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Isaiah Mannstein [CIRCUIT]

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:16 pm
by gunnar
IRC Nickname: Gunnar

Name:Isaiah Mannstein
Date of Birth: November 3rd, 1992
Hometown:Spanish Fork, Utah

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205lbs
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Electrician's Apprentice / Exotic Dancer

Personality Profile:
Isaiah is a friendly, outgoing young man who does his best to be polite and respectful to everyone he meets. Somewhat shy in new situations, he also has a tendency to put himself down or minimize his own accomplishments. Once he begins to relax however, he has a warm sense of humor and does his best to put others at ease.

Physical Description:
Tall, bright blue eyes, and an easy smile. Fair skinned, with a broad brow and aristocratic nose, it is easy to see his Germanic heritage. Aside from his lack of hair, he is indistinguishable from an ordinary human male of his own age. Not overly broadly shouldered, or thickly muscled, Isaiah is none-the-less fit and in good shape.



Primary : Electrokinesis - Limited control and channeling of electrical energy from existing sources (live electrical wires, batteries, etc). The ability to channel and direct electrical currents have developed to the point that he is able to discharge at even low voltages.

By shaping the electrical field his own body generates, he can direct the path by which electrons are disrupted. This effectively gives him the ability to 'call lighting' onto a single target. With consistent practice in the sims, Isaiah has managed to increase his range to a much more useful 30'. Targets within 10' of him that are in close proximity to one another (arms reach or just less than 3') have a 50% chance of being arc'd to when the target is struck by the bolt of electricity (no more than 3 targets affected at one time). With further training and practice, he may be able to increase the number of targets that can be effected, or his range to even greater distances

Secondary : Unknown at this time (An affinity for electrical devices and radios may develop into something more as time progresses, with the right amount of guidance with his abilities to channel and control electrical impulses)

Tertiary : Electrical Awareness - His functional abilities have improved to the point that he has the limited ability to sense the buildup of electrical charges in the environment around him (25' radius). As his sensitivity improves, the range of voltage and current that he can detect will continue to increase. This means that he will eventually have the ability to detect the change in charge of an area that has been recently vacated due to the bio-electric field given off by all living beings.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :

'Friendly fire', unfortunately, Electricity can often obey its own rules, and as such, can be indiscriminant. Friends and foes alike that are too close or are touching risk being affected by his abilities

Weaknesses: Needs to build up current / voltage; if properly bonded and grounded, may not be able to develop a sufficient charge to cause any effects

Side Effects:
No hair. Isaiah has yet to fully gain control of his powers, and as a result he has had a few accidents. This has made him wary of physical contact with other people, though the device that the school has provided him effectively discharges any charge he may have inadvertently stored.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

As his control of Electricity improves, Isaiah will gradually become more proficient in the use of electrical fields and the use of Electricity beyond 'simple' shocking or lightning. Electricity encompasses the Electromagnetic spectrum and all of it's inherent uses. This means that as his control of the electric improves, he may also develop control of magnetism as well as using himself as a 'spark' transmitter.

Born to a working class family in a small town in Utah, Isaiah is the third child of five, with two sisters (Hannah and Emily) and two brothers (Richard and William). His Father (Arnold) is an amateur radio operator and electrician, and his Mother (Victoria) is a registered nurse at one of the local hospitals. Some of Isaiah's favorive memories are learning to work with radios and electricity with this father, or going hiking and hunting with his family growing up. Growing up, there was little to show that Isaiah was any different from the other members of his family until the onset of puberty when the X-gene made itself known. The first hint that something was awry was the absolute lack of any new hair growth on his entire body, which his parents simply attributed to late development. But as time began to roll on, Isaiah showed every other sign of maturing physically, when on a bright winter day at Highschool, Isaiah became involved in a physical altercation with another boy: David Young. Young was the school bully, and had come from a family with means. This was no 'poor youth' that had nothing but his fists to rely on, no, Young delighted in the torment and persecution of others, and had set his sights on Isaiah. After weeks and weeks of building up, Isaiah had enough and turned on David when the other boy pushed him down in front of his classmates. Instinctively grabbing David by the front of his shirt, an amazing thing happened: about 20,000 volts of direct current flowed between them, fueled by anger and surprise, Isaiah effectively 'Tazed' the other boy, leaving him laying in a twitching heap on the ground. A side effect of the sudden discharge of current (and the activation of the X-gene) was that what little hair Isaiah had on his body (And head) fell out over the next day, shedding from his skin.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Loves hunting, and camping, has an interest in amateur radio. Favorite color is blue, and he prefers Hamburgers to Pizza. Suffers from 'middle child syndrome', and occasionally acts out in order to get attention. carries an LED flashlight that has been modified to have no battery compartment, and instead has a length of copper wire wrapped around it that makes contact with the leads inside.