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Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:31 pm
by Devilpants
One night in mid-October of 2022, a message was sent from Zernovog to any villains, crime bosses, gangsters, and general ne'er-do-wells of note in Salem: Hyakki Yagyo, a Night Parade of One Hundred Demons will come to Salem. The reason for the Parade is that Zernovog is going to close a hellmouth beneath Salem.

It will take at least six hours to close the hellmouth, during which time every free-roaming demon in a hundred mile radius would rush to Salem to stop that from happening at all costs, likely rampaging through any obstacle in its path, including innocent people. While the start time of the Parade is unknown, it will be very obvious when it starts, as the sun will be blotted out and the sky will turn red as hell itself fights back against the closure. Zernovog's personal recommendation is to evacuate people to storm shelters or just evacuate the city centre entirely.

Because nothing stays secret for long, the message would rapidly spread to various other authorities such as Salem's police department, Cobalt Academy, and META. What they do with this information is up to them, but Zernovog himself strongly recommends they do not interfere with the closing and instead either hunker down or prepare to slay some demons.

Re: Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:28 pm
by Devilpants
OOC: The Night Parade is a special event that will take only about six hours of in-game time to finish. However, since not everyone can play at the same time, sessions set during the events of the Night Parade can happen at any time that's convenient for people playing, and can be set at any point during the Night Parade itself. This flexibility is possible because the Night Parade's outcome is a foregone conclusion: Zernovog will close the hellmouth. What matters is what happens in the city itself, namely collateral damage and defense of civilians. Think of it as an opportunity for your characters to show off their fighting skills against both the demons that invade Salem and any villains who use it as an opportunity to do villainy.

Any time after the initial post, feel free to contact me (also Devilpants on IRC) about what your character or characters were doing to help during the Night Parade, and we can set up a short session about it.