Kevin Duncan [Kraken] [Security]

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Kevin Duncan [Kraken] [Security]

Post by Goldbolt »

Player Nickname: Sho

Name: Kevin Silas Duncan
Codename: Kraken
Age: 25 (looks 18 due to age manipulator)
Date of Birth: December 12

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115lbs
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Black
Place of Origin: Salem, Massachusetts, USA
Nationality/Race: NA
Classification: Mutant

Status: Staff/Refugee
Occupation: Security Guard

Personality Profile: Defensive and a little resentful of what he looks like even a year after the incident, though he has accepted the physical changes. However, learning to live with and accept the squid instincts still has a ways to go. Kevin tends to be easy to get along with and always tries to lighten up a situation with a friendly joke.

Physical Description: Tall and lanky, Kevin looks a bit stretched out. His limbs and torso seeming to be slightly more elongated than the average person. That's it for the normalcy. On to the more physical aspects of Kev's mutation. His skin is fair with an orange cast to it with a dusting of white speckles. Although he can change his color at will. Kevin's flesh feels slippery and squishy to the touch, slightly clammy and far from slimy. His eyes are black and bulbous, head slightly larger than his proportions would make one think. He lacks nails and hair. The bottom of his feet and his palms are lined with minuscule suckers. The largest physical mutation would be the quartet of tentacles emerging from his back.

Image - Human hologram


Powerset: Cephalopodal based feral.

Ability One : Cephalopodal Physiology: Kevin’s body has been drastically altered to something near equally human and something akin to a cuttlefish/octopus/squid. His overall shape remains definitely humanoid, but with the addition of four tentacles emerging from his back, loosely connected at their base by a webbing of flesh. Each tentacle is lined with two rows of suckers, they can stick to most surfaces and are painful and jagged if wrapped tightly enough. Forcing them off an object either results in a nasty gash in the object or an embedded sucker. The bottoms of his feet and palms of his hands possess these suckers too, though they are retractable. Kevin is capable of living both on land and underwater, but needs to at least submerge himself when he sleeps to maintain his health and well being. While not on the scale of more upper level super strengths, on a good day and fresh from the water he is a lot more powerful than the average human, especially so in his tentacles, which can each effortlessly lift one hundred pounds. This strength gradually lessens as more time drifts between the last time he was submerged. Following some time time spent de-aged, Kevin's squidlike body underwent further evolutions as his body was forced to mature again. He no longer possesses a normal human skeleton, but some tough yet flexible plates. These plates grant his body the support necessary to remain active while on land, but also enable him to compress his entire form though a two inch hole and fill a space smaller than that of a standard carry-on luggage bag. A new addition to Kevin's physiology would be the presence of a siphon. The siphon lays in between his bottom two tentacles and aids him in swimming faster.

Ability Two : Ink Generation: Exactly what it sounds like, Kevin can generate and shoot an inky fluid usual from his wrists, but he is capable of producing it where one might also produce sweat. The ink is black and almost oily feeling. It serves little purpose other than making a distraction or temporarily blinding a target. He can shoot this a maximum distance of 20ft. The force of the ink expulsion is similar to that of water guns. It can be a weak little spray, or a more concentrated beam with a slight sting to it. the ink's consistency can also be controlled, being anywhere between very watery and slightly viscous. Recently, Kevin discovered that he can actively alter what color he fires off. The change cannot be done in midstream and must be consciously decided before each attempt otherwise the ink will remain black.

Ability Three : Chromakinesis: Kevin's skin possesses chromatophores and photophores. Using these specialized cells, Kevin can control his pigmentation, changing his coloration to near any shade and pattern. He can even show bio-luminescence and give off the illusion of motion running across his skin, most often in the form of the passing cloud effect. Though he is capable of more complex changes. When a little more effort is used with this power, combined with his cephalopodal physiology Kevin is capable of extremely limited shape shifting. This extra squishiness has also aided Kevin in his ability to subtly morph his features back into a believable semblance of humanity including, flattening his tentacles against his back to hide them. He can even imitate clothing by wrapping his tentacles about himself. Extremely fine morphs such as giving himself the appearance of hair are beyond his ability.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses :
  • Kevin has gills and while he may still be able to breathe air, he will get progressively weaker, his thinking will be affected, and he will even start to dry out if he does not submerge himself at normal intervals. Going without water won't kill him, but he'll slip into a coma like state once enough time passes.
  • He needs to drink more water than a normal human as well.
  • Too much heat and he'll suffocate. Yes, if the water is heated Kevin can drown.
  • Too much cold and Kevin will fall asleep, his vital functions will slow, cold enough and he just might enter torpor.
  • At times of stress, his chromakinesis tends to act on his own, turning his skin a variety of colors and patterns. Though, more often than not fright has made his camouflage blend him in near perfectly with his surroundings.
  • His chromakinesis is his body alone, Kevin cannot change the color of anything or anyone else. Clothing is not affected and does not change colors or shape with him.
  • Certain animals (and people) find him to be Delicious. Kevin has had to find cover from a flock of seagulls on more than one occasion and his tentacles often show small nips and tears.
Projected Power Growth & Development Kevin is a survivor of Mutie-Flu. I don’t think his powers will be advancing all that much more following the biggy the disease granted him. But, following his de-aging adventure his form is bound to get more squidlike.

Background: Despite living in the general Cobalt area his entire life, Kevin and his parents never looked into the school while he was growing up and his powers first manifested. His abilities weren't all that strong or flashy, he merely could spray an ink like substance and turn colors. Both were perfectly controllable and subtle. He went through school normally, but a little trouble showed up in his adult years. True, even with his powers being small and generally non threatening once it was known he was a mutant, getting a job was tough on him. He had to go with whatever he could find and often at the worst hours. His latest job was working as a security guard at a museum, the graveyard shift. It was here that Kevin came across an amorphous mutant by the alias of Putti. Putti was still ill with Mutie-Flu and while trying to stop her and her brother, a teleporter called Fleet from robbing the museum, Kevin was infected. He was soon brought to Cobalt under quarantine where his formerly subtle powers took a massive turn for the physical.

  • Kevin is quite the calligrapher, and has beautiful penmanship.
  • Enjoys painting and has an eye for color.
  • Ironically, before his mutation evolved he did not know how to swim, he has since learned how to remarkably well; and has become extremely adept.
  • Same thing goes for knowledge of marine life.
  • Owns and maintains a rather large marine aquarium - kept separate from his own living tank.
  • First Aid.
  • Juggling.

Criminal Record
- Involuntary Manslaughter - Ruled Self-Defense

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Sleeps in a massive tank.
  • Like a cephalopod, Kevin's blood is blue.
  • Kevin likes to collect small often useless items to decorate his room with, he's not really sure why. But most likely, like an octopus Kevin is arranging a garden.
  • Weighs a lot less than he looks - comes with lacking a conventional skeleton.
  • Squid are very physical creatures, relying more on touch, taste, and smell than sight or hearing. As such, Kevin tends to be very cuddly. Tentacles make great hugging appendages.
  • He has three hearts and (technically) five brains.
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