River Bellamy [Wildcard]

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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River Bellamy [Wildcard]

Post by Remu »

”Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?” “Um…Not really.”

Player Nickname: Remu

Name: River Bellamy
Codename: Wildcard
Age: 16
Date of Birth: October 3rd

Height: 5’1”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray (Blacklight purple while powers are active)
Place of Origin: Salem, MA
Nationality/Race: Black/White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic/Witchcraft

Status: Student
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: River hides the fact that she’s emotionally unstable by working out a lot, which generally seems to do wonders for her mood. She often looks ready for a fight despite the fact that she tries very, very hard to get along with people (largely at the urging of her parents.), but mostly comes across as aloof.

Physical Description: Short, with a short tousle of wavy, ebon black hair reaching just past her neck, and a medium-brown complexion. She is leanly muscled and mildly tomboyish. The backs of River’s hands have circular runes seared into them that glow when she uses her powers, so she often wears fingerless gloves and passes it off as a fashion statement.


General Power Information: Fortune Witch

Ability One: Luck Spell (Positive) - River’s ability to affect good luck ranges from the mundane to the preternatural. This simple spell can turn the tide of one’s day, whether it be finally relocating that long-lost sock, winning a cool five bucks on a scratcher, or perhaps finally gathering that last rare spell ingredient from under a mossy rock. More impressive feats of fortune have been attained, but of course it’s all by chance. While this spell is usually cast on people, it can also be cast on objects and a small (6’) zone. This spell is typically performed with a clap of her hands or a snap of her fingers, so she must take caution not to accidentally cast it.

Ability Two: Luck Spell (Negative) - Much as she can grant someone a blessing, the witch can also jinx. By twisting the karmic fabric, River can ruin someone’s day. If reckless, she could ruin their life. Average effects of bad luck include sudden bouts of clumsiness, things falling down, structural weaknesses being revealed by way of people walking on them, and so on. She witnessed a man almost fall into a manhole once, but he was fine!

Ability Three: Karmic Reflection -
By channeling the collective will of her ancestors, River has the ability to drop a proverbial hammer of karma down onto someone’s head. This power is directly affected by what the target is doing at the time. In self-defense uses, this can turn their past and current actions against them with a severe bout of misfortune. For allies, this may grant them a significant boon. She can only perform this spell once per day.

The Luck Scale - (When applicable, a dice roll will be made to determine the level of good or bad luck received)

1-3 - Everyday positive effects or negative effects. Enjoy that extra soda from the drink machine or don’t get any at all because they’re both stuck.
4-6 - Small setbacks may become successes. Alternatively, success may begin to feel like shifting sand beneath one’s feet.
7-9 - One may gain a substantial advantage or disadvantage due to these winds of change.
10 - Guaranteed Bad Time For River

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Often faints immediately after a karmic reflection.
Unaffected by her own good luck manipulation; however, overutilization of bad luck tends to make her own fortunes worse.
Her power activation is signaled by arcs of blacklight purple light, so it is easy to see when she casts a spell.
It is unknown whether this is a hard limit caused by her own inexperience or The Ancestor’s refusal to let her tap into her true potential, but River requires either the use of a single hand or to cover one of her eyes for casting a luck spell.
Lacks control, which combined with a temper and hormones, means she struggles in her day to day.
The word ‘witch’ stems from a word meaning ‘bend’ – as such, River has a difficult time leaving things alone. Sometimes this is altruistic but her actions can oftentimes be rooted in pure chaos.
Sometimes suffers from numbness or pain in either hand.
Some of River’s ancestors gained their powers through nature, others shadowy forces. As such, she is somewhat twitchy around religious symbols and has several psychosomatic (magic-somatic?) responses to them.

Skills: Deadlifting!


“There can be no greater destiny than protecting those important to you.” She was sure her grandpa or someone said something like that one time, probably. It made enough sense to a young River; if you care about someone, you want to see them safe.

There was once a coven that, long ago made a promise to themselves before their ancestral sisters and brothers that no amount of hatred or ignorance could tear them apart, and it would not be long until those bonds were tested.

Historically many individuals executed for witchcraft were merely herbalists, women doing math, or slightly odd individuals not living what was assumed to be a good and pious lifestyle. Other times, rituals passed down through bloodlines and cursed objects imbued individuals with true magical powers.

Though their descendants went their separate way, they each found that the bond kept them safe in different ways. Until they started to disappear.

River’s mothers tried to give her as normal of an upbringing as she could, but once one begins to dabble in magic, it can be difficult to completely sever those ties. Especially when people begin to disappear and your only child displays signs of having natural magical gifts.

River didn’t really care about it, though. The frustrating thing was that she didn’t really care much about anything at all. With all of these signs pointing to potential disaster, and the amount of in-school suspensions increasing by the week, River’s mothers removed her from public school and put her in a place where she could hopefully be kept safe while they figured out the disappearances. There was a lot of arguing on her part – how was she supposed to protect anyone if she was hiding? According to her moms, protecting people wasn’t her job; not yet.

Unfortunately, River, as many teenagers do, especially ones developing magical powers, made a series of stupid decisions and decided to investigate the disappearances on her own, sending her deep into Salem’s dark heart.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
River has no idea how witch powers are supposed to make all her dreams come true, and is starting to think that’s just from the movies, as her own abilities rarely seem to benefit her.
Is quite happy to benefit the people she cares for, regardless.
Watches The Labyrinth weekly in an almost ritualistic fashion.
Has some trouble interacting with modern tech.
Struggles with racing thoughts and mania.
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