Todd Winters - Trainee/Student

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Todd Winters - Trainee/Student

Post by Hazmat32 »

Player Nickname: Tim`

Name: Todd Winters
Codename: None
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 6/9/2004

Height: 6’1
Weight: 375lbs
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: None
Place of Origin: Portland, Oregon
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Todd is an easy going friendly kind of guy who wants nothing more then to kick back, draw, and enjoy life. He tends to hide his feelings and anger behind humor or sarcasm and he has a serious issue with bullies.

Physical Description: Todd stands 6’1 and despite his rather hefty weight has a trim athletic build. Though the first thing most people notice about Todd is that he looks like he stepped right out of the classic Invisible Man movie! Todd’s entire body is covered in white bandage like wraps, these wraps cover every inch of flesh even his eyes. Todd normally wears a jeans of some kind, a long coat, a hat and a pair of sunglasses. ... 2/todd.jpg

General Power Information: Modern Day Mummy

Ability One: Wrap Form: Todd’s mutation has transformed his body entirely, he now consists solely of white bandage like wraps. Todd has complete control of his physical form and can use it in a myriad of ways such as wrapping things or people up, swinging around on them like a certain someone, fitting through through tight spaces, or lifting objects from a distances. A side effect is that do to lack of any muscles or internal organs, Todd doesn’t need to sleep or breath though he still requires food and water to survive.

Ability Two: Enhanced Durability: Todds body are very durable and is made of a yet unknown material. The wraps them are highly fire retardant, are resistant to slashing/cutting weapons, and can handle very high physical impacts.

Ability Three: Super Strength: Todd’s unusual physiology grants him enhanced powers physical strength, under optimal conditions he should be able to lift or move a full size pickup truck.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Todd is currently unable to shift back into his normal form. Todd controls his body with his mind so sonics and telepaths can cause him to lose control of his body. His wraps are highly conductive so electrical currents can also cause him to lose control of his body along with causing him great a great deal of pain. Todds wraps are tough to physically damage but they are not invulnerable, ripping or tearing his wraps would be like tearing off a finger or limb. The wraps will grow back slowly over time but if enough of him is destroyed at once then he will die.

Skills: Todd is a decent all around student but the one thing he truly excels at is drawing and art.

Background: Todd’s life was pretty uneventful until he hit 16. H grew up in Oregon with a good family and two loving parents, he had a lot of friends, a steady girlfriend, had won some art contests, and even got decent grades in High School. Of course life loves to throw you a curve ball! On the night of his 16th birthday while coming home from his friends house, drunk driver slammed into his car. The stress and pain of the accident caused him to shift into his wrap form and helped him survive when most others would have perished. Of course surviving and living are not the same thing. While his family stuck with him, almost everyone else in his life ostracized him making things less then easy for this modern day mummy. Todd gained a new appreciation for real friends and a new hatred for bullies. It wasn’t easy and he had to transfer schools twice but finally after two years, Todd managed to graduate graduate from high school and is now on his way to Cobalt Hills!

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Todd loves to read and watch movies, he is a proverbial fount of useless trivia! Todd cruises around in an old 1973 convertible Cadillac. No one is sure how Todd is able to eat or drink since he technically has no organs.
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