behind something, however, does not block it.

UPDATE: The fear arc now spans 50 feet. However, those trapped in its radius must be looking at her to be affected. Closing one's eyes will dull the effect, reducing it to nausea and disorientation instead of crippling fear. Looking at her when it discharges will still produce the same paralyzing fear noted above.

Secondary : Fear Sense: Through the sense of touch, Chloe can sense a person's deepest fear, and being touched by her is an uncomfortable experience. People she touches describe it as feeling like having something cold, wet, and dead, or otherwise truly horrifying slithering across their skin. Chloe wears an inhibitor pendant in the shape of a cross on a silver chain in order to control this ability and prevent the above ability from inadvertently triggering.

UPDATE: This ability is no longer constant. She can still use it through concentration, but it is no longer a handicap for her. However, if Chloe is under stress, pain, or fear herself, it will still trigger automatically. She no longer has the need for an SND and has turned it in, as required under new Mutant Laws.

Tertiary : Scattered Thoughts: Because Chloe's thoughts are so scattered, mind readers and telepaths have a harder time getting a read on her and often cannot lock onto her thoughts without increasing their level of concentration. Attempting to read her mind may cause temporary disorientation, nausea, headaches, and a general feeling of being just as crazy as Chloe is. Chloe is unaware of this ability at this time.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Chloe frequently suffers from headaches brought on by her generally loopy state of mind. Using her Psychic Bedlam ability gives her a migraine afterwards which increases in intensity the more the ability has been used. The migraine tends to come on between 2 and 3 hours following the first use of the ability. The ability can also inadvertently disable allies and innocent bystanders if they are caught in the cone. As mentioned in her initial description, she's pretty batshit, but does her best to try to hide it, usually by avoiding too much socializing at one time. She feels as though she scares people, and many times, she does. People sensitive to psychic wavelengths sense there's something very not right about her. Wearing the SND helps some, but it also makes her paranoid about leaving it behind. She also has little to no physical fighting training.

UPDATE: Following Chloe's abduction into the Uidry spacecraft, she was placed in a sort of sensory deprivation. She could not move or speak, but could see, hear, and feel. Her powers were also completely dampened for several days. The dampening appears to have had a positive effect on her state of mind, lessening the constant stream of voices in her head (the result of her collection of other people's fears). When she was rescued and woke up the following day, she felt much better, even sane. As a result, her ever-present fear aura has been significantly lessened and will disturb sensitive individuals much less or not at all, and she's much more lucid without the need for antipsychotic medication. However, due to the strength of her abilities and the damage that has already been done to her psyche after so many years, this period of calm and collection will be temporary, making it necessary for Chloe to be placed in a sensory deprivation chamber and have her powers dampened once a month for a period of 24-48 hours. As time passes between therapy sessions, Chloe will become more flighty again, and her fear aura will slowly return to full strength.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? With further work using each ability, in particular Bedlam, Chloe hopes to be able to learn to selectively control the fear-inducing effects and prevent allies and innocent people from being harmed. She also hopes to expand its range and perhaps add additional abilities. Chloe would also like to rid herself of the need to wear an inhibitor to control her touch ability. Being less crazy would be a bonus too, but at the same time, if she should become aware of her tertiary ability, she'd like to keep that if possible. She also intends to take self-defense and physical combat training.

Background: Salem is Chloe's hometown. Her mother passed away when she was young, a victim of a rare metabolic disorder that went undetected until it was too late. Her father, a U.S. Marine, was killed in action in Iraq, leaving her with only an elderly grandmother to watch over her. She didn't want to live with an old woman, and thanks to her parents' healthy life insurance policies, she was able to petition and become an emancipated minor at age 16. She discovered her powers as many mutants do, by accident, although it was the fear sense she figured out first. The inability to touch people from the age of 11 on made for a lonely adolescence, and for the last 5 years of her father's life, they drifted apart, even though he tried to support her as best he could. She grew up lonely and feeling isolated, unable to even hold hands with friends or hug relatives. The ability to induce fear introduced itself to her in a more or less controlled environment as well, and Chloe has scars on her left hand from a dog bite as testimony to the first incident. That isn't to say there weren't accidents, but she doesn't like to discuss them.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Chloe loves Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, and Leonardo da Vinci. She also likes to sing karaoke and jog.

(Edit: Personality characteristics and Tertiary ability with op approval.)
(Edit: UPDATES with op approval.)