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James Morgan Drake [Odysseus] [Philosophy/Ethics Professor]

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:43 am
by Lanse
IRC Nickname: Lanse

Name: James Morgan Drake
Alias: Odysseus
Age: 31
Date of Birth: April 16th
Hometown: New York, NY

Height: 6'3
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Philosophy/Ethics Professor

Personality Profile:

When not arguing with "Athena", James is an entirely clever man. He does not try to prove himself better than anyone, but enjoys being challenged mentally, and challenging others. He is prone to asking probing questions to force people to think, and is never satisfied with an obvious answer. Some might consider James to be obnoxious as he never seems to be satisfied with other peoples level of thinking. James is always trying to push people a little harder, and not everyone appreciates it.

Physical Description:

James is tall and rugged with a light brown beard and slightly longish brown hair. His blue eyes are sharply intelligent and always searching. He has a certain handsome charm that he can suppress if he needs to through his second ability, but it also serves to make him appear smug. He often wears glasses to give himself a more distinguished look, but he doesn't actually seem to need a pair.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : "Patron Deity"

No one is really able to fully explain James' power. James claims to see the Goddess Athena coming and going as needed, but no one else has ever seen the deity. Regardless of the actual explanation, there is certainly some kind of invisible force following him. In addition to making James appear entirely insane for having conversations with nothing at all, "Athena" acts as his own personal bodyguard. The invisible force tends to defend, only going on the offensive when James has no other recourse.

This invisible "patron deity" functions as an invisible "woman" that typically wields a longsword or spear. "She" can not be seen by any kind of visual methods, but can be felt through telekinetic powers, or tremor sense. "Athena" does not leave footprints, or make impressions walking on water, but can be seen disturbing dense fogs or other heavy particles in the air. The "deity" is functionally invulnerable, but can be bypassed with thought and skill, and is not any stronger than a human in peak physical condition. able to lift up to 500 lbs. at maximum press.

Secondary : Perfect Disguise

With a few alterations to his clothes, a mussing of his hair and a little scuffing, James can make himself appear to not be himself at all, even to his closest friends. His ability is different from shape shifting in that the actual changes are very minor but still have a profound effect. Most theorize that the disguise is so convincing because of his sheer force of will- when in a disguise he truly believes himself to be someone else, therefore he is.

When James is in a disguise nothing that he says pertaining to his other personality counts as a lie. However, if he tries to tell someone who he really is, it will seem to be, and register as a lie. He can not "discard" the disguise while observed or in a place where he is being kept- ie, a jail cell or other holding facility. The disguise does drop if an SND is placed on him.

Tertiary : Rapid Adaptation

James picks up skills and ideas rapidly. He learns things roughly 15x faster than the average person, and thus has a vast array of skills and abilities, and is not to be underestimated.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :

In addition to having "Athena" watch over him, James seems to have something constantly at work against him when he attempts any form of long distance traveling. Any long trips by train, bus, plane, or car tend to go awry, through mechanical breakdowns, terrible weather, assaults on his vehicles, or other things that waylay him.

Also "Athena" is particularly intrusive in his life, and he often appears more crazy than he is as he has very little proof of his "patron deity". Most people try to explain away Athena as an invisible personification he projects, which often causes him to have to "placate" her. "Athena" is also not always present, or may show up late to dangerous situations he finds himself in.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

James may pick up more random skills, but his powers do not lend themselves towards further development.


As far as James knows, "Athena" has always watched over him. As long as he could remember, his patron deity was there, calling him Odysseus and informing him that he was the Greek hero reborn. When he was able to walk and talk, his parents just assumed Athena was his imaginary friend. It didn't hurt that for a while James called her 'Afeena', making it less obvious that he was talking about a Greek Goddess. Later on it became more clear there was something strange going on.

For a brief period James was committed to a psychiatric ward as his teachers and parents thought he was insane. It didn't help that he continued to talk to "Athena" throughout the treatment. When mutants started coming out of the woodwork, James immediately demanded to be tested for the X-Gene, and was found to have it. Athena was accepted as a form of his powers, and James was able to lead a more normal, if still weird, life.

His other powers developed as he sought to test his 'connection' to Odysseus, and as he earned several degrees in ethics and philosophy.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

-As a joke, James made a show of insulting Poseidon. His troubles with traveling started soon after.
-The overriding(and most likely true theory) is that both Athena, and his troubles with traveling are manifestations of his will. If there was a potential for them to develop into something other than what they are, it has long since passed.
-According to James, Athena is a know-it-all bitch.