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BrandyRose Smith [Succubus]

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:00 pm
by Sisip
Player Nickname: Sisip

Name: BrandyRose Smith
Codename: Succubus
Age: 21
Date of Birth: November 5th

Height: 5'2"
Weight: Rude!!
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Brown with blue sclera (tattooed)
Place of Origin: Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Nationality/Race: Caucasian American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Tattoo Artist

Personality Profile: BrandyRose is a fairly confident, friendly woman for the most part. She, for obvious reasons, avoids contact like the plague.

Physical Description: BrandyRose cannot easily pass for normal. She's had quite a few modifications done. Aside from the obvious sclera tattoos, she's got dermal piercings in various places; the most obvious ones being between her eyebrows, along her cheekbone and one against her breastbone. She's had her eyeteeth removed and replaced with dental implants that give her vampire-looking fangs, and she's had ear pointing surgery to make her ears look elf-like.
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General Power Information: Absorption

Ability One: Power Absorb - BrandyRose has the ability to absorb powers and physical abilities (whether mutant or not) of another being through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person. The victim's abilities and powers are absorbed for twice the amount of time she was in contact with them. 1 minute of touch results in 2 minutes of power. 2 minutes being 4, etc etc.

Ability Two: Psyche Absorb - Through the contact of skin upon skin BrandyRose has the ability to absorb personality traits, memories and talents of the victim. The victim's personality traits and talents are absorbed for twice the amount of time she was in contact with them. 1 minute of touch results in 2 minutes of power. 2 minutes being 4 etc etc. The memories remain with her even after the absorption has ended.

Ability Three: N/A

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: BrandyRose has zero control over her ability. She cannot touch, skin on skin, another being without temporarily absorbing that person's abilities, and superhuman powers (if any) and rendering them unconscious after inflicting pain. The longer BrandyRose is in contact with a being the more damage they sustain. From pins and needles in the direct area for a brief accidentally glance, to crippling body-encompassing pain for the long periods, the lengthier resulting in the victim losing consciousness, going into a coma or even dying.

Skills: BrandyRose is a fantastic artist. She used that to become a Master Tattoo artist and went into business with her brother. She is also Marvel and Lucas Film Licensed.

Background: BrandyRose and her brother were raised in your average milk-toast suburbs to parents who had steady jobs. She and her brother competed at almost everything when they were young, always trying to one-up each other. When their powers manifested at puberty and the realization of how deadly they were came crashing down the twins became inseparable. In part because it was always nice to have someone who understood, but also because they were literally the only people they could touch without hurting them. Sports were out of the question, so the pair devoted their time into art, eventually branching out into tattooing. After opening their shop in Crowley's Row, BrandyRose decided it was time to visit Cobalt to see if they could help her possibly control her ability.

Criminal Record: None! Despite looking like a degenerate, BrandyRose is very law abiding!

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
BrandyRose is a twin.
She collects Precious Moments figurines.
She and her brother have a tattoo studio in Crowley's Row.
BrandyRose has a vast collection of full bodysuits. All in different materials. She uses these, and a blackmarket bracelet SND in the shape of 2 skeletons holding a casket to keep from touching anyone accidently.
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