Chelsea Davis - [Sylph]

Individuals aged 21 and over who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Chelsea Davis - [Sylph]

Post by Goldbolt »

Player Nickname: Sho

Name: Chelsea Davis
Codename: Sylph
Age: 22 (60)
Date of Birth: October 31, 1959

Height: 5’5
Weight: 122lbs
Hair Color: Black, shaved on the sides, spiky up top/None
Eye Color: Brown/Red
Place of Origin: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Vampire (Kirop Breed)
Status: Refugee

Personality Profile: Flighty, ethereal, a little absent minded and a dreamy focus like she's walking in a world only she can see. Often shrewd and a bit vicious, the bite and infection has left Chelsea a bit of a cynic. Never hesitant to hold a grudge, which can last for a long time.

Physical Description:
Human: Tall and thin with a narrow face. Chelsea has a distinct jaw with prominent bones, very thin lips, and canine teeth slightly larger than the norm. Her eyes are wide set and brown. Her black hair is shaved on the sides with a long and spiky rooster comb tuft on top. She is very pale.
Feral Vampire: In this form Chelsea resembles a humanoid bat. Complete with enormous ears, fangs, and an upturned nose. This form is completely hairless. Her hands are only partially functional as both human hands and bat wings. Her thumb, index and middle fingers are actual fingers, while her ring and pinky fingers are elongated to form her wings. Chelsea’s hands and feet are clawed.


General Power Information: Chelsea is a unique breed of vampire. She is not dead or undead. She is alive. She needs to breathe. She needs to eat. She has a heart beat.

Ability One: Shapeshifting:

Midway: At times of stress or extreme emotion; hunger, anger, etc; Chelsea will transform into a feral hybrid form of a monstrous bat creature. This change is not a conscious one and the form grants her superhuman strength. She has no control in this form and will go wild unless stopped.

Bat form: Chelsea can turn into a bat at will.

Ability Two: Blood Drain: As long as Chelsea continues to drink fresh blood, her age is the same as it was when she was first turned. She will heal from injuries and her strength will increase. It does not have to be human, but human is best. To aid in the blood drain, Chelsea's saliva has a numbing and anti-coagulant effect this can be addicting to the victim.

Ability Three: Vampiric Durability: Unless the wound is caused by silver, fire, or a wooden stake Chelsea will not be down for long.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Direct sunlight; a parasol, sunglasses, and sunblock can help.
  • Chelsea needs a verbal invitation to enter a home. Public places do not fall under this restriction.
  • Silver, not only weapons, but the touch of the metal itself. It will burn her and only blood will heal the wound.
  • Garlic, just the smell will have her sneezing and her eyes watering. Accidental ingestion will cause her to go into anaphylactic shock.
  • A holy symbol (not only crosses!) will only hurt if it is used specifically against her in a warding manner. There needs to be faith behind it, only then will it burn her, and only ingesting blood will heal the resulting wound.
  • Injuries from fire will only heal after she drinks blood.
  • Staked right through the heart – this death would technically kill anyone.

Skills: Guitar, gymnastics

Background: Halloween. Chelsea was born on it and turned on it. It's not a day she likes to celebrate. It was the 1980s, Chelsea went to a Halloween party, the guy in the vampire costume? Not a costume. Chelsea did not realize this until it was too late. How was she to know vampires were real? --more to come

Criminal Record:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Do not bring up Twilight around Chelsea
  • Chelsea actually does have a reflection in a modern mirror! An antique silver backed one? Nope. No reflection.
  • She can eat and subsist for a time on people food, but will grow lethargic without fresh blood.
  • Chelsea does not sleep in a coffin. She prefers to sleep hanging upside-down, thank you.
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