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Beacon's Rampage, Dec 1 2022

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:55 pm
by Devilpants
Beacon's Rampage

Kenneth "Beacon" Welles, the self-made superhero, scientist, philanthropist, and founding member of the New York based superhero team The Rivals, has gone on a spree of destruction from coast to coast.

After last month's destruction of the META facility near Salem, Massachusetts, Beacon has struck again, this time on a nationwide scale. His targets this time appear to be vital oil and coal infrastructure, such as refineries and pipelines. However, Beacon has also targeted mansions, specifically the homes of the super-rich in the most affluent gated communinties.

Despite the rampant destruction, the total death toll of Beacon's attacks remains zero. The attacks were made with the surgical precision and speed that requires extensive planning and preparation, and as a result, Beacon had already completed the attacks and fled the scene before any authorities or even other superheroes could arrive to stop him.

As with the previous attack, Beacon released a manifesto onto multiple streaming and video hosting websites, this time a rambling diatribe about the ruthless exploitation of the coal industry and how fossil fuel needs to be abandoned and nuclear, wind, and solar need to be adopted in order to ensure humanity's survival.

The attacks have been condemned by the president, several prominent superhero teams, and even Tungsten himself as violent extremism.

>lmao violent extremism????? this, from the country that gave birth to the CIA, the undisputed experts in overthrowing democratically elected governments to install puppet leaders that corporations can pull the strings of
>>u sound like a commie pinko fuck
>>>and you type like my grandpa, go back to facebook, who even let you on the typer, take your meds and stop grabbing the nurse's ass

>my dad was a coal miner for 40 years, beacon went too far, coal is the lifeblood of america!
>>sorry to be the bearer of bad news, pal, but your dad was a moron and probably an anti-union scab for licking the coal industry's boots
>>>you are UNAMERICAN my dad worked hard to feed us
>>>>go catch black lung in a dank pit after a 16 hour work day and lick your boss's boots and thank him when he denies you any vacation time, your dad was a dumb gullible victim, you should be mad at the coal company, not me

>finally, some good fucking activism, why can't more supers do shit like this
>>because other supers actually believe in america and what it stands for
>>>and what DOES america stand for?
>>>>freedom and justice, bitch
>>>>>more like slavery and profit
>>>>>>stfu commie

>0 fatalities? wtf based i love beacon now
>>he caused billions of dollars in damage, nothing based about that
>>>o no the poor buildings, wont someone think of the feelings of the poor buildings
>>>>those are peoples JOBS and LIVELIHOODS hes destroying! u r a heartless monster
>>>>>pouring a 40 for all the heroic broken windows smashed by those evil heartless ecoterrorists