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Idakan Borolii

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:31 pm
by VessaSushi
IRC Nickname: Voltarik/Vessa

Name: Idakan Borolii
Age: 17
Date of Birth: March 16th, 1994
Hometown: Green Glen Trailer Park, Alaska

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Eye Color: green
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian with a dash of native.

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Idakan lives like he's in his own little world. He sees everything in a different way, right down to how people look. He has a super-hero persona he calls 'Idan' and his arch nemesis 'Ikan', and tends to roleplay them out from time to time (harmlessly, of course). His endless energy and boundless imagination reflect on his seemingly inability to be brought down, but can come off as annoying and condescending at times. He has the great ability to throw a fit if he doesn't get what he wants, or his way, but is striving hard to not pout all the time when he gets the short end of the stick.

Physical Description: Idakan is an average kid of average size and looks. His hair is shaggy and a dirt blonde, and his skin has a faint tan color to it, either by hanging out in the sun, or by his very, very distant native background. There is a faint sprinkle of freckles across his checks and nose. His dark green eyes are accented by dark lashes, and he wears a single jade stone stud in his left ear that matches the color of his eyes. Clothing is usually a t-shirt over a long sleeve shirt, loose pants of some variety, a belt, and running shoes. A matching jade stone ring is on his left hand, pinky finger.

Character Picture (Optional):


Mutation/Powers: Mind over Matter Manifestation - Object Creation (for lack of a better name)

Primary : Self-usable only objects.
Idakan can create just about any object, as long as he believes it is there. Like pointing his hand as if he was holding a gun, and shooting it, a bullet will be fired, or if he says he's taking the elevator, goes to a wall, pushes an imaginary button, step into the imaginary elevator, pushes the floor button, and up the wall he'll go, as if in an elevator.
Visual: Whenever he uses his power, whatever he makes causes a slight visible distortion in proportion to the object.
Limits: his imagination x his willpower, environment, cannot create extraordinary powers (like pyrokineses or x-ray vision). Others cannot use these objects, even ones such as stairs or bicycles. Cannot create organic creatures.
Damage: damage done by weapons created or other objects still applies once the object is forgotten.

Secondary : Other-person usable only objects (not currently discovered/usable)
Instead of using his power for himself, he can create objects for others to use. Part of this is linked to the users ability to believe that it is there. Should they not believe, or waver in their belief, the object can fade or vanish.
Visual: same as primary power
Limits: cannot be used in conjunction with primary power. Same limits as primary power.
Damage: damage done by weapons created or other objects still applies once the object is forgotten.

Tertiary : Multiple-persons objects (not currently discovered/usable)
Due to the usual inability for all people to believe in the same things, this power is tricky, at best. It's more of an all or nothing; either everyone believes, or no one does. This makes up for his secondary power, as he and others can use the objects at the same time.
Limits: same as primary and secondary power for objection creation.
Visual: Same as primary power.
Damage: damage done by weapons created or other objects still applies once the object is forgotten.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : His power is only as good as his imagination/willpower. Any falter in this could cause the power to fade or vanish (the object created) or unusable. The power/strength of anything create is dependant on his will, up to equal that of the actual object (a step ladder that can only hold 200 lbs can only hold 200 lbs or less, a 5mm pistol would have the power of a 5mm pistol or less). He cannot cause his objects to move through walls if they don't normally, nor can he create powers (fireballs, adamantine claws that extend through the flesh, etc etc). Objects also vanish when he dismisses them/loses concentration, so a sewing needle and thread would vanish afterwards (which makes sewing up wounds hard. He would have to believe/concentrate that it's still there to make it stay like real stitches until real ones are put in, for example).

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
So far he only as the primary power, so next up would be the secondary, followed by the tertiary. There could also be the possibility of increase of ability for his primary, such as creating 'magic' effects, like fireballs. Would also like to see instead of a distortion of the object to the object actually being there. Also, objects he uses himself like flashlights, their effects could be seen by others (right now the effect is to him only, so only he would see the light and whatever it lit up). Perhaps being able to create organic creatures.

Background: Idakan lived an eventful life, surrounded by his imaginary friends and objects. He wandered the lush forests of the Green Glen Trailer Park, swimming in the nearby lake and enjoy life to the fullest. He had been held back many a time in school, before his parents finally managed to convince him that great grades meant great responsibilities; they played off his 'super hero' persona for that one. Of course, his arch-nemesis, Ikan, had to always try to outdo him, so his grades started to sky rocket, enabling him to skip a grade to return to the grade he should've been in in the first place. In hopes to curb their son's childish antics, they up and hauled him off to Cobalt Academy, a place of higher learning, and of controlling powers. Oh yes, his parents knew -all- about his powers, and blame the military for it secretly. While they were both younger, they joined the army, and met up there. They went on many tours, fought many battles, endured things soldiers shouldn't have to endure, and on one leave, Idakans mother became pregnant. When Idakan was born, his parents were able to get a leave of absence from the military, and would always come up with excuses why neither of them could return to duty. Mostly it was because Idakan was showing odd behavior, even as a baby. It was when Idakan was five, and playing cops and robbers with his father, that his parents clued into his powers; Idakan shot his father. It wasn't lethal, but it took a lot of finagling and string pulling to convince the army that Idakans father had not shot himself, nor had his wife, but that an intruder broke into their home and he was shot protecting his son. From that point on, they were careful about what games they played with Idakan, but being both military trained, they knew it was best to explore and expand the childs power.
Idakan learned (as well as a kid could) all about different kinds of weapons, damage they could cause, and power. There are many a charred hole in the woods of Alaska where the family would go to train Idakan in his power. They also tried to get him to use his power for conventional means, like creating a staircase to get down the side of a building, or a rope ladder to climb a tree. His imagination, and power, increased in leaps and bound, and eventually they found they had created a child that didn't want to live in the real world, but their own world filled with crazy things and super heroes and villains and the like.
So, long story short, he's on his way to the Academy, with the knowledge that if he doesn't do well, and touch base with reality, that his arch Nemesis Ikan will take over the world. His world...

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Re: Idakan Borolii

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:24 pm
by VessaSushi
Whoa, flat denial! So, do I at least get to know why the denial, so I don't look like a complete stupid-head? Thanks ^.^


Re: Idakan Borolii

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:33 pm
by Ashe
To make a long story short, this character's abilities are powerful - too powerful to be balanced by limitations. We're giving this one a straight thumbs-down, no possibility of resubmission.


Re: Idakan Borolii

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:41 pm
by VessaSushi
Tis cool ^.^ Gotta do what ya gotta do ^.^
