Hayley "Cayenne" McAdams, the red oni

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Hayley "Cayenne" McAdams, the red oni

Post by Devilpants »

Player Nickname: Devilpants

Name: goes by Cayenne; refuses to be called by her real name, which is Hayley McAdams
Codename: -
Date of Birth: Celebrated on January 5, 2007; real birthday unknown

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Yellow
Place of Origin: Boston, Massachusetts
Nationality/Race: American of mixed Japanese and western European descent
Classification/Origin of Powers: Oni

Status: Student
Occupation: Also student

Personality Profile:
- Snarky and sarcastic
- Poor concept of personal space
- Aggressive and straightforward
- Enjoys calling bluffs, asking awkward questions, and calling out contradictions, hypocrisy, and double standards ("Oh, so it's okay when YOU do it?")
- Distrust of authority figures; respect has to be earned before she will give it
- Intense hatred for bullies; can and will use her superior strength to bully bullies back
- Insatiable appetite; always snacking on something, always has snacks, always willing to share snacks

Physical Description: Cayenne has red skin, white hair, yellow eyes, a pair of short, curved, black horns growing forward from her temples, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Aside from those obvious oni traits, Cayenne has ironically cherubic features with a wide face, chubby cheeks, and pouty lips.

Cayenne dresses fashionably and keeps up with trends, and carefully coordinates her wardrobe and numerous accessories (ribbons, pins, hairclips, chokers, jewelry, etc.) to complement her white hair and red skin. She currently favours outfits that include pleated skirts, stockings, and high-top sneakers, and rarely wears the same hairstyle two days in a row. Her resistance to heat and cold allows her to dress however she wants in any weather and she takes full advantage of this by wearing summer outfits in the middle of winter.


General Power Information: Cayenne has oni heritage, granting her enhanced strength, toughness, and other strange powers.

Ability One:
Oni Might: Cayenne possesses the strength and durability of an oni. This is partly due to ultra-dense bones, muscles, and flesh, but is also because her body is infused with magical power, which allows her to defy physics in a limited sense.

Cayenne's all-around strength is roughly five times that of peak humanity (for example, her lifting, grip strength, bite strength, striking force, stamina, jumping height and distance, and running speed are all at least five times that of non-powered world record holders). Despite having a relatively normal weight range (increased by her ultra-dense bones and muscles), the mystical nature of Cayenne's strength allows her to perform unusual and physics-defying feats of strength, such as rooting herself to the spot to become immovable against forces weaker than her.

Ability Two:
Oni Physiology: Cayenne is highly resilient. Not only is she difficult to harm, but she can also withstand wounds that would leave others dead or dying, and she has incredibly high pain tolerance. Harming her requires high-caliber firearms, high-tech weaponry, super strength on a level similar to hers, or magic and magical weaponry.

Cayenne is resistant to both heat and cold, able to withstand roughly twice the extreme temperatures of a human before suffering harm. On top of this, she is resistant to most poisons, venoms, and other toxins, requiring dosages an order of magnitude higher than normal to affect her. This means she can eat nearly anything and not get sick, and it takes an absurd amount of alcohol and cannabis to get drunk or stoned.

Ability Three:
Carnivorous Healing: When Cayenne consumes meat or blood, her wounds heal rapidly; the fresher the meat or blood, the stronger the effect. Additionally, she can regrow limbs and other organs (such as eyes, liver, lungs, etc.) with this healing. However, because Cayenne is good-hearted, she refuses to eat human flesh or drink their blood. Cayenne possesses teeth sharp enough and bite force strong enough that, if she wanted, biting chunks out of her foes mid-combat would be very easy.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Blood Frenzy: Consuming too much meat and blood in too short a time period, especially fresh, can cause Cayenne to enter a state of heightened aggression. A milder version of this can occur when Cayenne eats rare steak or sushi, such as at a restaurant.

Mystical Entity: Because Cayenne has oni heritage, she's vulnerable to effects that specifically target spirits, yokai, fiends, and other mystical entities, such as binding spells and magical wards. Anti-magic effects can reduce her strength and render her more vulnerable to harm due to her nature as a mystical entity. Loss of her supernatural strength is not a guarantee of defeat, as her ultra-dense bones and muscles still grant her peak human levels of strength.

Wisteria: Cayenne is repelled by wisteria to a supernatural degree, causing her to avoid it without even being aware of its existence. In addition, she finds the scent of wisteria repulsive, close proximity to it causes dizziness, and direct contact neutralizes her carnivorous healing ability until it is removed or washed off. Ingestion or injection causes intense pain that bypasses her normally high pain tolerance and requires poison treatment similar to what would be used on humans.

Close Combat: The nature of Cayenne's power necessitated learning how to fight, but also how to avoid killing. Cayenne has become very skilled at pulling her punches and using her superior strength to disable and neutralize rather than maim and kill. Against super strong and oversized foes, however, Cayenne has developed a personal fighting style that includes elements of Bajiquan and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to cover long and short range strikes as well as grappling and submission holds.

Cayenne dislikes causing collateral damage ("Someone always has to clean it up, right?") but has also trained in the use of improvised weapons. This includes casing any environment she's in for potential weapons, such as furniture, bottles, pipes, signs, or anything else that can give her an advantage.

Rhythm and Dancing: Cayenne has a strong natural sense of rhythm and style, especially for choreographed dances. She's a big fan of K-pop and J-pop. Cayenne is also absurdly skilled at rhythm games no matter the format, but is especially good at full dancing games like Dance Dance Revolution.

Baking: In addition to regular cooking skill, Cayenne has taken up baking as a hobby, specializing in sweets. Her signature recipe is shortbread cookies.

Occult Studies: Cayenne has been studying the occult, specifically in relation to Japanese mysticism and onmyou, but isn't skilled enough to cast spells yet.

Background: Cayenne's story is a familiar one for many mutants: She was born to an ordinary family in Boston and once her powers emerged and her appearance changed to something that marked her as an obvious mutant, she was kicked out onto the streets at the age of thirteen.

Fortunately, she didn't have to spend more than a few days out on her own before she heard about Cobalt Academy in Salem and went there of her own accord. She's spent the past few years at Cobalt, rebuilding her life without her family, getting a proper education, and dealing with the fallout of her parents violently rejecting her.

In her time at Cobalt, she has come to understand her powers, their origin, and her place in the world and is training to become a professional superhero.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Cayenne is best friends with Morgan Nowicki and Mia, and the three have bonded over their similar childhoods, all three being some variety of orphan.
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