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Unpronounceable Chanting // "Ayala"

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:05 pm
by Remu
Player Nickname: Remu

Name: Unpronounceable Chanting, or "Ayala"
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Impossible and undetermined

Height: 5’8
Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair Color: Black, pastel blue, yellow
Eye Color: Pink, blue
Place of Origin: A distant moon too many worlds away
Nationality/Race: Nature Spirit
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic / Occult Creature

Status: Refugee
Occupation: “What?” (None)

Personality Profile: Easily startled and often confused. Has an unusual sense of humor in that she often seems to have no sense of humor but will go to ridiculously absurd lengths if she spots the opportunity for what she perceives as a harmless prank. She does not seem to understand the majority of human norms, not only due to her home being a far-away moon but also due to lengthy periods of isolation. Emotionally goes from hot to cold rather quickly. Has virtually no understanding of human society.

Physical Description: Mostly humanoid in appearance, sporting three colorful eyes and cervine-like ears with a single dangling starburst-shaped earring in a golden metal, and branches growing from her head in a position and pattern that resemble antlers, growing leaves and glowing mushrooms. Her head is crowned by a large golden halo with a trio of floating crystals. She has several glowing markings on her face and shoulders which, along with her eyes, glow in the dark. "UC" is known to stand with a stillness that is eerie, and run away from stressful situations with a swiftness that is unparalleled. Her teeth are sharp.



General Power Information: Nature’s Cycle

Ability One: Natural Growth - "UC" can cause a combination plant and fungal growth to sprout rapidly from within an object with a touch of her right hand or a bit more slowly with a particular frequency of her voice. The array of plants and fungi appear to be entirely alien. Some are edible and delicious, some are varying degrees of poisonous. With a pinky’s twitch of effort, there are trees, but it would take roughly four full minutes of singing to do the same. She has been known to use this power to construct groves, for example.

Ability Two: Decay - "UC" can cause the breakdown of biological matter with the touch of her left hand or the sound of her voice. It lasts for as long as she maintains contact or sings. In humans, this can cause the formation of necrotic wounds at its most mild with only a few seconds of sustained contact.

Ability Three: Atmospheric Bubble - "UC" is surrounded at all times by a roughly 6’ dome of clear air and pleasant weather wherever she goes. If the grass is dead, it will begin regrow, if the area is in need of a few bees, they will be drawn to her. This bubble can be expanded to roughly 20’ with a bit of conscious effort.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Use of her powers requires either physical contact or a combination of her voice and initial line of sight.
In a mildly horrific twist, the human body is not immune to the effects of UC’s growth power, which means she must be extremely careful when making physical contact with another being or exposing them to the frequency of particular songs. It makes getting close to anyone difficult and she has had her share of casualties involving living beings being subjected to sudden, internal plant growth.
If she maintains the use of Growth for too long, it inevitably turns into Decay.
Struggles with an intense form of “separation-starvation”; being away from other living beings for long periods of time will cause her to become increasingly depressed or even manic. Solitary confinement can kill her.
UC’s powers seem to be partially tied to her emotions in that they will become more hectic and chaotic when her mood is unstable.
Avatar - "UC" exists in a somewhat weakened state due to being so far away from her home, the place she is thoroughly and wholly associated with, with so few people who know that she even exists anymore. While this is an entirely psychological phenomena, she is a being who is only partially physical in composition, so “physical” and “psychological” have little divide for her.
Largely being a creature of instinct, "UC" cannot always be reasoned with.
UC has a weakness to rituals – that is, so much of her existence hinged upon others and their belief in her that she can be summoned and bound ritualistically.
Limited to a diet of plants, water, and sunlight, though she does not yet know this.
Sensitive to bright lights and loud noises.
If one cannot hear her songs, they are immune to their effect and can only be affected by growth touch or decay touch.
Seems to have a limited tolerance to any potentially toxic manmade chemical, smog, cigarette smoke, and so on.

Skills: Singing, Foraging, Hunting


There was a time, long ago, on a far away world – rather, on its moon, for the planet itself was a beautiful, dead, sparkling crystal husk. Its moon was full of life, jungles and forests, and presumably still is.

There was a time when people living on that moon – not exactly humans as we know them, of course – left offerings at shrines, hoping for a bountiful harvest. With gratitude for their generosity, she returned the favor. She became a rumor, but one with purpose, a being who neither recalls family nor the details of her earliest days, whatever those were. In time (quite a long time), the people moved on from leaving behind their offerings, and eventually vanished from the moon entirely, leaving behind only artifacts and machines that "UC" could not understand.

She was never overly curious of the People, but eventually, her desire to learn who they really were got the better of her. There were few technologies of theirs that actually worked, and she could scarcely figure them out; something that let her draw lines on a glowing square, for example.

When she stepped into one of their strange chambers against her better judgment, "UC" found herself flung rather violently across a barrier that she did not know, whether it was space or perhaps some unfolding, refolding dimension. Whatever it was, it left her on Earth, a louder, brighter, and more terrifying place than she could have possibly imagined.

Criminal Record: “What?”

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Arriving on earth is what made "UC" look the way she does, for the most part; whatever her true form is tends to be hinted at in her shadow, which is quadrupedal and much more deer-like, but not quite a deer.
The mushrooms on her antler-like branches are not only bioluminescent but also intensely psychedelic (don’t ask her how she knows).
Initially known among the People as “a shadow on the moon” – just not Earth’s moon.
Walks almost exclusively on her toes.