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Absolute Zero

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:25 pm
by Naphthalim
Player Nickname: Naphthalim

Codename: Absolute Zero
Age: 30 ish?
Date of Birth: November 3rd.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 213lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: London, England
Nationality/Race: Pakistani
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Rivals Team member, Government Liason
Occupation: See Above

Personality Profile:
Absolute Zero is chilly both physically and personally. He doesn't stop for autographs or charity functions and is never the team member who goes to visit the hospital. He keeps most exchanges short and professional. When pressed to speak (as he prefers to simply not speak in heated situations) he will be brutally honest no matter what the situation. He's even known to give newer teammates the cold shoulder till they eventually grow on him.

After having known someone for a while, he opens up (as much as he can). He remains just as blunt, but will offer these observations willingly. He has a painfully dry wit and will often have a reserved response to things that are funny. No one has seen him in a full belly laugh. If he truly likes someone's company he lets the air near him warm up for their comfort.

Generally speaking he is a rule follower, but is vocal on any request he's disagreed with. He is not a soldier and will not act without question, but will give someone who has earned his trust the benefit of the doubt. If the person has not earned his trust, he will act to solve the situation in the way he thinks is best, everytime.

When asked by media about why the Rivals "fight the symptoms and not the causes," he has offered one response. "If you want us to lead you, vote for us. Otherwise we're not a political entity."

Physical Description:Image

General Power Information:

Ability One: Cryonic Manipulation
Absolute Zero can reduce the speed of the molecules in any given body till they stop moving completely. The larger the change in temperature or the area, the harder the manipulation. He is particularly skilled in detailed manipulation, and finds it easier to manipulate something the closer it is to him. Careful use of this power allows him to create ice constructs from the moisture in the air or reduce living matter to cryogenic levels of cold.

Ability Two: Anti Kinetic field
When entering battle, Absolute Zero uses his power on the air around him, normally creating a five foot field of slowed molecules. This slows kinetic energy attacks like bullets down enough where his hardened skin (power three) can absorb them, chills physical attackers to a chilling degree and completely removes the kinetic energy of slower projectiles like arrows. Absolute Zero can create his anti kinetic field anywhere he can see.

Ability Three: Low Body Temperature
Absolute Zero's natural body temperature is about fifty degrees. As such his skin is normally about the same temperature as the environment. He does not show up on most infrared and is immune to most diseases. His skin is a bit more durable than normal.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Ability One: Cryonic Manipulation
The more he uses this power without a water source, the more he dries out the air. If he were to make large constructs (Ice wall), he pulls all the water of the air starting with the area around him. Too much of this will lower the oxygen content of the air near him till he eventually passes out. (It is why he tends to use as little effort as possible, chilling veins to incapacitate people rather than ice shackles)

Ability Two: Anti Kinetic Field
He is only able to maintain one anti kinetic field at a time. If he's using one in a space away from him, he is unprotected. This field is such a concentrated form of his power that it only covers a small area at a time, meaning he could use it on a smaller engine, but could never use it to stop a moving vehicle completely or anything larger than his field. Even with precise use of the power (such as creating a field in a car engine) the car would still be travelling the same speed it would just begin decelerating as if put in neutral. When protected by an anti kinetic field his physical body slows. So an aggressor who could handle the chill could easily lay him out when he uses it to protect himself, also, concussive/sound waves are completely unaffected by this field.

Ability Three: Low Body Temperature
His low body temperature makes him harder to hurt, but it also slows down healing. Most of his injuries require special healing because his body is extremely slow at healing itself. Also, when the temperature is above typical human body temperature, He must use his own powers to keep his body temperature low or he begins experiencing symptoms of heat sickness up to and including heat stroke.


- He is a skilled chemist and holds a masters degree in chemical engineering.
- His time with Rivals and working with the English Government has taught him both police procedural techniques and crime scene investigation.
- He loves to educate himself and effectively speaks eight languages
- He has learned enough of the human body to isolate and immobilize most attackers with minimal effort.
- He knows many constellations and is an amateur astrologist

Background: Classified:

Criminal Record: none.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

- He finds it hard to control his power and drive at the same time so he doesn't. The last time he tried to drive in traffic, he froze the engine solid.
- He has a severe fear of insects that he will never admit to.
- He now knows that in an alternate reality he's a terrifying super villain
- He has two rap albums he's recorded but is too scared to let anyone listen to
- He has a collection of memoirs written that he's too scared to let anyone read
- Seeing stars always puts him at ease.
- He maintains a home with a helicopter pad and no roads that reach it.
- He is terrible at flirting, and has been on two dates in his entire life.
- He loves going birding