Darius Torvach

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Darius Torvach

Post by iwantmoresleep »

Player Nickname: Kat

Name: Darius Torvach
Codename: Medic
Date of Birth: june 8, 1995

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 145
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: green
Place of Origin: Eastern Europe
Nationality/Race: Czech
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Staff / refugee
Occupation: By training, a medic and a counselor

Personality Profile: Darius is a patient guy with a lot of empathy and a big heart. He knows he's a good healer, and he's even a good counselor. He'll listen to people. He cares about them. He's also extraordinarily intelligent, with a good grasp of medicine whether or not he has the degree from any school.

Physical Description: He's a good looking guy with striking green eyes. Good height, good shoulders. Somewhat underweight, at least at the time of his arrival at the University. He has tattoos on his chest, and his right shoulder sometimes aches with the weather.


General Power Information: Darius is a healer. He has increased healing abilities. He's also able to use his healing to hurt people.

Ability One: Healing. He can heal by touch, molding the touch as one does clay. The energy for the healing comes from him, but the wound doesn't transfer or anything like that. His sense of touch includes a basic understanding of what's going on, but he also uses his medical training to help. It's not an ignorant use of power. It's a highly trained, intelligent use. It actually makes him a pretty good surgeon.

Ability Two: Increased healing factor. Dari can heal almost any injury done to himself in a few hours, 24 tops. This is a passive ability

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He hates hurting people. He can, but he hates it. Other than his healing abilities, he's got no particular combat skill. He's a terrible shot. He's got bad vision.

Skills: He's a very good counselor. He's a pretty good amateur cook and he like to play the violin, sometimes the guitar.

Background: To the world, he says he was born in the Czech republic. He has no legal documentation to prove that. But he doesn't have much at all. Some years ago, he was arrested and subsequently transferred to META's custody, along with Aaron Harrington. He was a healer. META has uses for healer. They finally managed to get away, and now they are hoping to be teachers at Cobalt. A place they can do some good and have a life.

Criminal Record: Legally speaking, he has a long record with META.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Darius hates META. His favorite movie is Die Hard. He loves American food.
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