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Sabine Ayres

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:41 pm
by devu
IRC Nickname: devu

Name: Sabine Ayres
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 15/08
Hometown: Romania

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 137lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Romani Gypsy

Occupation: Professional dancer/Linguist

Personality Profile: Sabine is a bit of a mix, both brooding and quiet as welll as lively and outgoing. Her mood depends quite a bit on how her powers have been treating her, as well as on her social anxieties. She's used to an extremely tight-knit 'family', and while she's adapted fairly well to life in America, the lack of support and connection can leave her a little blue. She is rarely the one to turn down parties and social engagements, however, and does her best to stay in touch with anyone she's decided to invite into her inner circle.

Physical Description: On the curvy side of an athletic build, Sab has the long legs of a dancer as well as the graceful, easy movements. Dark hair spills down her back, nearly matching the black-coffee brown of her eyes. Tattoos of flowers and filigree range up her side and adorn the opposite shoulder, and a few more are likely hidden a little better. Both ears are pierced a few times, as well as one side of her nose and her naval.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary: Precognition: Sabine, to put it plainly, can see the future. She has absolutely no control over these visions and premonitions, which can occur either waking or sleeping. There's no range or scope, neither in importance nor distance into the future. While this might seem beneficial at first, it is more often a hinderance. She cannot try to influence these visions, any attempts resulting in frustration and the almost certain knowledge that the information had just eluded her. Truly epic visions have been known to throw her into convulsions and spasms, overloading the brain to leave her comatose, or with migraines and nosebleeds. Others leave her out of touch with reality, perhaps seeing the scene over and over or simply lost and in a temporary fugue.

Secondary: Scrying: Sab can 'scry' on any area she knows well, or on a person if she has an object of theirs. The more personal it is the easier the task, an object rarely held by the target not helping much at all, while a cherished locket or stereotypical lock of hair make things far more simple. Almost like a limited form of astral projection, scrying leaves the gypsy weak and exhausted in direct proportion to the difficulty of the task itself. She's also far more vulnerable to anyone who can sense/manipulate or trap out of body spirits, while her body is far easier to possess or steal.

Tertiary: Fortune Telling: In theme with her other powers, attempts made at fortune-telling often ring with more truth than they do for others. Tarot card readings are more appropriate, runes more informative and guesses at tea-leaves often not far from the mark. She's gifted at seeing and interpreting signs and omens, though seldom does anything truly important manifest from this ability.

Her powers have become a little more synergistic since they've manifested, even if she can't immediately connect the dots. If Sabine reads cards for someone she's had a vision about, the cards will likely echo that vision in some small part, even if she doesn't know that person is involved in one of her precognitions. She might have dreams about the person, or perhaps weird 'deja-vu' feelings if she touches something related, or enters the location of the foreshadowed event.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects: Sab isn't the most physical of girls, less a fighter and far more a lover. She's quick and dexterous, but that's really about it. Her powers can be draining, leaving her vulnerable and generally foggy-headed and weak. Theoretically, she could get lost while scrying, in a sort of coma and unable to find her way back to her body. She could also see a vision so strongly she feels compelled to do something no matter the cost, or think she's another person entirely (related to the vision).

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Her precognition could be harnessed a little more to home in on her life and those around her, or become less harmful to her health. Likewise, her scrying might get easier, qicker, or further reaching.

Background: She grew up in Romania to a gypsy family, travelling about and dancing for much of her life. She homeschooled, and only moved to America when her powers started drawing a little too much attention from the wrong people. That said, her powers didn't really have a 'big bang' manifestation. She had dreams that came pretty true (if not exactly right), or read a few fortunes that were eerily close. She always had a knack for finding things if she just sat still and thought about it. She's been living in America for just over five years now, finished highschool, and now takes college courses out of interest rather than any job-related aspirations. She's quite content to perform as part of a bellydancing troupe and is more than willing to tutor in any of the languages she knows.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Sabine, not surprisingly, is a rather amazing bellydancer, most familiar with the Romani styles, but quite comfortable with Arabic, Egyptian and the more 'tribal' styles.
  • While not necessary for her powers, she likes to keep up the classical 'fortuneteller' ruse, and actually owns a crystal ball.
  • Sab speaks both Romanian and Romany, Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian fluently, and knows smatterings of other languages from the surrounding countries, usually enough to get her into and back out of trouble.
  • Sabine has a tortoiseshell cat named Ares, who's markings have managed to come out remarkably tiger-like, though the colours are reversed.