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Lexington Brown (Trainee)

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:59 pm
by A_Dragon360
Player Nickname: Dragon

Name: Lexington Brown
Codename: Wildstrike
Age: 21
Date of Birth: January 24th, 1991

Height: 6'6
Weight: 390 (MUCH heavier than he looks)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Rochester Hills, Michigan
Nationality/Race: African-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Master's Degree Student: Sociology (minor in Psychology).

Personality Profile: Silent, watchful, and somewhat stand-offish, Lexington likes to keep a politly introverted social distance from most people, and pretends mostly to simply be shy to arrange this. In truth his mind (which never sleeps) is a constant maelstrom of information gathering and assessing activity, always taking in the reality of his surroundings and situation, weighing his observations, retaining the worthwhile facts, and discarding the trash... when he's not simply just lost in his own thoughts and imagination. A smart young man, Lexington vastly prefers intellectual pursuits over social ones, not the least of which is because he's woefully out of practice with such things (not that he was ever over-much good at them anyway). Still, if one can get him to open up, people tend to find him wilingly ammenable to social niceities, if a bit rough around the edges of 'how things really work' in the long lost art of getting-along.

In conversation, Lexington is often always civil, if not always painfully well-spoken, but has no problem what-so-ever in slipping into the local vernacular to better utilize his dry wit, sarcasm, and occasional rips of gregarious (if not sometimes dark) humor. When necessary, he can and will cuss like a sailor. All of this is maintained in an effort to keep people at a literal safe distance. Once people breech a radius of roughly three feet about his person, he usually quickly shuts up and begins to fidgit. A lot.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Internalistic Psychic

Ability One: Tactile-Psychokinetic Body-Field- Lexington has an incredibly short-range power of psychokinesis, manifesting as an almost imperceptable field of psychic energy, that radiates from 1" above the surface of his skin to the marrow of his bones. This field enables him to physically manipulate minor and and massive objects at... only extremely close ranges. While he can lift and flip over a heavy truck, for example, he cannot do it, unless he is almost directly touching it, and manipulating the truck afterwards, requires a hands-on touch, literally, to control where the truck goes. The bio-feedback from this psychokinetic power enriches his physiology by constant battening of his muscle, nerve, and skeletal tissue, causing dense muscle-growth, swift reflexes, and an iron-clad constitution that enables him to compete on an Olympic level, even if his powers are blocked. When at full strength, however, the constantly active field enables Lexington to survive a considerable degree of damage (from light to heavy-arms fire, and extremes of temperature), unscathed, which is fortunate, as his field also allows him to jump freakishly high distances, climb sheer surfaces, and (to a very limited extent) fly over short ranges... and also to survive the sometimes uncontrolled landing without a scratch.

Ability Two: Psychic Self-Sustenence- Lexington's Psychokinetic Body-Field has other side effects, empowering his mind to a state of being constantly 'on', then diverting the cerebrally generated psychic energy back to keep his body hale and hearty. He needs not sleep, breathe, or eat, though he does require the same amount of water that everyone else does. Effectively sheilded off he thus can survive extremely short forays into space... not that he could get up there without a significant amount of aid.

Ability Three: Tactile-Psychokinetic Empathic Awareness- Lexington's field also allows him a limited ability to read and comprehend the true emotional states of others. This does not allow him to read minds, though it does enable him to comprehend a given person's emotional state, and if they are currently willingly lying at any given moment. Like the rest of his powers, however, the range of this ability requires a close proximity to whomever he's reading, with a range of about half a meter for a reading and lie detection.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Most of Lexington's powers lead themselves to a drawback. Because of the dense skeletal amnd muscular make up of his physiology, caused by his Body-Field, Lexington is vastly more dense then a person of his size and build should be. His true weight of 347lbs causes problems on fragile surfaces, occasionally inconveniences him in standard elevators, and ice is spectacularly treacherous for him to walk upon, most of the time. Moreover his dense physiology makes him extra-succeptable to eletrical attacks, causing extra damage to him on a succesful strike.

Because of the nature of his extra-weight/density and his Body-field, Lexington has spent the last seven years rigorously training and honing his reflexes to avoid doing crippling damage or worse to people and property- both outside and inside of combat situations. He is psychologically geared to avoid doing unnecessary harm, and to never kill with his person or powers. In fact, it can be safely assumed he is always pulling his punches to avoid any outcome more effective than a knock-out, in a fight, and even then he probably has to gauge and work his way up to that.

Lexington's natural state of constant Self-Sustenance increases his 'average' core temperature to around roughly 115 degrees Fahrenheit, or possibly higher. He is incredibly easy to see via infra-red or thermal-vision powers or technologies, without some sort of full body cover that can defend against the same. He also constantly exhudes a strong scent of aromatic woodsmoke, which makes him ridiculously easy to track, scent wise, by even the most rudimentary of survivalist-hunters.S

His Empathic Awareness is also very limited in what it can withstand. While he can, at most, generally maintain total self-control when dealing with a handful of people, one at a time, too many empathic signatures, in close proximity, can cause him to seize up and mentally shut down for anywhere from half an hour, or more, depending on exactly how strong the emotional state is. This also manifests as sort of social agoraphobia/clausterphobia, where Lexington becomes severely concerned and will seek to escape the close proximity of 'too many people'.

Skills: Engineering (Specifically Electrical Engineering & Electrician skills), Stealth, and some minor degree of actual Psychology.

Background: Lexington grew up in Rochester Hills, Michagan, raised by his constantly distracted, but loving father, Albert, a Science Professor at Oakland University. Relatively well off, he grew up without much personal knowledge of financial hardship, and was well trained with private schooling where he excelled academically, and athletically.

And then he turned 12, and life became... odd.

With the onset of puberity, young Lexington began to manifest his self-sustaining powers, and soon stopped eating entirely. He simply wasn't hungry, not anymore. This subtle manifestation of his mutation was something he hid as best he could from family, friends, and his minders at home. As he was not dwindling away, or exhibiting any signs of obvious distress, no one really noticed. He was always, instead too busy using excuses like 'homework' and 'studies' or even a simple, "I ate earlier, sorry," to get out of what few social meals he couldn't otherwise avoid by extent of 'after school activities.' He hated lying to his father like this, but, he got better at it. Luckily for him, however, there was always something to do when he was hiding away during various meal-times or social get-togethers where food might be involved, and his grades and athletic performances began to actually improve in leaps and bounds, as he was always practicing, studying, or training to avoid the awkward repercussions of not being able to stomach much, if any real food.

WHen he was thirteen, his empathic powers began to manifest, giving him odd 'gut-level' feelings about people who got too close to him, for whatever reason, and causing him to become exceptionally reclusive, at home or at school. Somethings, no matter how beneficial, where fun to know, like just who was lying to him in any given conversation. He likely never would have survived a hyper-crowded public school classroom, but even the smaller class sizes of his private school put his teeth on edge. Becoming mroe reclusive, he began to kill the time of his endlessly awake days by studying, solo-athletics, and late night searches of the internet for knowledge of what to do about his situation.

Being a smart young man, he'd already heard of the term 'mutant', and was quite sure that was likely what he was. And in-depth, heavily encrypted, secure net-searches enabled him to figure out the names for his powers. It also gave him an outlet to a vast new world that he'd otherwise would have been blind to. A world of people who where also struggling, in many different ways (most of them probably worse than his problems, he assessed), and the art they produced. Slowly his eyes opened to the grim reality of life outside of well-heeled Rochester Hills -especially for young mutants. But with few trustworthy outlets to talk to, he instead spent his time lurking and never posting or responding to anything he read, on the internet, taking from it what knowledge he could glean that was worthwhile.

Lexington's final power began to manifest when he was 16, and was at first, quite difficult to hide. Coming in with a growth spurt that start just after the end of his Sophomore year at school, Lexington's height and mass rapidly increased over the course of that Summer. This was a trying time for the young man, as he retreated even further from the sight of his father... though later he would admit that perhaps he needn't have bothered. His father only remarked, once or twice (absently) that his son seemed to be healthily growing like a weed, and made sure to increase his allowance, so that the young man would be able to buy something to wear. By the time School restarted at the end of Summer break, Lexington was almost to his full height, well built and not quite fully fleshed out, and despite his athletically graceful build, was actually topping the scales at over 300lbs. He received some odd looks in his school uniform, when he assumed he'd be growing even more in the near future, and simply requested a uniform in the next size up. He spent the next year or so looking well groomed, but disasterously rumpled in his ill-fitting suit.

By now, not too many of the student-body actually wanted to be seen near the self-isolating, incredibly shy, athletic-but-horribly-nerdy student, who seemed to have problems with the basic art of social interaction, and so he was left mostly to his own devices. Because of his recognized athletic skill, and because he otherwise looked very -very- healthily, Lexington was never actually bullied, but instead his tolerated and ignored. But by now, Lexington was growing quite comfortable with this, and seemed to come to grips with his secret status as a clandestine mutant, just trying to get by. After all, according to his research on the internet, the alternative could be much much worse.

Realizing, after a nearly disasterous accident in wheight-lifting, when his power fluctuated at a superiorly bad time and he almost put some free-weights through the ceiling -but caught himself in time- that perhaps he should invest some time in training. Luckily nobody noticed the incident. So Lexington took to sneaking out of the house by night, to practice the use of his Body-Field in local city parks and woodlands, so as to avoid harming innocent bystanders and property, while also avoiding witnesses. Thus he not only came to be proficient in the use of his Body-Field, but he also, over the course of several years, became to be quite good and stealing about, sneaking into places where he shouldn't be, and stealthily avoiding the police and other such on-lookers when necessary. As he never allowed his grades to slip (though he did withdraw from -all- of his athletic activities for a time, until he felt that it was worth the risk to pick them up again, officially), because he never needed to sleep, his father never supected a thing.

Lexington managed to maintain this charade for quite some time, completing most of his High School courses in a timely manner, while maintaining his nocturnal exercises and training, before he decided that he could do better. High School was a lesson in social isolation, that he really didn't need to endure, all things considered, and so he tested out of the academy, gained his GED, and applied, with a remarkably high GPA, to Michigan's Oakland University at the age of 17. His initial focus was Engineering (electrical engineering specifically, as his own recognized weakness fascinated him), with a minor in Psychology... for more personal reasons. During this time Lexington did not see too much more of his father, despite the fact that they where both operating on the same campus, and this (as something he had long since made his peace with, and come to somewhat require to ensure his status as a mutant remained a secret) was just fine... mostly. His social life somewhat improved, though he was still not entirely outgoing, and liked to keep his aquaintences at a safe distance.

Lexington powered through the next four years like a machine, taking advantage of his lack of need to sleep to study twice as hard as anyone else, to accomplish more, faster, while also keeping to his habit of night-time prowling and training. Only now however, he had an entire campus to practice at, and thus there was a greater risk of being recognized. He took to wearing a full knit burglars mask and assorted clothing to avoid just that. But being a civic minded young man, despite all his desires for social distance, he also found himself drawn to scenes of trouble and acting accordingly. Night-time crime on campus dropped remarkably, over the next few years, as rumors of a dark masked figure with a habit of popping out of shadows, and quietly pacifying acts of harrassment, violence, and the occasional mugging began to circulate. But no one suspected Lexington of any of this. His shy, slightly withdrawn behaviour just didn't match the swift heroic actions of the masked vigilante. But despite his well-meaning intentions and desire for secrecy, the rumors took on a life of their own and began to attract the attentions of others.

One day, shortly after completing his Bachelors, and starting his Masters degree, Lexington looked up from his studies in one of the campus libraries, in surprise, as the announcement for a campus wide lockdown came across the loud-speaker. Students and staff where ordered to lock themselves into their class and dormitory rooms, until such time as the all-clear was raised, as there appeared to be a roaming gun-man on campus. Deciding to be discrete about things, Lexington looked for a place to lock himself in aswell (as the library was ill equipped for such securing purposes). And -as bad luck would have it- met the gun-weilding man at the library door. The encounter surprized the both of them, but Lexington recovered his wits first. He stripped the man of his gun with one hand and knocked him out with a solid left hook before anyone (else) could get hurt. Unfortunately for Lexington's desire for secrecy (and perhaps even a swift escape) there were other witnesses, there at the library, so he was unable to simply drop the gun and flee afterwards, as other students came forth to help subdue and restrain the gunman. A well meaning librarian even went so far as to call the police. It almost went without saying that the whole affair was also captured on the library security cameras...

SO with two swift but sure movements, Lexington found his seven-year bubble of isolation abruptly popped. Everyone wanted to have a word or three with him for his actions: from the Administration who thanked him profusely, to the police who half did the same (and half admonished him for not letting them handle the situation), to the student body who praised him... at first, and then began to wonder how this silent young man could do that sort of thing. Having evidenced no combative skill in his personal life, before now, the mentality of some of the students eventually went from 'yay he's a hero', to 'wait, how'd he -do- that?' And being an Empath, and unable to avoid a great deal of reading of people because of his rapidly shrinking amount of desired personal space, Lexington was all to well aware of the growing doubt.

Severely discomforted, Lexington finally gave in, and confided what the problem was, what he'd been doing and what he was, and what he could do, to his father, one night, in the privacy of their home. His father was, of course, suitably alarmed at this confession, but eventually looked at it from an academic point of view... and from that of what he was, which was a distant, but loving father. He knew the potential fate of mutants in the world, even in such 'enlightened' places as America (Of course it was no secret, to the professor, that mutants that manifested on Campus where nearly always pressured to leave, one way or another. A pattern of administrative and social behaviour that he found secretly disquieting and disgusting). So he offered Lexington a rare bit of direct fatherly encouragement, and admitted, "Son... I know, perhaps, of some people that might be able to help..."

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Lexington has a number of physical tells, about some of his powers. His Body-Field, for example, is mostly undectable, except under carefull observation, when it is in an active state. When in faster-then-human motion, flight, power-leaping, or in the act of lifting something that weighs over a ton, it gives off a distinctive heat-wave like distortion in thn aura about himself (and whatever he is directly affecting). Likewise, while exerting himself in these acts, his eyes gleam with silver flecks, that increase in size and luminessence as he continues to push himself, to the point where they glow entirely silver (whites of his eyes included), when he reaches a certain plateau in his efforts. Sunglasses and dark lenses can hide some of this... initially.

Lexington doesn't need to Breathe, Eat or Sleep... but he does need to drink. Consequently he tends to always have a drink in hand (even in places where he shouldn't, unless reminded not to), and always carries a small, flat ceramic canteen of water in one of his many jacket pockets, as well as a flask of whatever he feels like (usually lemonade) in another. Citrus and vitamin C is your friend, after all.

Lexington likes an odd assortment of Musical and Artistic styles, from Metal, to Alternative Metal, Heavy Metal, some Goth and Dark Metal, some R&B and a little bit of Country (this last bit confused his father no end, but he accepted that his son was simply weird in that regard). His wardrobe tends to reflect this, being (even at it's most for wherever is fitting, for wherever he might be), always chromatically challenged (black with a few accents).

Re: Lexington Brown (Trainee) Post Coccoon Update

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:33 pm
by A_Dragon360
((I don't know if the origional post got deleted or eaten, but here's Lex's 'changed' powers after he spent x-months in a coccoon. -Dragon ))

General Power Information: Empathy Fueled Psychokinesis (Changed 12/12/2021)

Ability One: -Improved Expressed-Empathy Sustenance Conversion Field- Lexington is empowered and sustained by the constant automatic passive absorption of expressed emotive energy. In short, he safely feeds upon, and is fueled by, expressed emotions. People are not affected by this, except in so much as their words and sayings may have a fraction less of the emotive impact they might have had, had Lexington not been there. Motivational speakers might not be able to fire up a crowd as easily, singers might get muted applause, and so on, if Lexington is in the audience. In most cases this conversion is unnoticeable except to powerfully-empathic psychics, and is freakishly efficient, turning even a singular polite greeting to Lexington into at least a days worth of sustenance and hard-working energy. Lexington thus does not need to breath, eat, or sleep (although he still needs to keep himself hydrated), and -thanks to other facets of his other powers- can survive in hostile environments such as deep pressure, harsh vaccumes, and space, provided there is someone he can 'hang out with'. There are drawbacks to this power however, especially considering it's 1000 yard radius of effect; it can be overloaded, over time, with spectacularly drastic internally-metamorphological results, causing further secondary or tertiary mutations as time goes on, especially if the emotive energy absorbed is coming from other mutants. Mutant emotive energy provides more 'nutritional' power for Lexington. Also, more immediately, this power robs Lexington of the previous mutant ability to read others emotions, empathically (though he can sense them and is drawn to them instinctively and intuitively). As a side effect, due to the particularly... 'tasty' nature of mutant emotional outbursts, Lexington has little trouble detecting who is, and who isn't a mutant, after a second or three of interaction with a person. His senses on that matter are instinctively keen.

Ability Two: -Bioreflexive Tactile-Psychokinetic Body-Field- Lexington now has an amazingly tight-range field of psychokinetic energy, raising about a millmeter above the surface of his skin, and existing all throughout his physiology, on a cellular level. This field enables him to physically manipulate objects up to 50 tons in weight, by the extent of actually 'touching', 'tearing', or 'grappling' with the item and manipulating it physically. Moreover this field extends on contact to maintain the integrity of whatever it is Lexington is manipulating; this means when Lexington one-arm lifts a car, overhead, the rest of the car doesn't collapse under its own weight. As the psychokinetic energy is throughout Lexington's physiology, constantly battening and reinforcing his cellular tissue as it exists, it results in the enriching, and further mutating, of his natural biology with dense and strong muscular thews, enhanced neural/nervous system speed and responses, and dense (spongily-honeycomb-reinforced) skeletal development: the result being that even if his field went away, for whatever reason, Lexington would maintain a supernatural level constitution, reflexes, mental and physical speed, strength, and durability, and still be able to compete with most low-level superhumans. With his field up, Lexington is resistant to most conventional and infantry-grade weaponry (blades, bullets, and -some- bombs, though the later will toss him about, in an appropriate manner, depending on their ability to move his weight). Without his field, he can withstand bruising from conventional blades and bullets, and probably should avoid bombs as much as possible. Which brings up the subject of negative side-effects. Lexington's increased density is not unnoticeable, as it makes him twice as heavy as a muscular man of his height and build should be, rounding off to roughly 500lbs of weight that needs to -always- be considered whenever and wherever he goes, and no matter what he does. Thin ice, fragile floors, sketchy handholds, unsuitably reinforced furniture, weak ropes, and elevators of all sorts are always worrisome to be around.

Ability Three: -S.o.T-Class Psychokinesis- As Lexington's Empathy reading skills have gone entirely away (except for an innate residual power, from Ability One, to sense and gauge the power-level of externalized emotive energies), he gained, instead, an enhancement to his psychokinetic powers: Basically 'classical' externalized psychokinesis that could be utilized virtually at the 'Speed-of-Thought'. While slightly less powerful than his tactile-psychokinetic field (having a manipulative heft of roughly 20 tons) it could stack with his field for the sake of lifting, and otherwise had an extreme range of up to 300 yard diameter around him for radius effects, to 1000 yards for a direct line effect, dependent upon his actual line of sight and prevaling visibility. He can use his psychokinetic abilities, to affect what he can see and sense, and thanks to his cerebral/neural reinforcement, his response time is good enough to notice and apprehend bullet-speed missiles. When properly focused, Lexington can form a silver beam of concentrated pscyhokinetic energy, and send it forth from his eyes for devistating kinetic effect on targets up to 300 yards away. The beam can avoid obstacles and innocent bystanders (if Lexington is concentrating), and does blunt or sharp effects starting at merely irritating zaps of notable annoyance, to the full power of .600 rifle round (commonly used to hunt elephants). As the beam visible and rather bright, it can be dodged, but like most normal attempts to dodge firearms, the effort required is considerable to do so.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Most of Lexington's powers lead themselves to several complications and drawbacks.

Increased Physiological Density & Wheight- Because of the dense make-up of his physiology, caused by his varios bodyfields and secondary internal, physical mutations, Lexington is vastly more dense then a person of his size and build should be. His true weight of 500lbs causes problems on fragile surfaces, and often inconveniences him when faced with semi-fully occupied standard elevators. Ice is spectacularly treacherous for him to walk upon, and not just because of his weight, but that will be explored later.

Alien Internal Physiology- Lexington's dense biology is supported by strange adjustments to his skeletal structure, musculature, organs and such, he is easily notable as a Mutant (or at the very least 'something -else- other than human', to anyone with Penetrative or X-ray vision. His normal human appearance is only skin deep.

Alien Internal Biochemistry- Lexington also causes malfunctions or 'hits' to weapon-detector or metal-detector scans, and must be very careful to avoid such wherever and whenever he goes off campus. This is because the dense makeup of his msuculature and skeletal system has a far greater mineral and metal concentration than that which most such machines are geared for.

Abnormal Core Temperature- Lexington's natural state of constant Self-Sustenance increases his 'average' core temperature to around roughly 150 degrees Fahrenheit, or possibly higher, if he's exerting himself (though he generally tops out before reaching boiling or steaming temperatures of 200-212 Fahrenheit... Usually). Because of this, he is incredibly easy to notice via skin-to-skin contact or even base proximity. He is very easy locate or see via infra-red or thermal-vision type powers and technologies, without some sort of full body cover that can defend against the same. His unusual warmth causes problems when dealing with icy surfaces and constructs (he melts them), or cold wet days (he steams), without some sort of heat diffusing cover.

Distinguishing Odor- Lexington's constant high temperature, and alien physiology combint to give him a notable odor of -heated metal- and also -carmalized cinnamon-coated apples-. No. Really. Because of this he is easily trackable by scent by a person with a moderately good sense of smell, and a decent ability to pay attention. While this is barely commentable as a drawback for the average person, it makes him easily markable by predatory entities, and wildlife/hunter/survivalist types on the prowl. Unlike with his other drawbacks, this flaw cannot be blocked, no matter how much Lexington has tried, by over-use of such cologns or bodywashes, such as Classic Old Spice, etc. The scent of burning metal and cooked cinnamon apples reigns supreme.

Alone in the Crowd- In some cases Lexington's base powers are less 'altered' instead of merely 'enhanced'. But the case of the total alteration and erasure of his origionally noted Empathic Awareness ability (see below), has left him at a serious loss. For the last 8 years Lexington has been practicing the social art of keeping a polite distance from others, less his Empathic powers overwhelm him, or, at the very least, make conversation painfully awkward. But those powers are now utterly gone. In their place is a need to do the exact opposite, and remain near enough to people to sustain himself, but not so much that he causes an actual problem with others peoples socializing. He is, of course, absolutely unprepared on how to do this. Will this flaw will doubtlessly vanish over time, the social effects may prove long lasting and at least immediatly hilarious.

Bull in a China-Shop- Lexington spent the better part of several years coming to grips with his origional mutant strength enhancement, taking time and making the effort to learn how to move, act, and react, well-nigh automatically so that he didn't break anyone or anything, accidentally. After his secondary mutation, however, and the further enhancement of his strength, he's only had two-WEEKS to relearn how to adapt. Consequently, thanks to latent fears, he moves with care and a sometimes exagerated slowness to avoid overdoing things, or hurting people, though the true danger of him doing either, unwillingly is virtually nill.

Electrical Effect Magnet- Lexington origionally suffered from a weakness to electricity and electrically-charged attacks. That has since changed, somewhat. Thanks to his overall-increased density and biological make-up, he no longer takes extra damage from electricity and electrically charged attacks... but this doesn't mean he's no longer affected by them. No, thanks to the vastly high mineral content of his new flesh, sinew, and bones, Lexington tends to attract extraneous electrical charges, and electrical attacks (and raw static, and natural lightning) may divert from it's usual course and strike him, instead. As long as his psychokinetic field is up, however, this does only cosmetic damage to him. The same, of course, can not be said for his clothing, which often ends up scorched, torched, or otherwise disintegrated if not melted.

Socially Fueled- As was mentioned before, Lexington must now stay close to other beings, in order to remain well nourished and empowered. While this is socially awkward for anyone who preferred to stick to their own business 90% of the time, it is also a physical weakness, due to the fact that if Lexington does not remain near others on a regular basis, he starts to become sickly and weak. Two weeks or more without any emotive contact would be enough to kill him, barring sufficient medical intervention.