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Atandwa Brown

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:17 pm
by Naphthalim
Player Nickname: Naphthalim

Name: Atandwa Brown
Place of Origin: Atlanta
Nationality/Race: African American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Currently runs a support group
Occupation: Atandwa is a Web developer/designer

Personality Profile:

Atandwa has always been a listener. He's slow to anger and calm in most situations. Atandwa is the sort who believes most issues are a matter of different perspectives and/or misunderstandings and will often give people a third or fourth chance. He is very aware of touch (as it is one of his love languages) and often uses it to reassure. He's always been better at helping others with their issues than exploring his own, and strives for polite candor. These are all true about the main duplicate.

The actual Atandwa has become a shut in who refuses to see anyone but himself. He is still his normal self in correspondence but is short and curt in person. Human contact has come to terrify him.

Physical Description:

The Atandwa everyone meets is a thin man with long limbs. Once he was stronger, healthier. Under his shirt are a variety of wounds and marks, signs that he has experienced a wide variety of violence in his life. He looks much taller than he actually is (due to his proportions). He has a warm easy smile and tends to favor old style hats while wearing a t-shirt and a jacket.

The real Atandwa hasn't left the house in three years. His fingernails have grown long and his hair is filled with a thick but short beard. His hair has grown into a small, thick curly afro. He tends to wear pajama pants and robes.

General Power Information: Duplication

Ability One: Multiplication.

Atandwa has the ability to instantaneously create copies of himself. Each copy retains all his skills, memories and abilities. Later, he can reabsorb his duplicates. When he does so, he instantly gains the memories from the time they've spent apart.

Note: His duplicates can make duplicates, but like xerox machines, the quality depreciates with every copy of a copy.

Ability Two: Telepathic Link

All duplicates have a vague sense of where the closest duplicate is. Atandwa can use the senses of a duplicate, or read his thoughts with effort.

Ability Three: Backup Body

If Atandwa dies while he has at least one duplicate running around, the oldest duplicate becomes the main Atandwa. He does not gain any of the memories from Atandwa's life after he made the duplicate, but he does suddenly become aware that he is the main Atandwa.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Ability 1 - Multiplication
All duplicates begin like robots ready to perform a task. After about thirty minutes, When duplicates are left unabsorbed for more than ten minutes, they begin to favor different portions of his personality. The longer they are apart the more unique their personality becomes. Duplicates can be reabsorbed after death, but bring with them the very vivid experience of dying. If one of his duplicates has received a major injury, a scar, or other portion of the injury will be absorbed by Atwandwa.

Ability 2 - Telepathic Link

Only the original, or the eldest multiple has access to the ability to use the senses of the others, or read their minds. The multiples can only sense the direction of the nearest multiple.

Ability 3 - Backup Body

The process of becoming the main Atandwa is a harrowing near death type experience that has always left the new Atandwa scarred in some way both mentally and physically. The new Atandwa is unable to absorb the body of the former Atandwa forever losing the memories they did not share.


Before his death, he was skilled in even more things, but, Atandwa has spent most of his life with at least five doubles in the world growing and learning. This has led him to become very skilled.
Atandwa is a skilled psychologist, systems analyst, web developer, airplane pilot, sky diver, bartender, business owner, and surgeon.


Atandwa has lived literally a hundred lifetimes through his myriad of duplicates, but what remains the same is his life before. Before, he was an unpopular school child who excelled in almost nothing. He was just as lonely as he was unspectacular till one day he pissed off the local bully who was beating him up. He split into two when the bully hit him. The bully hit him again, and he split again. After that they split on their own. Soon there were eight of him and they chased the bully off before they all merged back into him.

From that day forward, he began treating his duplicates like siblings, or partners, dividing his responsibilities up between a couple of himself so he always had more than enough time. This lasted till one of them kissed a girl they liked and it wasn't the main one. Atandwa decided that living so closely wasn't going to work and sent his duplicates out into the world to live the grand adventures he always imagined, while he hit the books and went to college.

The real Atandwa became a therapist before calling all his doubles home to finally be whole. He continued like this for a time, creating duplicates only to run errands as he enjoyed a fulfilling life. One day, the past of one of his duplicates caught up to him. An assassin found him and murdered him in his home. The duplicate who is now the real Atandwa, came home with food in hand to find the body. He cleaned up what was left (the assassin left with proof) and has not left his home since, allowing his duplicates to carry on the life he'd live were he brave enough.

Criminal Record:

None . . . ish? The current Atandwa Brown has a clean record, but past clones who no longer exist and were spawned by the original Atandwa Brown do. As it's been proven that these actions did not originate from the current Atandwa they remain unpunishable crimes, though, the law has caught up enough that he may be prosecuted for the acts of any duplicates he has absorbed back into himself.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: