Samuel Morrow

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Samuel Morrow

Post by lllithid »

Player Nickname: Lukas`

Name: Samuel Morrow
Codename: None
Age: 30
Date of Birth: July 19th

Height: 6’1”
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Green
Place of Origin: Seattle
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Staff. Academic Affairs.
Occupation: Faculty

Personality Profile: Quick witted and very erudite. Sam knows he’s generally the smartest person in any room, and takes great pains to not come off as arrogant or condescending; though the odd bit of this can come through if he starts in on a topic and lets the true scope of his brain out to shine. He is very cultured and is the type to concern himself over wine lists and the cut of a suit.

Physical Description: Tall and lean; with the athletic body of someone who is able to devote extended time to the gym. His hair is worn on the shorter side, combed back out of his eyes. His bright eyes shine brightly, a window to the power behind them. He tends to dress well; favouring slacks and blazers to tee shirts and jeans.


General Power Information: HyperBrain

Ability One: Hyper Brain. Sam’s intellect is vast, beyond the ability of modern psychological testing to measure. He possess an eidetic memory; giving him perfect recall of both learned information and experiences. He is a polyglot, able to speak and write all major languages; with the ability to rapidly absorb and learn new ones should he encounter them. His brain is able to correlate and connect all this information; giving him the ability to stretch his mind into new and fantastic areas; allowing him to accomplish acts ‘Super Science’ wherein he pushes the limits of modern knowledge and technology to the very edge of possibility and beyond. Unlike other hyper brains Sam is notable for the fact that his ability is not limited to one subset of knowledge, like engineering or biology; Sam is a true superhuman polymath.

Ability Two: Enhanced Mental Speed. Sam’s brain normally operates at a normal human pace, letting him follow social interactions properly and otherwise keeping him grounded to the normal human reference frame. When he pushes himself though, he is capable of accelerating his mental speed to match his intellect. He is able to read and absorb information at staggering rates, oftentimes only limited by the ability of displays to present it. He can condense great swaths of mental time into what appears to be flashes of inspiration but are actually just the result of an incredibly accelerated period of pondering and careful consideration. He is still limited to his human body though, so while his reflexes may seem enhanced, its not that he can react quicker; its just that he’s had more mental time to think abut that to do.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Surprisingly little. Sam looks human, and his brain doesn’t draw an undue amount of energy.

Skills: Yes. Very yes. Sam is ridiculously well read and when combined with his intellect and mental speed; he has mastered a great many skill sets. These are very much knowledge skills though, as Sam’s powers enable to rapidly learn information, but practical knowledge and muscle memory are things that need to be learned in ways outside of books, and so Sam is much less versed in these. He is very much a creature of pure intellect, lacking slightly in worldly ability. He possess multiple PhD’s in fields such as Finance, Medicine and Law; but wouldn’t be able to start a fire in the rain or navigate if lost in the woods.

Background: Short version. Sam’s powers manifested at a younger age then most mutants, around 11. It was originally thought he was simply a normally gifted human, until such time as it was clear and obvious that even upper crust educational institutions were not up to the task of educating him at a pace he could tolerate without boredom. It was him who discovered the existence of Cobalt, and him who enrolled himself. The sanctum and school were happily able to accommodate his abilities and he quickly graduated from its educational programs with multiple degrees. He stayed for a few years, until his mid twenties, wherein he set out from the school to persue his own interests.

He’s worked at various research think tanks, lectured at ivy league schools and otherwise had a solid career in academia and the sciences. A recent bout of nostalgia though has sparked memories of his time at the school and he’s found himself drawn back. He’s taken up residence again, acting in the role of faculty; dealing with the academic and more mundane elements of the sanctums educational programming.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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