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Elias Montgomery

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:14 pm
by Remu
Name: Elias Victor Montgomery
Age: 28
Date of Birth: October 11th

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Amber brown
Place of Origin: Hoboken, NJ
Nationality/Race: White/Puerto Rican
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Villain
Occupation: Guitarist, singer/songwriter, drug dealer

Personality Profile: At a glance, laid back, if a touch on the brooding side. Quick to smile, but there’s typically emptiness behind it. Claims he isn’t manipulative while he manipulates people, and supplements his self-loathing with a lot of negative self-talk without (on most occasions) actually taking responsibility for his actions. His sister has been known to set him straight.

Physical Description: Not overly tall, and with a build somewhere between ‘gangly’ and ‘swimmer’, he’s a bit long of limb and is constantly working to correct a slouch. His hair is glossy, shaved fairly low at the bottom while being significantly longer at the top, and his smile is clean and bright despite how much he smokes. Mostly wears band tees and ripped jeans, though he recently handed down his favorite leather jacket to his younger half-sister.


General Power Information: Empathic Manipulation

Ability One: Emotional Projection - Elias has the ability to implant emotions at various strengths. This can be done on an individual or group level. Additionally, when his own emotion matches the one he is implanting, its effects are notably more intense, almost as if he was sharing his mind. This will not immediately alter one’s thought patterns, which tends to lead to a lot of conflicted reactions. Some have described the affect as being under some kind of drug or alcohol. Strong enough projections can cause slight hallucinations.

Ability Two: Emotional Drain - Elias can shut down an emotion -- or multiple emotions -- as easily as he can implant them. While one would think this would result in a Vulcan-like state of stoicism in its target, it usually stirs up (again) intense confusion for the target(s), and in the case of shutting down all emotions, it can turn into a serious depression-style numbness. He has held emotions hostage on occasion.

Ability Three: Empathic Overload - An uncanny feel for the ebb and flow of human emotion allows him to take control and drive it like the moon pulls the tides. Essentially, Elias can flood the mind with the full scope of human emotion all at once. This isn’t something most are prepared for. Typical reactions are: fainting, nausea, vomiting (or general loss of control over bodily functions), intense fits of crying, total catatonia. One man claims to have seen God. It is comparable, some have said, to several dozen times worse than their worst salvia trip.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

- Emotional instability, partially due to his powers, partially due to general existence, which causes self-destructive (and outwardly destructive) tendencies.
- Prone to random sensory blackouts -- he has woken up temporarily blind and deaf, for example.
- Nosebleeds and migraines are fairly common for him when he over-uses his powers.

Skills: Guitar (Acoustic, electric), piano

Background: Eli’s life was spent. That’s all he’s usually willing to tell anyone. His constant agitation at life was tempered only by the activation of his unique genes and, for a while, a lot of video games. A traditional unhappy home, he lived as a latchkey kid with an abusive father and a mother who worked more than she needed to, constantly sick due to chronic illness.

He was a bright child, though heavily unmotivated, dulling his brain with drugs and booze in his teenage years and allowing himself to cope with his abandonment issues through increasingly bad habits, like hate-focused websites and conspiracy theories. The only person he was warm toward was his younger sister, even growing fiercely protective of her as the abuse escalated.

Elias turned his frustration into something productive when he took up the guitar, and even formed a band with some of his classmates. Bullying caused him to eventually drop out of school shortly before he was supposed to graduate. Focusing on music, he learned something new about himself; his emotions and the emotions of others could spiral in a seamless dance. It was like reaching into someone’s soul.

With this newfound power under his belt, he decided to finish school. However, after suffering a violent attack by several of his former bullies, Elias lashed out, losing control of his abilities. His own misery became the misery of those around him, and on the day of graduation, three members of his graduating class tragically passed away.

It was difficult living at home with a sibling almost ten years his junior, especially with his father often screaming in his face about his failures, but he worried that the abuse would turn on her. He was relieved when she finally took off to college, and he set out to explore the country himself, eventually landing in Salem where he formed his second band and sought out to discover who he could be without the fear of his father looming overhead.

Criminal Record: Possession (1c), Loitering (1c)

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
- His powers were never officially discovered by his parents, teachers, or doctors due to its subtle nature and Elias’ skill at concealing it. Only his sister is aware of his abilities, and even then, all she knows is he’s ‘some kind of psychic or something?’. Doesn’t generally discuss being a mutant.
- Singer in an indie band called Livid Skies.
- Makes most of his money selling merch and so-on, mostly at shows.
- Brother to a pooka.