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Tyler Truman - Composite

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:36 pm
by Goldbolt
Player Nickname: Sho

Name: Tyler Truman
Codename: Composite
Age: They appear in their early 20s
Date of Birth: January 1st

Height: 5'7
Weight: 145lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: blue-green
Place of Origin: Hell
Nationality/Race: Demons
Classification/Origin of Powers: Infernal

Status: Resident

Personality Profile: Tyler is constantly second guessing themself.

Physical Description:
Image Image
An androgynous person with fiery red hair, it's hard to tell if Tyler is male or female and they prefer to keep it that way.

Scorn stands three feet tall and looks like a bipedal rodent. He has short reddish fur, big floppy ears and a twitchy nose. A long tail and beady eyes completes the look. In his prime and before his downgrade, Scorn was a fiendishly handsome incubus with an intimidating and menacing air. Chiseled cheekbones, sixpack. Incubi are natural shapeshifters, he could be anything his unknowing prey desired. He was eight feet tall on hooved feet and sported a crown of horns upon his head.

Rumble looks like a short humanoid insect larva with his copper colored chitinous shell barely containing his weight, soft flesh the color of a ripe peach bulges through the segmented areas of his armor. There's what appears to be ketchup and mustard stains on his carapace. There must be some firefly thrown in there because Rumble's butt glows in the dark. All in all, a short and chubby caterpillar of a bugman, he's two and a half feet tall. Rumble's pre-exile body looked much the same aside from sporting an extra pair of arms and non-functional beetle wings.

Viscera most closely resembles a cobra serpentfolk. Snake through and through other than a humanoid torso and a pair of arms ending in taloned hands. Her scales are a green so deep one would think the color was black, intricate gold markings adorn her scales, matching the gold of her belly. A thin and frail noodle of a snake creature, barely six feet long, two feet "standing". The original Viscera was a monstrous sight, ten feet tall with muscular coils making her body twenty feet long. Her original scale color was a rich emerald green.


General Power Information: In theory: three demonic critters in a trench coat attempting to be a single human. In practice: they more of morph themselves together into a single entity that is passably human. As a human they work in tandem with each demon balancing out the human psyche nuances into one cohesive being. When the trio left Hell, most of their powers were torn and sealed away, leaving them with only the most vestigial traits of their demonic ability.

Ability One: Scorn, the Incubus: Tyler can influence and feed off of emotions. When this power is active emotions run wild. Something that is sad will be devastating, upset will become rage, what was funny is now hilarious, etc. This power presents as a 10ft aoe. Scorn prefers anger and pain.

Ability Two: Rumble, the glutton: Tyler can share eating experiences. They can bring the taste memories of amazing meals to the front of one's mind, but Rumble's favorite use of this power to to absorb what other people are eating as a cheat to eat more. When this power is active people nearby will never feel satiated no matter how much they eat because it's all going to Tyler Rumble. Prolonged exposure will lead to weight loss. Like with Scorn this power also has a 10ft aoe.

Ability Three: Viscera, the serpent: Viscera lost the most of the trio, her powers are simply snake. Tyler can unhinge their jaw and spit a glob of venom.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Tyler: They take a while before coming to any decision. The touch of iron or holy water will disrupt the human body and reveal part of one of the demons beneath, enough of it will tear the three apart back into individuals. Thankfully steel is not included. If they stay as Tyler for too long, the demons begin to forget who they are and only Tyler remains. If Tyler encounters a large enough disagreement, they will break apart.

All of the below to a lesser degree than the individual demon:

Scorn: Envy and Jealousy, he cannot stand it when someone is better than him, not that he would admit he is anything less than perfection. He will be overcome by obsession to achieve this want. Strong negative emotions send Scorn into ecstatic fits.

Rumble: Hungry all the time, anything smaller than him is in danger of disappearing down his bottomless gullet. Rumble would even eat himself if the opportunity presented, which may be where his extra pair of arms and wings went...

Viscera: Cold, Viscera doesn't just look like a snake, she is cold blooded.

Skills: Tyler is amazing at both staring and eating contests.

Background: Before Cobalt, Tyler Truman did not exist. In reality, Tyler is an amalgamation of three reduced demons who are parading about in a shared human shell. Before fleeing Hell; Scorn, an incubus, Rumble, a gluttony demon, and Viscera, a serpent were significantly more imposing. The trio were friends with Arlo and often nursed him back to health or brought him extra food. After Arlo went missing they asked too many questions and were similarly stripped of their powers and cast aside.

Scorn was proud of his frighteningly fiendish and handsome incubus body - he is now an adorable little red panda looking creature. He HATES being cute and longs for the day he's intimidating again.

Rumble: Other than eating his extra arms and wings so he wouldn't devour Viscera in her reduced state, Rumble didn't lose anything.

Viscera was proud of her power and grace, once the largest of the trio, she's now the smallest and weakest, a thin and frail noodle of a snake creature. She hides her hurts and puts on a fierce facade.

They had zero lead of where Arlo went, but there was one spot in particular that attracted a lot of otherworldly attention and big names in the local powers human, mutant, and magic--Cobalt Hill. That seemed like a good place to start.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

  • Has a bit of a lisp when they talk, a habit from Viscera's snakiness.
  • Don't call them pokemon.

  • Functions as Tyler's Superego, except he will often dismiss the whole conscience thing. If Scorn feels they can get away with it, Scorn will vote to do it.
  • He'll vehemently deny it, but Scorn loves expensive cheeses.
  • His real name is Tristan, Scorn is his edgy angsty teenager side showing itself.
  • Is first cousin to Arlo.
  • Functions as Tyler's Id. Rumble is impulsive and fun loving. Rumble just wants to eat and party, and maybe fight others.
  • Loves the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a little too much. He's needed to replace it five times after accidentally eating it.
  • Waffles are his favorite food.
  • If Rumble shares his food, it means he likes you. Food is a very loose term.
  • Rumble is the least displeased with having to live topside. The food upstairs is so much better!
  • Has always had a crush on Viscera, he tries to hide it. Poorly.
  • Functions as Tyler's Ego. She is the mediator.
  • Does not know how to use Tyler's legs.
  • Loves sappy romance novels.
  • Her favorite food is burritos.
  • She only eats once a month.
  • When she wants to be alone, Viscera hides inside a wall.
  • Is aware of Rumble's crush.
  • Yesss, when Vissscera talksss, she drawsss out the S sssound.
  • Has a mother/son relationship with Arlo.
  • She's cursed to be as weak as her heart - in a demonic sense. She can lift it herself by destroying who she loves, she refuses to even consider it.

What are you doing here? What made you decide to highlight empty space? Well, as long as you're here, I'll let you in on a little secret. Scorn is a traitor, and the cause behind Viscera and Rumble's punishments. He's in league with Arlo's stepmother and biding his time. He's plotting to bring Arlo home and kill Rumble and Viscera to properly absorb their power into his being. He hasn't actually lost any of his abilities, he puts up with this humiliating ruse for the long-term goal. If you find this hidden message, please send me a PM!