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A.J Mikeitzlee

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:32 pm
by VessaSushi
Name: A.J Mikeitzlee
Age: 332 by birthday, 17 by genetic standards.
Date of Birth: August 1st, 1679
Hometown: n/a

Height: 5'6
Weight: 116 lbs
Hair Color: black w/ dark brown streaks here and there.
Eye Color: white
Nationality/Race: Unknown/Caucasian

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Despite all that has happened, A.J has a rather upbeat outlook on life. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, in her mind. She is generally outgoing and positive about things, but can close herself up like a clam in an instant, and become physically unreadable.

Physical Description: If you can see past the gauntness of his body, a person may notice that he is really a she. Her hair short and scruffy, of varying lengths, as if she had a bad haircut one day and just never fixed it. Dark thick sunglasses hide her eyes from view, and also protect them from sunlight that she isn't quite used to yet. She wears baggy clothes to hide the fact that she almost just skin and bones, and the slightest drop in temperature causes her to shiver. She walks slightly hunched over, and always seems tired, right down to dark rings under her eyes that peek out from under his sunglasses. Underneath the facemask is what she is hiding from most people. Her lips are probably the most startling feature of this girl; scars in the shape of circles above her upper lip, and below, following the line of her lips, with deep indentations on the lips. If one figures it out before she tells them, her mouth had been sewn shut a for a long, long time. There are more scars, but all are hidden by clothing. She tends to wear a black or grey face mask, one of those nice cloth ones that is slightly peaked down the center so it doesn't brush up against the lips, as if she could catch colds easily, or has one, and her skin is pure white, like porcelain.

Character Picture (Optional): (forthcoming)


Mutation/Powers: Necrokineses/Necromancy (non-magical)

Primary : Life to Death, Death to Life
A.J is able to 'suck' the life out of a person, or to give life to a person. This is done via touch, most easily mouth to mouth, or open wound.
Life to Death: The life is drained from the organic target. This does not cause it to wither, turn brown, or age, but merely drains the life energy out of the target. This energy can be replenished naturally, or by an outside source (such as A.J reversal of this power). This does not take years off a person life.
Death to Life: the life force is put into the target, reviving them if they are weak, near death, etc. This does not cause the target to de-age, unwrinkled, etc etc. but merely makes the target more lively and not so deathlike.
Limits: So far, she cannot bring a person back from death or near death with this ability, nor can she kill a person with it. She cannot at the moment use another person to give or take life force (using her as the conduit)
Side Effects: Life to Death revitalizes here, giving her an almost drunk like euphoria. Death to Life requires her to give up her life force, draining her and making her weak as if she was the target of a Life to Death.

Secondary : Sleep of Mortis (Sleep of Death)
This power works in a multiple ways, as in the proper steps of death.
Pallor Mortis
Algor Mortis
Rigor Mortis
Livor Mortis
(the last two are not usable for this power, which is putrefication (the liquidfication of the organs), decomposition, and skeletonization)

A.J can induce any of these levels within herself, or another, without actually killing the body. It's like a fake death. Pallor, Algor, and Rigor are the easiest, while Livor is the hardest, and most dangerous. Much like the sleep she was put into, she can cause the human body to mimic the effects of any of these stages of death, without killing the person. Their aging functions slow down to almost cease, as does anything else that occurs when one dies.
This powers side effects are less for A.J, who has been subjected to it before for an extended period of time. Not too much less, but less none...the less.

Limits: She can only cause Livor on one person, Rigor on two, Algor on three, and Pallor on four or more. If she uses Livor, she cannot use any other one of the steps, and so forth. The power has a time limit of up to four hours at this point in time. Using it on herself, she can 'wake up' whenever she likes, but on others she has to set the power to release, or release it manually.
The Sleeps are currently touch based, and will most likely remain that way unless something drastic changes the power.
Resistances: A person who is knocked out as 0% of resisting, a person who is asleep has a slightly better chance, and one who is awake depends on willingness. If they are willing, it's an automatic no-resist chance, but unwilling, I would assume mutant powers would be a factor, along with endorphins released during the flight or fight response. (I honestly hadn't thought of using this power on anyone not willing, and hadn't thought of needing to make it resistable or not. This would also include what the player of the target would like too, within reason.
Side Effects: It can leave a person feeling from almost unable to function for several hours up to just a mild fatigue (livor being the worst, Pallor being the least).
Weaknesses: What does one do when you find a dead body? You can get buried, which is not so much a weakness, but a definite bummer.

Tertiary : Animate the Dead
This is the hardest, and more nasty of A.J's powers. She is able to reanimate corpses, and use them almost like puppets. Skeletons tend not to work, as they don't have sufficient ligaments and tendons keeping the bones together, or other such things connecting the organic material. The reanimated corpses only work as well as A.J can manipulate them, and what state their bodies are in. Any powers (say if she animates a mutant) probably/won't work, same with production of poisons (if an animal that has poison), or diseases that normally die when the host dies. At most, A.J could reanimate two corpses, if that, as it requires concentration to a) raise them and b)manipulate them.
Limits: Up to one, maybe two animated corpses at a time. So far only human and animal, no insects, plants, etc etc. Loss of concentration/control will end this, or max. time limit,10-15 minutes, with the possibility of increase later.
Side Effects: is extremely taxing on the mind, and body. A.J has a psychic connection to the animated bodies, and thus can feel what they feel; like an axe through the arm.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :
Weaknesses: Animate the Dead leaves A.J unable to concentrate on her surroundings, and thus, unaware for the major part of anything but what she is doing with the corpses.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
Life to Death: To be able to fully kill a person using this power, and near death them.
Death to Life: To be able to bring back a person who has -just- died, or bring them back from the edge of death.
Primary Power: To be able to use another source to give life to target, or the reverse.
Speak with the Dead: Protection from possession, able to more readily speak with corpses, including those outside of the animal kingdom (insects, plants, etc).
Animate the Dead: To be able to function fully while animating bodies. Perhaps more animated corpses at a time (most likely bringing down self awareness with more). To be able to animate insects and plants and other creatures outside of humans and animals.
It would be neat to see what other Necro-type powers she could develop aside from these three, if possible.

A.J was born in the year of 1679, to parents Lily Mikeitzlee and Michael Mikeitzlee. Her mother died a few months after her birth, and she was raised by her father. The times were harsh, especially when Michael noticed that A.J could bring just about anything to life, but at the same time other things would perish. He observed this as she grew up, keeping her out of the limelight of society, especially as superstitions about witches were becoming more wildly spread.

Eventually, it would come time when all secrets are revealed, and one slipup by A.J's father sealed her fate.

The local parish had an ailing Father, who had done the community good by not inducing people to seek out witches, but instead bring them to the fold, so that they may be saved in a more human way. While on his apparent death bed, Michael brought in his daughter, hoping that they would be able to save the kindly man. And she did, giving him a loving plutonic kiss, and life from herself. Instantly, the Father seemed to change his tune, afraid of the girl, and the tales of witches and foul dealings with nature seemed all too true. He cast them both out of the church, and within a day they had her under lock and key; her mouth was sewn shut so she couldn't give the kiss of death anymore (she was blamed for the unexplained ailment of the father, her healing of him forgotten), and her body chained in heavy iron, which was known to harm witches and fey creatures. Her father fought for her freedom, trying hard to prove that she wasn't a witch, or demon possessed, but when the death of his wife was brought into the picture, even he had doubts. Lily had been healthy, energetic, and seemed to wilt away after the baby was born. Still, he would not see his beloved daughter be drowned or burned or stoned to death. She was young, and had only done the right thing.

Luck struck Michael, as he was approached by a formidable looking man who promised that he could save his daughter, but at the cost of Michael losing her in the end regardless. If it meant saving his daughter, he agreed, and signed a contract, handing his child over to the person.

The next day, a promanent witch hunter came into town in a fancy black carriage, and demanded that he be shown where the witch-girl was. They had stuck her in an unused mausoleum, chained to the stone alter, looked after by none but an old crone who would give her a bit of water now and then through what little space her sewn lips could open. The old lady was dismissed, and the doors shut behind the man, leaving him alone with A.J.

"Sleep, child, until the day you rise up, and walk again. You will find hope in the future, and you will find me again, for we are bound by the powers we hold." He spoke softly to her, glazed fear showing in her eyes.

When the doors were open again, the man claimed that a stone coffin must be built around her, and the mausoleum sealed for all time, so that she may never rise. All arguments about burning her corpse were denied, and the man personally watched over the creation of the coffin, and the sealing of the tomb. His own name was inscribed on the doors of the Mausoleum, so that no one would accidentally disturbed it, and all records of the girl were destroyed by him personally, and the town returned to other witch hunting and trails, along with the rest of the nation.

A.J had been put into a necromantic sleep, where her body seemed to be dead, but actually lived on. She aged very slowly, though unknown to most people, she was visited upon by the man several times during the hundreds of years she slept. Somewhere along the line, in the late 2000's, she was moved, and her body was broken out of it's necromantic sleep. Atrophy started to set in, and years of having heavy metal around her wrists, ankles, and neck had taken it's toll in the form of deep indentations and scarring. In early 2010, she was 'liberated' from Kolbain Power Solutions underground research facility, and brought out of the drug induced coma she had been left in. Rehabilitation was hard, especially since she couldn't remember anything of her past, nor anything (if she had awoken) during her time in the facility.

During all this, she had decided that she was being given a second lease on life, and grabbed it with both hands, and headed out into the world, head held as high as it could be, ready to take on whatever was thrown at her...if only to find out what happened in her life to cause her to be treated like she had been.

Eventually she was given a new American identity, and enrolled in Cobalt Academy, to better understand her powers, and to put her somewhere that was out in the open, but safer than anywhere else; a place filled with those who had powers, and could protect her, and her them.

What the School has on File for A.J

Her name is down as A.J. Watson, yes, just the initials, and it's that on all her documents (passport, health card, etc etc). She is put down as born in 1994 in Hickory Alaska, and went missing when she very young. She had only been found in the last year, but has a serious case of missing memories. All her paperwork and such would check out though. Her powers are only documented as being her primary and secondary, her tertiary currently unknown. Her guardian will have requested if possible a room in the medical facility, to keep an eye on her condition, in case it changes for the worse. She does not have a very strong educational background, and should be started off as if entering grade one, with tests every other week to determine if she can be moved up grade levels.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
A.J does not look, nor sound like a girl. She has a slightly more masculine tone of voice, and due to the treatment of her body, an adolescence male type frame.
She likes to cook, and is decent at it.
Does not like being out in the open for extended periods of time.
Mikeitzlee is from the word Miquiztli (mee-KEEZ-tlee) which is Aztec for Death.
A.J stands for Azrael Jezebeth (Angel of Death, and Demon of Falsehoods and Lies). This name was on her charts and files in the Kolbain Power Solutions facility.
Her original name was Lillian, which became Lillith when she was labeled a witch. (Demon of Waste)
Due to the nature of her power, and the use of a similar power on her, her body has taken on a death like status; she produces very little body heat (ambient temp, not cold, or whatever temperature the area she is in is. Shouldn't show up on heat sensors), and her pulse and heartbeat are almost non-existant. She survives due to her power. This is not a permanent thing, as time wears on and the outside power wears off her, her body should return to a normal, human standard.

Note: Yes, this is the one that was a black hole creator, but I decided that it was absolutly too powerful, so I rehashed the character with the Necropower set. ^.^

Edit Note: replaced secondary power with a different secondary power. Added and changed some things in the quirks section.

New Edit Note: Added a bit about 'What the school knows'. Need to know if this is okay or not. Rather almost all her background is brought up during IC interaction, if possible. ^.^

Edit Note: Removed the underlines, added some physical description notes.