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Saraia Lewis

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:44 am
by AsurKat
IRC Nickname: Saraia / Karys

Name: Saraia Lewis
Alias: TBD
Age: 22
Date of Birth: Jun 23
Hometown: San Diego, CA

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Dark brown
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: College Student, Jewelry artisan

Personality Profile:
-Friendly and personable, Saraia usually always has a warm smile on her face. She does, however, have a quick temper, though it usually fizzles out just as quickly as it flames up.

Physical Description:
-Petite and slightly curvy. Coppery-red waves fall down past her shoulders, usually in a wild tumble, and dark brown eyes are most often sparkling with amusement and happiness.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Gem sense.
-Simply put, she can sense various gemstones beneath the earth and those out in the open. They "sing" to her, if you will. The more flawless the stone, the purer the notes she hears, whereas a cubic zirconia will sound decidedly sour, as will any other man-made gem.

Secondary : Crystalline form.
-Currently her crystalline form is that of an Emerald , which measures as a 7.5 - 8 on the Mohs scale (Diamond being a 10).
-While in this form she is unreadable by telepaths

Tertiary : Unknown at the present time
Crystalline Manipulation

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :
-She has absolutely no offensive abilities.
-While her crystalline form is extremely strong, it is far from indestructable and can be shattered by means that would shatter a normal gemstone. When she reaches diamond state, however, she will be much more durable.
-If around a large source of fake gems, she finds herself getting headaches from the "off-key notes"

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.)
-Her gem sense will widen, allowing her to feel deeper into the earth. This isn't a very practical power, unless she's working with miners, ect.
-Her crystalline form will evolve, first to that of a Sapphire or Ruby (9 on the Mohs scale), then finally to that of a diamond (10 Mohs).
-A third ability will emerge, a narrowed form of terrakinesis that will allow her to manipulate mineral/crystalline structures.

-It all started on a family trip to Montana when she was 13. They had gone to one of those "Pay to mine your own gemstones" type tourist traps with cousins, when Saraia constantly commented about the beautiful music. Her family, having heard her make claims of phantom music since she was about 10 years old, just shook their heads and told her to go dig, try to find some pretty stones. At the end of the day, however, what they found is that their daughter had a rather hefty pile of gem grade sapphires in a variety of colors. When they asked how she had found so many the girl shrugged and simply said "I followed the music."
-In testament to their good character, her parents have never used her to get rich quick by dragging her to various "dig-for-fee" mines. They have, however, been sure to take their daughter with them whenever purchasing jewelry, as she showed an obvious talent for spotting flawless gems and exposing fakes that people try to put on the market.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Saraia has perfect pitch and an excellent ear, though she rarely sings except for her own personal enjoyment.
-Unsurprisingly, she enjoys crafting jewelry, finding a sense of beauty and peace when working with quality gemstones. She NEVER uses fake or manmade stones in her creations.
-She also enjoys pottery