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Venus Brightmoon [Patchwork]

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:12 pm
by Remu
Player Nickname: Remu

Name: Venus Brightmoon
Codename: Patchwork
Age: 28?
Date of Birth: November 18th

Height: 3’ long, 14” at shoulder (Fox) / 5’6” (Human)
Weight: 20 lbs. (Fox) / 160 lbs (Human)
Hair Color: Black with white tips
Eye Color: Berry blue
Place of Origin: New England
Nationality/Race: Mixed (Predominantly Black and Irish; possible Pooka)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic / Nature Spirit

Status: Other
Occupation: Roaming medic

Personality Profile:

Venus is equal parts emotionally sensitive and imbalanced, somehow being simultaneously unapologetic about who she is but also highly apologetic about other things. She is a wandering soul and somewhat no-nonsense.

Nervous thoughts are spoken often, but she is slow to truly anger. Sarcasm peppers her words when she isn’t being totally deadpan and blunt. It’s often difficult to tell whether her niceties are because she’s being charming or simply trying to get out of a conversation faster.

She is cordial enough, though not exactly friendly; too mistrustful and high-strung to come across as such, and on the flipside she is frequently easily irritated, like a wild animal housed in too small a zoo enclosure, displaying a few nervous tics as a result.

Physical Description:

In her natural form, Venus bears a resemblance to a melanistic member of the species vulpes vulpes, the red fox. The exceptions, other than color, are the pair of nearly two-foot-long tails.

In her human form, she fluctuates seasonally between not-that-lanky and more lanky, Venus’s medium-dark, freckled complexion is juxtaposed against black-to-white dreadlocks that reach past her shoulders, sometimes twisted into two spacebuns. One would not easily know her to be a fox, as the subtle point to her ears and slightly elongated canines are easy to miss and mistake. The forest, however, is reflected in her dark blue eyes.

Her sense of style tends to revolve around what is the most comfortable, usually sweaters and jeans. She wears little in terms of jewelry aside from a plain silver-plated ivyvine-shaped ring on her left ring finger.

She has several prominent scars which are usually hidden by clothes; one around the entirety of her left bicep/foreleg, several crossing her abdomen, two on her right calf. One above her left brow that disappears into her hairline (when she has one), and one around the right side of her neck. When using her healing powers, her eyes and visible scars glow a goldish white.


General Power Information: Spirit Fox

Ability One: True Form - Venus’s natural form resembles that of a two-tailed, ink black variation of red fox, granting her swiftness, the ability to leap fences in excess of ten feet, a keen sense of smell and hearing, and a bite that can crush bones. She maintains only enhanced hearing and smell in her human form, though they seem to be more of a hindrance, leaving her overly sensitive.

She cannot speak full sentences in this form. The sounds she makes are layered, echoing, and otherworldly versions of the sounds foxes are known to make, with only single words woven in to drive her point across.

The form seems to be visually unstable, sometimes looking to be more like a crystal statue rather than fur and flesh.

Ability Two: Healing - Venus has a curative magic that is channeled through the cintamani with the assistant of sound. Simple abrasions can be healed within seconds to minutes. Large, severe wounds may require additional sessions. She cannot repair a bone that has not been set.

The healing’s sensation has been described as ‘spiritual cauterization’’, and leaves behind a faint glowing mesh on the afflicted site that fades within a few days after the time of healing. The more repair that is necessary, the more likelihood of scarring.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Venus seems to have an aversion to iron; close proximity to moderate quantities her person usually results in nausea, touching it has anything from an allergic reaction (rashes) to outright burning. Longer exposure results in worse symptoms.
Being in a human form for an extended period of time without changing back is psychologically damaging.
The more she has been using the cintamani for offensive purposes, the less effective her healing becomes.
Her healing power does not work on herself.
The healing power of the cintamani is useless unless it is in Venus’s possession.
She appears to have an almost instinctual need to seek out and heal the injured, sometimes even at the cost of her own safety.
Shifting into a human sometimes leaves her with animal traits.
Her second tail can be hidden, but only temporarily.

Skills: Random trivia, basic CPR, advanced magical being singing, swimming


Venus was born a fox in the wood among the dancing lights, and even in her ventures into human society, never quite understood the idea of being one of the ‘fair folk’.

She has understood being a fox, living in the forest, roaming freely and basking in the sun, occasionally finding herself on the business end of a hunter’s rifle or a magician’s staff. In addition, she has understood being a two-legged creature, though somewhat less, as she has spent the majority of her time as a human struggling and seeing others on land struggle. Unable or perhaps unwilling to choose between the two vastly different means of being, she began to drift.

The drifting, you might say, is how she attained her current form, even maintaining some of the scars from the lives previously lived, and with an unusual gift from the spirits dwelling in the depths who saved her. A misstep that sent the foolish vixen into the ocean in concern after a wounded seal would be what granted her the ability to heal others, and came only at the cost of her own drowning and subsequent revival by a sea spirit. What she gave in return, she does not speak of easily. But instead of fearing the water, she chose to learn to swim.

The circumstances of this particular stretch of life have brought her to a point where the urge to care for others has outweighed much else -- though she rarely sticks around after one is repaired. Wandering her way along Massachusetts shores, Venus has found herself in a new, but familiar place, drawn by the pull of magic and simultaneously quietly horrified by the frequent incidents of horrific violence plaguing Salem. But she does her duty without complaint, even if she frequently returns to the woods and shores, vanishing from human society for days or weeks at a time.

Criminal Record: None. (The hunter never saw what took his fingers.)

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Venus has mild-to-moderate claustrophobia, unless the confined space is one she has chosen. She also has (and doesn’t talk about it often) a touch of thalassophobia which she frequently works to overcome.
Her shadow sometimes looks more fox than human.
Venus has spent some time under the care of wildlife conservationists after drunkenly running afoul of a boat.
Prone to random screaming.
Balancing the cintamani on her nose in her natural form for funsies is not unheard of, or shifting it into one of many fun toys.
Possesses the gray, black-spotted coat of a selkie carried in a wooden case, which she sometimes wears. It has no magical properties, but naturally deflects dirt and grime.
Has the vague notion that she has lived lives as other foxes; at least one of them named after a squash.
Her hobbies (too many and too few) make her a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, but she’s (almost) always willing to try something new.
Overly complex concepts relating to human existence or society tends to make her eyes glaze over.
Uncertain whether she was born on the human or the faerie side of the veil despite clearly meeting the criteria for a traditional ‘fairy fox’.