Jax Petrakis / Student / WIP

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Jax Petrakis / Student / WIP

Post by iwantmoresleep »

Player Nickname: Kat

Name: Jax Petrakis
Codename: Synergy
Age: 17
Date of Birth: March 3, 2002

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 154lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Colorado, United States
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Student / Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Confident, fun loving. Somewhat rebellious. He's an identical twin. Fiercely protective of his brother.

Physical Description: A good looking young man with vitiligo -- he has white patches on his skin. However, he's also deaf and mute.


General Power Information: Telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition

Ability One: Telepathy. He can't hear or talk, but he can hear through his brother's mind. His brother sees through his eyes. So he's always in mental contact with his brother. He -can- communicate with others the same way but prefers not to. Listening to their thoughts takes effort and time.

Ability Two: Clairvoyance. They're both psychic. it's useful for knowing things about people. He can touch an object and sometimes pick up the energies surrounding it. Sometimes he has visions. Sometimes they hear voices. Which is strange, because he's deaf, and the only time he 'hears' anything is always from a psychic experience.

Ability Three: Precognition. There are limits and it's never guaranteed. Sometimes it's just a danger sense. Sometimes he knows when a teacher will give a test or when he needs to take an umbrella.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: First, it should be noted that he has almost no powers at all when his brother isn't with him. Together, they can do all kinds of things. Separate, they're powerless. His mind is a raw nerve and it can be difficult to shut out the rest of the world. Sleep can be hard, with so many dreaming minds around them. Trusting others is almost impossible when you can sometimes pick up on their secrets.

Skills: Sign language probably counts as a skill. However, he's also pretty good at drawing. He can't always express himself well but art helps. He's also really good at running -away-.

Background: They were born to a teenage girl, and then given up for adoption. It would have gone great. Should have been perfect, but their adopted parents died and the two young children were put into foster care. Things really went wrong, though, when they tried to separate the boys. Jax would be sent to a school for the deaf, Ixy would be sent to a school for the blind. Neither were willing to be separated, so they ran away.

When they ran away, they got into trouble with the law. Shoplifting, trying to steal for food. They've been hitchhiking, trying to get far away, but now they're on the way to Cobalt, in the back of a META truck.

Criminal Record: Shoplifting, petty theft, picking pockets, resisting arrest, assaulting an officer, vagrancy. Grand theft auto.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: He doesn't like others to touch him.
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