Ewan McGuinne, Armiger

Individuals aged 21 and over who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Ewan McGuinne, Armiger

Post by Devilpants »

Player Nickname: Devilpants

Name: Ewan McGuinne
Codename: Armiger
Date of Birth: September 12, 1978
Age: 46

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 236 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Syracuse, New York
Nationality/Race: American, Scottish ancestry
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee and resident
Occupation: Carpenter

Personality Profile:
- Gregarious, easygoing, wants to be friends with everyone
- Long-tempered, patient, and difficult to provoke; natural peacemaker
- Despises bullies more than anything else in the world; hates cops
- Deeply protective of young people; secretly wants to be a teacher but never felt confident enough for it

Physical Description:
Ewan is tall, broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, and just all-around a big man. He has curly red hair that he keeps short and a well-kept, luxurious beard, both with grey streaks. He dresses very plainly, favouring jeans, sneakers, and button-up shirts in bright, primary colours.


General Power Information: Ewan's main power is the creation of force constructs.

Ability One:
Force Constructs: Ewan has a unique form of telekinesis that allows him to create, control, and shape constructs made of kinetic force. With this, he can create tools, weapons, shields, armour, walls, platforms, and other simple objects. In battle, Ewan mainly uses it to create weapons (swords, spears, hammers) and shields or walls, but his true talent is in recreating tools. A force construct can be dismissed instantly, as all Ewan needs to do is stop concentrating on it, making them useless when foes attempt to wield them against him.

Once created, a force construct can be wielded by Ewan or someone else, as long as he maintains concentration on it. He can also levitate, swing, and launch them through willpower alone; the larger and more dense a construct, the lower its top speed both for swinging and for launching. Notably, Ewan can simulate both texture and hardness with his force constructs, allowing him to create soft surfaces to catch people who are falling. The smaller and fewer constructs Ewan creates, the more durable each construct becomes.

The primary limitation of this power is complexity. To create something, Ewan has to understand it inside and out and have its internal structure memorized, which requires time and intense concentration when it comes to complex mechanical constructs. Additionally, larger and heavier constructs take proportionately more effort to create and move. While Ewan doesn't need line of sight to a force construct to control it, he can't see through it, but he can perceive tactile sensation through it (think of it like reaching your hand around a corner).

Ability Two:
Force Armour: Ewan can encase himself in precisely-crafted force constructs that mimics powered armour. Like all his force constructs, these are controlled through willpower, which gives Ewan significantly enhanced mobility, strength, and speed in addition to protection.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Schlub: Ewan out of shape and hasn't done serious any exercise in nearly a decade. While he's still physically strong, his stamina is low and he's at the age where his reflexes are beginning to slow.

Mental Disruption: Despite his strong will, attacks on Ewan's mind or senses can cause his force constructs to weaken, falter, or even dissipate. This includes telepathic, sound-, and light-based attacks, such as flashbangs.

Carpentry: Ewan is a professional carpenter and a lifelong member of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. He has an eye for detail and a reputation for thoroughness and safety. While he mainly builds houses, he enjoys smaller projects in his free time and is genuinely passionate about woodworking.

Metalworking: Ewan took up metalworking as a side-hobby in the 2000s because he wanted to make fantasy weapons for his kids when they cosplayed.

First Aid: Ewan is trained in first aid and CPR and has on more than one occasion kept an injured coworker alive long enough for EMTs to take over. He was known for being extremely strict about safety guidelines on job sites.

Acoustic Guitar: While only a hobbyist, Ewan has become quite skilled with the six-string, having picked it up in highschool to impress girls. He continued to play casually while his two kids were young.

Cooking: While initially not much of a cook (except for barbecue), Ewan picked up the slack when his wife passed away and has since become very good at cooking a wide variety of food. He is known for his excellent homemade spaghetti sauce and his deep understanding of layered flavours. His late wife's collection of recipe books is a cherished treasure.

Boxing & Wrestling: Ewan was a big guy even in his youth and was on the high school wrestling team, but never competed or trained past highschool. He picked up boxing casually for a few years at a time for fitness reasons in his early 20s, early 30s, and late 30s. He has also been an avid watcher of boxing and MMA throughout his life and is athletic enough to imitate what he sees.

Background: Ewan McGuinne had an unremarkable childhood and grew up in Syracuse, New York with a healthy, loving family. He was the youngest of four children, all boys, all of whom were also mutants. His brothers, oldest to youngest, are Simon (fire powers, now a welder), Iain (flight and super strength, now a firefighter), and Ryan (animal communication, now a park ranger), and they're scattered across the country, each living their own lives.

Ewan's power manifested as a teenager but required some research and help from a mutant mentor before its true nature was understood. While he didn't pursue a career in superheroism, Ewan honed his power throughout his life, mostly just using it to recreate tools.

He pursued a career in carpentry and met a woman named Lina through charity work, and the two became friends because they shared a sense of humour. They got married in 1999 and had two children in 2001 and 2003, Keegan and Cillian, both of whom also turned out to be mutants. Keegan is a successful musician with a cult following on the internet and a lucrative patreon, is a trans man, and his mutant power is super-speed. Cillian is currently in university to study astrophysics, and his mutant power is telekinesis.

In early 2021, Lina developed cancer and passed away later that same year. By then, Keegan and Cillian were in college and Ewan was left with an empty home, so he transferred ownership of the house to the kids and set out to become a superhero.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: META has no dossier on Ewan; he is a total unknown to them.
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