Liza Peddelton [Barrel of Monkeys]

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Liza Peddelton [Barrel of Monkeys]

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Liza Peddelton
Codename: Barrel of Monkeys
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 01/10/95

Height: 1’ to 20’
Weight: 10 pounds to 900
Hair Color: Rusty brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Orlando, Florida
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Villain
Occupation: Thief

Personality Profile:

Physical Description: Monkey: brown-red fur with a chocolate brown face. Long prehensile tail.

Human: pale with long thin dreadlocks. Very attractive with great bone structure.


General Power Information:

Ability One: Multiply and divide

Liza exists as a troupe of monkeys that is capable of combining into larger monkeys. A full merge results in one very large King Kongesque kaiju.

Ability Two: Monkey business

The necklace grants her a monkey’s body. Useful for theft and escape but awful for general living.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The monkeys who make up Liza have no outstanding abilities; they’re simple animals. The individual monkey bodies are very fragile and prone to damage.

Creating more takes an amazing amount of energy. Either she divides her body and uses the mass to form the new body. Alternately she can grow polyps that fall off and form a new body. The second is less energy intensive but takes more time.

Isn’t aware of the necklace’s powers. The necklace’s enchantment makes it irresistible and difficult to remove. Should the necklace be removed the end result would be a mix of baffling and horrifying.


Background: Once upon a time Liza’s life was normal. Boring, even. Nothing about her really stood out. Laughter filled her parents’ house. A wonderful life with her older brother and an old African grey parrot named George.

The first whisper of power cane when she hit an early puberty. One morning she woke up to a double of herself. The double mirrored her perfectly. With some help from her brother she managed to merge with her twin. Years of experimentation taught her the ropes of her powers. A few close calls almost exposed her to others.

Years later her life changed when she got the idea to use her powers for a quick buck. The first attempt to rob a bank ended in absolute failure and got her on META’s radar. While she managed to escape it was at a cos thanks to a double’s mask falling off. With her face on the news she had to skip town and evade the police.

Panic landed her several states away in Louisiana. New city, new faces, and completely lost with no family or support system. Good fortune landed her under the guidance of a more experienced thief. Five years she worked under him doing small jobs robbing single houses. In time she worked her way up to businesses. Jewelry stores and banks.

Things went horribly awry again for her when she attempted to steal precious artifacts from The Order. Getting in was easy. Some pilfered robes granted her easy access. But sticking to the plan was hard. The sheer number of precious items and untold wealth got the best of her. Greed won out and she nabbed an item not on her list. A wonderfully polished and cut diamond necklace. Incredibly valuable and equally cursed. Within seconds of putting it on her body distorted and warped from the curse she brought upon herself.

Fear drove her to run, again, and hide. Time moved her from one state to the next as she tried to relearn her powers and grapple with her new identity. Gone was her beautiful face and the glow of her youthful skin. The well-kept hair in exquisite dreadlocks and gold details. All that remained was the red-brown fur the color of southern clay. A monkey’s body with a prehensile tail. Long sharp canines. For a while it broke her.

But time mends all. Liza found sanity and solace in her criminal tendencies. The road carried her to Salem where she tries to make a home for herself.

Criminal Record: Theft, aggravated assault, and grand theft auto.

META notes:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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