Viniette Fournier (Fennec)

Individuals aged 21 and over who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Viniette Fournier (Fennec)

Post by Sisip »

Player Nickname: Sisip

Name: Viniette Fournier
Codename: Fennec
Age: 25
Date of Birth: June 28

Height: 5'
Weight: Rude!
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Place of Origin: Versailles, France
Nationality/Race: French
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human

Status: Recruiter
Occupation: Recruiter for the French Foreign Legion

Personality Profile: Viniette is a fairly outgoing woman on the surface but has been damaged by her upraising and time in service and is prone to depression.

Physical Description: Barely five foot tall, Viniette has black hair and blue eyes. She was blessed with an hourglass figure but walks with a limp. The severity of the limp depends on the weather and any strenuous exercise she has recently been doing.


General Power Information: Viniette's only super-power is being able to blow a really big bubble gum bubble without it popping on her face.

Ability One: Trained in stealth and espionage.

Ability Two: Languages - Viniette is fluent in French, English, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.

Ability Three: Firearms and martial weapons training.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: She's 100% human! She also has a limp, and therefore cannot run as fast as she used to, and her knee is prone to weakness and extreme pain!

Skills: Sneakiness

Background: Viniette was born to Antoine and Yvette Fournier. When she was seven, Antoine walked out of their lives. Yvette fell into a depression, and when Viniette was eight her mother overdosed and Viniette was thrown into the foster system. She joined the French Foreign Legion just before her 18th birthday and was trained in espionage and subterfuge. The rest of her dossier consists of blacked out lines, quite a few blacked out lines. During a (blacked out) mission she was shot in the knee and her active duty career came to an end. She joined the Recruiting division of the Legion.

Criminal Record: .:CENSORED:.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Viniette has a female pembrooke welsh corgi named Cake. She'll often find herself humming or singing Le Boudin, the march of the French Foreign Legion.

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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