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Aurina Bell [Phantasm][Art Director]

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:30 pm
by tumbleweed
IRC Nick: Nicci

Name: Aurina Bell
Alias: Phantasm
Age: 27
Date of Birth (Year Not Required): 11/7
Hometown: Salem, MA

Height: 5’9
Weight: 135
Hair Color: Chestnut/Honey blonde
Eye Color: Pale Lavender
Nationality/Race: African American/Caucasian/Multi-racial
Marriage Status: Single
Occupation: Art Professor
Personality: Friendly, calm unless angered, easy to get along with but a stern role model with a strong and upstanding moral system of belief. Aurora has a terrible temper which isn't easy to irritate. While it may be difficult for anyone to realize this due to her struggling so hard to keep a lid on it, it does occasionally explode and ruin the happy, cheerful and friendly persona she's worked so hard to display as her reputation. Not only that, but she is gullible, and falls easily for what others tell her, easy to mislead and misguide.

Description: Cherubic features are accentuated by a healthy sprinkling of freckles upon caramel flesh. Eyes are bright and the most vivid but unnatural hue of lavender and green, fading from a pretty, pale shade of lavender to a touch of teal with a vibrant sage colored corona glittering at the exterior of the color spiral. They sparkle doe like within a cute ovaline and flawless. Her hair is a wild mop of curls that dance against her shoulders and over her spine but on occasion they are flat ironed into sleek and glossy waves.

Character Picture:

Powerset: Psychokinesis

Primary : Psychic Manifestation (Arms)
Aurina possesses two pairs of psychic limbs that materialize at will. Invisible to the naked eye, those that are unnaturally perceptive or attuned to psychic talents will be able to see them as blurry distortions in a vague arm shape. At the moment, each arm is only seven feet in length and is strong enough to perform daily activities such as lifting, pulling, and assisting in chores. The arms move at the speed of her mind, with no delay between her thought and the action that occurs. As a singular limb, each is capable of lifting 800 pounds, together that is multiplied by 4 for a total lifting allowance of 3200 pounds, or about the weight of a four door sedan or slightly heavier.
The limbs do not possess a physical mass but do have psychic presence, meaning that they cannot be destroyed or manipulated by anyone but her. They are simply a projection of her psychic ability, rather than living, physical extremities.

Secondary: Hallucination Projection
Other mutants make intricate, well-crafted and detailed illusions that exist within a certain range for everyone to see. Aurina makes hallucinations of the brain that only a specific target can witness. This complex series of images seems real to the sight and touch, better than any drug, and lasts no longer than two minutes at a time before she is mentally exhausted. Imagery ranges from minor changes to the real environment, such as adding a bridge where a bridge doesn't exist, or making night into day, or making someone believe they are in pitch black darkness.

Tertiary: Telepathy
Aurina is incapable of reading minds, but can project her voice telepathically and hear the thoughts of others. Her ability to read thoughts and speak within the minds of others is a minor, fledgling trait that is undefined and receives little practice. Overall, she hears a low murmur of whispers around her at all times, and is usually unable to pinpoint them. It's like listening to a radio through a weakened headset, with the volume set to almost the lowest point. Her range is as far as a forty yard range around her, and in a classroom setting, this becomes maddening and frustrating. Likewise, she can speak, using an uncertain and shy voice that is difficult to hear.

Weaknesses: The poor girl usually has a headache, and accidentally eavesdrops on those around her WHEN her telepathy actually manifests to a usable level. It isn't uncommon for Phantasm to answer thoughts, which can make things awkward and get her into trouble. Also, her body is weak and small, she has no extra durability and relies on the use of her psychic force to block projectiles and physical blows. While they can move at the speed of her thought, if caught unaware, she's a sitting duck and it is unlikely that she will survive the encounter intact.

Future development: Phantasm may learn to reach a better distance with any of her powers, as well as coming into control of her telepathy and using a higher voice, as well as pinpointing thoughts that she hears without as much of a struggle.

Background: Aurina was a very special girl from a household of intelligent children, all raised by a loving, no-nonsense mother and a hard-working, strict father. As the second to youngest child, out of a brood of nine, Aurina was spoiled with love but survived on hand-me-downs. There was no time for game systems, friends, or cellphones. No expensive clothing, no pets, only the study periods and tutoring that her mother rigorously put each of her children through, demanding the very best of all of them.

As her parents had so many children, they could not afford college tuition fees--after their oldest three received full scholarships, everything became focused toward the goal of ensuring the remaining spawn could do the same. Once Aurina approached her sophomore year of high school, life changed...

Art was what mattered the most. Calculations, figures, numbers, philosophy, all of this meant very little to a girl who cared about the arts, the romantic era, and the renaissance. Her mother and father were appalled, and she was severely punished. To rebel against their disciplinary methods, she failed several tests and made no effort to earn passing grades. When threats and other methods of earning her compliance failed, neglect and verbal abuse took over and her parents began to gradually change as the desperation for a perfect family continued to drive them.

When she withdrew and her school behavior reflected her unhappy home life, her school counselor called her into the officer, questioned why her grades had begun to slip and asked if the tension of being in advanced placement classes and attending early college courses had become too much for her. Rather than tell the truth, that her parents beat her to succeed, she lied for them with the understanding that stress and difficult times had made things hard fo the entire family.

She was soon assigned a tutor. The counselor's own son Jacob was a pompous college freshman who claimed he could get her on the right track. Their hard work paid off, and in return, he expected something had no plans to give. As a small female, she wasn't able to stop his abusing her, and had nearly given in when it happened.

His arm was no longer connected to his body. There was a fountain of blood, and it splashed her hotly in the face, stained her clothing, and dripped stickily onto the floor. Her assailant flew across the room and struck the wall where he went into shock and began to bleed out. Terrified of the possible consequences, Aurina fled the scene.

The fledgling psychic also never went home. Shortly afterward, META intervened and was able to give her a new life with a mutant relative, a new name, and helped her to find a safe future, requiring only a promise that eventually she would help them in the future.

Aurina practices sculpting, pottery, carving, and general art skills as a hobby. Due to the possession of so many extra hands, she excels in tasks such as building and using machinery.
At the moment, she is learning to play the harp, finding that the extra arms have given her quite a knack at plucking strings at such speed.
It took many years but eventually META finally came back to haunt her. The favor wasn't so large as she had feared and resulted in taking over the vacated Director of Arts position at Cobalt.