Zoe Gallardo, Slime Lady

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Zoe Gallardo, Slime Lady

Post by Devilpants »

Player Nickname: Devilpants

Name: Zoe Gallardo
Codename: None
Date of Birth: September 12, 1991

Height: Variable, defaults to 5'4" in humanoid form
Weight: Variable, usually between 100 and 150 depending on diet
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Phoenix, Arizona
Nationality/Race: mostly Mexican
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Staff
Occupation: Counselor

Personality Profile:
Zoe Gallardo wants, more than anything in the world, to help people. To this end, the chief drive behind all the decisions she makes is if she cannot make someone's life easier, then she at the very least will not make it harder.

Zoe tries her best to keep a cheerful attitude and is always considerate of the people around her and the effects her words and actions might have on them. Despite having a keen understanding of psychology, she is known for being a bit of an airhead.

Physical Description: Zoe is a slime-person. Her body is entirely composed of blue slime that can take many different shapes, but she defaults into a humanoid woman with short hair. Zoe doesn't wear clothes, instead shaping the outer layer of her body to resemble clothing, usually a business suit.


General Power Information: Zoe is a slime.

Ability One:
Slime Physiology: Zoe's entire body is slime, and her nervous system, digestive system, and other biological functions are distributed across her entire form. This makes her resilient almost to the point of invulnerability because she can reconstitute herself from even the smallest amount of slime, given enough time and nutrients.

Additionally, Zoe can extend as many pseudopods as her biomass can accommodate, each with their own human-like hands, allowing her incredible multitasking and precision. She can also pass through fences, bars, and other barriers, and can squeeze through any opening that water can pass through.

Ability Two:
Digestion: Zoe can control the acidity of her body, which is a function of her digestive system. The effect of this acid ranges from mild skin irritation to lethal enough to eat through flesh, muscle, and bone in seconds flat. Unfortunately, this lethality makes it a poor choice in combat against foes who are supposed to be subdued rather than killed.

Ability Three:
Splitting: Whether on purpose or due to physical damage, Zoe can split off chunks of her body and leave it with a simple command to carry out, such as digesting something, remaining in a location for a period of time, or carrying an object somewhere. After a period of time, the chunk will unerringly seek out Zoe's main body; it always knows the direction of the main body and has surprisingly sophisticated pathfinding skills thanks to Zoe's distributed nervous system. If the split-off chunk cannot find the main body within a few days, it will perish and dissolve into harmless protoplasm.

Ability Four:
Enhanced Perception: Zoe's entire body acts as a sensory organ and can fill multiple roles: In addition to normal sight, Zoe can see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectra, can perceive colours outside of the normal human range, can perceive heat, and can even perceive electromagnetic energy.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Electricity Weakness: Because of Zoe's distributed nervous system and semi-liquid state, electricity is especially effective at stunning her and rendering her unconscious.

Lethal Cold Weakness: Being fully frozen will kill Zoe outright. She can handle normal winter temperatures by regulating her body's heat through careful circulation, but if her entire body -- and therefore distributed nervous system -- are completely frozen, she dies instantly. If only a few parts of her body are frozen, she can at least melt, absorb, and recycle their biomass.

Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry: Zoe has the equivalent of a university-level education in both clinical psychology and psychiatry, which she puts to use as a counselor specializing in mutants, metahumans, and others with special abilities. She focuses on helping people find purpose in life, learning to live with their powers, and how to handle hate.

Expert Swimmer: Zoe has mastered her slime physiology's ambulatory ability underwater, giving her incredible mobility. Because she is a slime, she also has no effective depth limit, able to withstand lethal atmospheric pressures.

Background: Zoe's life began like many others: A peaceful, quiet life in Phoenix, Arizona, born to second-generation Mexican immigrants. She was only 8 years old when her powers manifested; she nearly died as her entire body converted itself into slime. Thanks to swift assistance from Phoenix's Arald Academy for Mutants, she was able to retain her consciousness and form, and began training immediately.

Zoe's transformation changed her life, and the generosity of the Arald Academy drove her to dedicate her life to helping other mutants. To that end, she began studying psychology and psychiatry under them, earning accreditation in those fields and starting her career in the 2010s.

In 2022, the Arald Academy agreed to lend Zoe to Cobalt thanks to her expert counseling skills.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Pro Streamer: Zoe is a moderately popular streamer, pulling in around 5,000 viewers on an average stream a few times a week. She mostly plays video games and analyzes their writing, giving deep dives into character psychology and sometimes the writers themselves. A running gag in her chat is when a video game is revealed to be a Dad Game.
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