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Prima Vesper [Nighthound]

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:22 am
by Remu
Player Nickname: Remu

Name: Prima Vesper ("Vesper")
Codename: Nighthound, Scruffles (“That was ONE time!”)
Age: Appears 18-21
Date of Birth: May 23

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 155 Lbs.
Hair Color: Lilac blue & Pink
Eye Color: Yellow, Red Sclera
Place of Origin: Hell
Nationality/Race: Hellhound / Racially ambiguous
Classification/Origin of Powers: Infernal

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Not much of one. (Party Dog!)

Personality Profile: Vesper is jovial, laid-back, and just out to have a good time; literally. At the expense of most other things, including the safety of others, Vesper seeks to be the life of the party, basking in the glow of jubilation and the reckless pursuit of fun, thrills, and sometimes riots. While typically not out to do harm, she can be a smidge catty at times, and does not abide vibes that she considers to be bad. When she gets close to someone, she becomes fiercely protective of them. She finds her own existence to be sickening, and yet everything about it addicting. As for her thoughts on humans? She finds them absolutely delightful, once you take away all their drama.

Physical Description: Vesper has some short hair, some long hair, mildly disheveled in a semi-controlled way, a bluish lilac fading into a soft pink color, and faintly glowing yellow eyes with red sclera naturally outlined with black. Usually, she wears a thick, oversized fuschia jacket lined with white fluff, even if her usual attire doesn’t match it. She also tends to wear a white leather collar with gold spikes and a heart-shaped charm.. Vesper could, at best, pass for a mutant, with her fuzzy, pointed ears, sharp teeth, singular set of two obsidian horns with neon pink glowing through their scarce cracks (the other pair, snapped off near the base leak a permanent glow, usually covered by her hair), fluffy tail, and the almost avian look of her red pupils.Her eyes are lined in white and lavender, which at a glance looks like dramatic makeup, but upon closer inspection are simply markings on her skin.


General Power Information: Empathic Energy Manipulation

Ability One: Empathic Synesthetic Absorption - The emotional energies of others manifest vividly for Vesper as tastes, colors, sounds, and so on, and she passively takes them in as sustenance by simply being around other living beings. This allows her to pick up on the general vibe of a person or area. They are not always as expectedly literal as “anger manifesting spiciness” or “happiness sounding like a love song”, but sometimes[/]i an alcoholic, regardless of his sobriety, may have anger that tastes like whiskey and the blood of a lip bitten in fury. Vesper can focus on a singular target or a larger area of about a 10ft radius to feel it out. Sometimes these emotions can be downright intoxicating, others, absolutely nauseating. Depending on the level, absorption ultimately results in a hangover-like state the following day for those affected unless they are in a crowd of five or more to disperse how much energy is drained per individual.

Ability Two: Empathic Energy Transference - Vesper is a dog at heart, and she vibes hard. The emotional energies stored can be given back to others in the form of pulses of energy, visually manifesting as arcs of pink and blue light. The form that it’s given in depends entirely on what emotions Vesper is currently absorbing. An excess of jubilant moods may mean she can give a heavy boost of confidence to a struggling individual, a sense of being energized, or even a second wind in a fight. This also works with opposite emotions by delivering all their foulness in full, which can result in things like nausea, sickness, stress headaches, and anything else that comes with experiencing intense negative emotions.

Ability Three: Glamour - In Vesper’s natural form, she takes the shape of a four-eyed, horned, two-tailed dog-like creature vaguely resembling an enormous shiba inu, wreathed in magenta and azure hellfire fueled by the energies she has absorbed. While she can appear fully human for short periods of time, and states of elation in the air will help her maintain this form, she struggles to suppress certain physical hellhound aspects for long and, in a relaxed state, will still possess some of them.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

- Always Active: Empathic absorption cannot be turned off or dulled, despite Vesper being able to focus heavily on singular sensations. As such, Vesper finds herself escaping or chasing other sensations with alcohol, substances, and a lot of questionable life choices when she cannot release excess energy with ease.
- Bad Vibes: While righteous anger in particular doesn’t seem to affect this, intensely sour and negative moods can cause Vesper to become physically ill if she does not expel the energy quickly or balance it by increasing the more jubilant energies in kind.
- Cold Intolerance: Cold ranges from moderately uncomfortable to painful and exhausting and tends to be avoided or dealt with by utilizing heavy layers and insulation.
- Felines Intolerant: Despite her own relative apathy towards them, in something of a stereotypical fashion, cats as a rule do not enjoy Vesper’s company. They flee, they hiss, they growl, and sometimes they swipe, as a rule.
- Emotional Saturation: Can be over encumbered by her own absorption and must expel the energy regularly. On the other side of the coin, she requires some amount of positive empathic absorption simply to function.
- Demon Summoning: Can be summoned by any moderately powerful magic user.
- Emotional Taint Her empathic absorption seems to extend to foods made by others. Someone with frequently ill manners who hates parties, for example, will, to her taste buds, always be a terrible chef, even if their technical skill with cooking is excellent.

Skills: Interior design, event planning, beer pong

Background: Long before she discovered she could take on a humanoid form, the hellhound Vesper spent years serving as a beloved, pampered, and arguably well-cared for companion to an engineer in Hell. After she realized she could be so much more than a literal lapdog, she began a curious adventure. She was born in the place where Gluttony thrives and shakes hands with Sloth, and learned only self-indulgence and procrastination from her caregiver until she learned the joy of standing on two legs and throwing a party – where a good time flowed and the energy was delicious and plentiful. And in time, she learned that letting the good times roll energized her mind and body, in a way that left her fulfilled.

Eventually, The Engineer grew frustrated with his companion’s absence and demanded Vesper spend more time at the workshop, keeping watch and company. She disagreed, and after a scuffle that cost her a pair of horns, the hellhound fled. She fled far and fast with blood on her paws, until a portal opened up to the human realm, leading her into a city that seemed to embrace the night.

It was surprisingly easy for Vesper to fall in with an alternative crowd that loves parties, thinking her simply a jubilation-loving mutant, and as a result, she has, for the most part, been laying low.

Until now.

Criminal Record: N/A. (Yet)

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

- Has been known to howl when stressed and excited.
- Will find any excuse imaginable to throw some kind of party.
- Finds the entire concept surrounding the animated movie “All Dogs Go To Heaven” to be appalling.
- In the dark, Vesper’s blood glows like magma, and the inside of her mouth almost looks as if it has a pink LED inside of it. It does not.
- Got spontaneously hooked on several 90s magical girl anime series, which she often watches on repeat.
- May or may not have been inadvertently roped into doing “whatever a podcast is”, because it sounded like fun.
- While fleeing Hell was fueled largely by the engineer’s misdeeds, the rampant torture and stabbing contributed to the decision. Sometimes, the parties were literally killer rather than metaphorically, which was not the best for the vibes.