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Carlisle Logan

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:42 pm
by tumbleweed
IRC Nickname:

Name: Carlisle Logan
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 5/19
Hometown: Tuscarora Reservation, NY

Height: 6'1
Weight: 175
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Native American/Caucasian

Occupation: Part-time Mechanic

Personality Profile: Sociable to a point, he has a clearly defined limit of how much he can accept before his loyalty is tested. Otherwise, he's willing to help almost anyone that's in a jam, and believes friendship is always important. Known for being laid back and slow to incense, but once he's mad the grudge remains for a while.

Physical Description: Typical long and dark chestnut hair passes his broad shoulders and stops a few inches shy of the small of his back. Carlisle is built lean, but he's far from small and his frame is defined by enough muscle to make it evident that he tries.

Character Picture (Optional):


Primary : Electrical Conduction
Like the name implies, he's capable of running electronic equipment. If it needs any form of battery power, adaptor, light switch, or plug to jack into a socket, he is able to turn it on as if it were using its primary power source. Generally, it's limited within small objects such as computers, video game systems, battery operated objects which are charged within minutes of contact. For larger and more complex objects like a car battery, he's able to give it a jump start and get it running again. Without a battery, it'll only run with maintained physical contact.

When an object is not involved and it is a living person, it is felt as a small burst of electric current. Carlisle can only manipulate these in short bursts ranging from a quick, split-second zap to three second sizzles. It hurts as much as sticking a finger in a lightsocket and leaves minor electrical burns, makes the hair stand on end, etc.

Secondary : Technopathy
If it's electronic, then it talks and can do as commanded. A cheap brinks alarm system, a magnetic ID card slider, ATM machine, and other objects of simplistic and non-complex make, they're able to listen to his nonverbal commands, and yield information. Generally, he sees them and knows where they are due to the constant 'voice' made by electronic devices. This means in short terms that your mom's laptop is fairgame but a super computer built by a hyponerd probably has too much security.

Tertiary : Physical Resilience
He was always a tough kid as a child, and it wasn't until he was a teen that his mother realized he'd never caught a common cold and missed most childhood diseases. He's tougher than he looks and able to take more punishment than the average person, but isn't at all invulnerable. Typical injuries that would result in a broken bone are fractures for Carlisle, while a life-threatening car crash might only be a broken collar bone, a shattered rib, and a broken pelvis. He's still every bit as vulnerable, simply more resilient to surviving.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :
There's a distortion around Carlisle when electronics are concerned. EKGs have off the chart readings. A defribulator will fail to jump his heart since his body will only abosrb the energy. Use of his powers causes tremendous pain and headaches with extended use, nosebleeds, migraines, and sometimes numbness of the fingers. He can also become sleepy or exhausted from prolonged use of his powers to jump start objects and sleep for longer than normal.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

His powers will develop and gain further definition, enabling longer use and reducing his drawbacks to a minimum. His ability to jumpstart could be used to overload electronic objects, covertly causing them to explode or short circuit and melt without the visible flash of electric power. Later, his ability might travel over longer distances without physically touching or cause more damage to living flesh than a simple bzzzzt shock.


Carlisle was the result of a union between a Native American and a young college student attending a nearby college only a handful of miles away. As his father refused to leave the reservation and his mother would not release her son from her own custody or accept the terms of marriage, their shared custody was a strenuous and difficult arrangement until finally, at the age of eleven, Carlisle chose for himself that he did not want to reside on the reservation and preferred life outside of it. The new arrangement kept the both of them very happy until things around his mother's home began to short circuit.

His mother's computer was one of the first casualties of his new powers, several projects, files, and programs disappearing before the machine was completely wiped, as if it were reformatted.

The cause became evident only after the destruction of a flat screen television, a cd player, his playstation, and several other expensive appliances. His loving mother chose to do what was best for her son--which is work additional hours to replace all of those objects for the sake of keeping her only child nearby.

Guilt wouldn't allow Carlisle to ruin more of his mother's belongings and shortly after the dawning of his powers at age sixteen, he moved onto the reservation again and with a relative that owned very few appliances. Those that lived there were very understanding, making little judgments against Carlisle for being a mutant, unlike his former schoolmates that ostracized and hated him.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
He plays the violin beautifully after receiving forced lessons for years from his mother. It's not something he brags about.

Carlisle is a member of the Tuscarora Indian tribe of Niagara County, NY
Against Mommy's wishes, he bought a motorcycle which he restored with a mechanic friend after long and arduous hours of repair. Since then he's become an avid collector of old and rickety machines including various vehicles and other bikes, if only for the sake of repairing them in his ample free time.

Carlisle owns a 71 Dodge Charger that he worked on and restored with the help of a few friends before he left home as a going away gift.