Eugene Harkness, [Codename: N/A] [Position on staff: ???]

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Eugene Harkness, [Codename: N/A] [Position on staff: ???]

Post by ShockArcl1te »

Player Nickname: ShockArcl1te

Name: Eugene Harkness
Codename: N/A
Age: Early 40s
Date of Birth: 9/23

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Earth
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Meta-Human/Mutant

Status: Staff/Other
Occupation: Freelance Spy

Personality Profile:

In general, Harkness is an agreeable guy, if a little jaded. He'll crack a joke when he feels like it and isn't above being casual with the higher-ups when he can get away with it. His focus is primarily on work and his daughter, the two obligations he has in life that give him purpose and direction. Beneath the affable exterior is a cold and resigned cynic, tired of playing the the same cat and mouse games or pretending he ever worked for "the good guys." Cassie is truly his only ray of light in an otherwise awful world and she keeps him both grounded and sober.

Physical Description:

Build: Athletic
Tattoo(s): Barcode under left arm
Piercing(s): None
Notable Features: Unfocused eyes, seemingly blind at times, not always looking in the direction he's talking.
Clothing Style: Detective chic/Cold War Spy. Tan duster, brown slacks, business shirt, black tie, black shoes.
Accessories: Perscription glasses, Leather shoulder holster, standard issue sidearm


General Power Information: Eugene is a psychic who is gifted and trained specifically in remote viewing of a local area. This lets him see everything, as it's happening, within a certain radius.

Ability One:

Remote Viewing (Nearsighted)-
Eugene can psychically "see" up to 360ft in all directions around him at all times. The further out the object he is looking at, the less distinct it becomes, with objects within the final ten feet being more shapes and impressions than hard images. He can see the exterior and interior of anything within his radius and from any angle. This power is always active, but his focus can only be on a finite number of things or happenings simultaneously. Mundane occurrences are easier to ignore, but unique events standout. This is both a blessing and a curse, as it allows him to give people some measure of privacy, but also means he is capable of missing something important if there are a sufficient number of unique distractions. The more chaotic the environment, the more that might escape his notice. Objects in lightless spaces, or the interior of most objects, show up as monochrome shapes and visual textures, but without any color. Print on a flat surface can be read in the light, but not in darkness, in which it'll just look like a blank surface.

Ability Two:

Omni-Directional Awareness-
Eugene doesn't rely on sight for balance or orientation, so he can fight in many unique ways such as with his back turned, upside-down, or being spun or shaken. The world around him is often a dizzying array of 3rd person perspectives and simultaneous viewpoints, so there's no disorientation for him from being thrown around. (Though the injuries he sustains are a different story.) He is also extremely difficult to sneak up on or hide from.

Ability Three:

Blind Sight-
As a given for his particular powerset, Harkness can see and navigate perfectly fine in the dark, or in obscured environments such as heavy smoke or blinding lights.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Average Human Durability-
Apart from being quite fit, Eugene has no special durabilty. In addition, his psychic powers are dependent on him having an uninhibited brain. A significant head injury or concussion will skew his psychic vision badly, making it difficult to determine where an object is or where it's going.

Sensory Overload-
Enough unique signals at once with cause Harkness crippling migraines and nosebleeds. These can occasionally be kept at bay with designer drugs, but often it simply isn't enough. His mind simply can't keep up with millions of independent, unique objects. This makes being in the middle of a jam packed stadium or in the middle of a blizzard a harrowing experience for him. Being immersed in such an environment within certain drugs will see him rendered unconscious and possibly in a coma.

Invisible Objects-
Regardless of if the effect is magical, technological, or some other esoteric means of cloaking, if an object is made invisible, Eugene won't be able to see it. He experiences discomfort, like eye strain, from looking around in a space that contains an invisible object, so he will know the object is there, but have no idea specifically where it is or what it looks like. This is supposedly due to the object being inert from a quantum visual state, meaning seeing the object isn't fundamentally possible within the visual spectrum and therefore doesn't resonate as visually "knowable" the mind's eye either. This same effect can be, and has been, reverse engineered by various government entities and organizations to make certain rooms or containers blank from the perspective of the remote viewer, the exterior being visible, but the interior being a black void.


Eugene is an accomplished marksman, bordering on excellent, though it is not his specialty. He is also a fairly gifted fighter due to his unorthodox fighting style and methods, being able to see strikes coming and the angle they are coming from. He can also target his strikes for maximum damage in areas his opponent might be otherwise trying to conceal such as weak ribs, old sports injuries, or a bad heart.

Harkness also has an excellent eye for detail and analysis, and is handy with locks, explosives, traps, pick-pocketing, and lip reading. All trade craft if his profession.

For hand to hand combat, Eugene uses a mix of judo and wing chun. He adds his own flare, appearing to dodge blows by picking up items or appearing near blind.

Languages: English, Russian, French, Cantonese


A second generation product of the CIA's Project Stargate, Eugene Harkness was one of the last classes of the Remote Viewing program. He worked as a spy for years before eventually trying to leave the agency upon discovering he had a 12 year old daughter.

At first the program wouldn't let him leave, which turned bloody when other assets were called in and his daughter was used as leverage. Eugene finally proved himself to be more costly as an enemy than as an ally and they let him retire early with his child.

Six years later, Eugene has been juggling the life of a single dad and freelance operative. Unfortunately, he had departed the agency completely broke and most of the next six years of freedom were spent trying to build a life for himself and his family. When Cassie turned 18 and started looking at colleges, Harkness knew he'd never be able to afford the schools she wanted to go to. In addition, he had started noticing peculiar quirks in her behavior, possibly hinting at inherited abilities or new powers altogether.

Unwilling to let his daughter be taken in by any new government programs which might try to experiment on her or force her to become a weapon, and unable to pay for the education Cassie deserved, Eugene did the one thing he could and went back to government work, this time for a different organization. His contract was simple: Cassie got a full scholarship and would never be up for "recruitment" into any blackops programs, and in exchange he would work in whatever capacity they found most useful for the rest of his natural life.

The catch, as always, was that Cassie couldn't know he was doing field work again, especially if it was for her, as the truth would only make her feel conflicted about his sacrifice.

Criminal Record: Likely extensive, same as any spy. Numerous international laws broken.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Traits: Easy-going, analytical, team player, sympathetic
Flaws: Cynical, tired, liar, addict
Fears/Phobias: Early brain degeneration, failing as a father, being found out by his daughter, being put back into "the project."

Life Goals: Be a better father, perhaps lead a slightly more normal life, not die a nutcase.
Hobbies: Movies, books, audio books, formerly drinking, learning new languages.

- Film Noir
- Easy jobs
- His wonderful daughter
- Walls that are easy to shoot through
- Listening to "The Heavy"
- Honest management
- Migraine Medication

- Cloaking devices/Invisible things
- People who teleport in
- His daughter when she's being a smartass
- Jobs that go completely off the rails
- CIA Psychic research facility code named "The Project."
- People who treat him rudely because of his abilities
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