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Cobalt Mentorship

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:32 am
by tumbleweed
Would you like to be a mentor?

Time and time again, we have stood witness to the persecution of mutants by those who fail to understand that we are no different than them and are not to be blamed for the way we were born. Powers do not make us inherently evil or bad, nor do they mean that we deserve to be mistreated. Likewise, there comes a time when we should do something for our community and for those who stand up for us.

After close communication with several local groups, I have found a handful of organizations that will gladly support mutants. I look for role models and exemplary fellows among our school population who wish to help a child in need or provide a laugh for a lonely senior citizen on a dreary day.

Pack 928 of the Boy Scouts and the local Salem Girlscouts welcome any mutants who wish to join whether they were former scouts themselves as children or merely interested in giving a helping hand.

Paradise Valley Nursing Home also welcomes any mutants who care to visit the elderly for sit and reads. Many of these people have lost all of their loved ones and have no family left to visit with them. An hour of your time might mean the world to them.

The Pediatric Unit of Salem Hospital is home to many children who will not be leaving their hospital beds for a long time, if at all. If you have enough heart to bring a smile to a child's face, I have spoken with the hospital director and many parents have signed written affidavits allowing visitors that will play videogames, fingerpaint, or provide good and wholesome entertainment.

Upon leaving your signed application, a background check will be run for criminal history then against school files for history of conduct on campus grounds. Adult Residents are also encouraged to take part in our mentorship program.

Re: Cobalt Mentorship

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:27 am
by Mikkelus
Mentorship Application

Name: Mikkelus Vagus
Address: Bryant Hall, Rm 411
Phone: None (message board at dorm desk)
Hometown: Ruggel, Leichtenstein
Occupation: Student (Pre-med)

Qualifications: Good with kids. Familiar with classic childrens literature (in both the original language, German, and as translated to English) due to reading bedtime stories to little sister and brother; fluent in German, English, and Romansch. Cares about people without bias. Familiar with European standard medical protocols, grew up around parents clinic.

First Choice: Pediatric visits
Second Choice: Nursing home
Third Choice: Paramilitary Training for Children (Scouts)

Re: Cobalt Mentorship

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:11 am
by Ivo
Lucia Lager's volunteering application.

I am volunteering to help at the Pediatric Unit of Salem Hospital. I've noticed the new flyers offering remuneration, but that won't necessary for my participation.

It has been pointed out to me that thanks to my gift, my presence is known to bring good feelings and favorable reactions among people, which helps keep their thoughts positive. The gradual, constant exposure to the energy that surrounds me at all times is also a catalyst for recovery, for those who actually can recover from their condition. I also think it would help me get my abilities into perspective, and give them a much-needed focus.

Please contact me at to set up a schedule. My hours are pretty flexible.


L. Lager