Hiroto "Fujin" Suzuki

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Hiroto "Fujin" Suzuki

Post by Nightmare »

Player Nickname: TentacleBeast

Name: Suzuki, Hiroto
Codename: Fujin
Age: 23
Date of Birth: July 3rd

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair Color: Red/Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Place of Origin: Tokyo
Nationality/Race: Japanese
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Musician, Vagabond

Personality Profile: Hiroto is an ask forgiveness over permission kind of person. Often seen as aloof and carefree with a mischievous streak a mile wide most don't suspect that this easy going demeanor hides a much more troubled nature. He doesn't like anything that gets in his way or stops him from pursuing the next thrill and absolutely rebels against control and order. Some might call him a font of chaos but in truth Hiroto is just searching for that which will fulfill him, be it a person, ideal, duty, or a combination of such things, not that he'd admit it readily to most. Hiroto isn't fond of things that stand in his way or slow him down and often will fight to remain as free to explore as he can but do not mistake his rebellious streak for a lack of moral fiber and character.

Physical Description: Click on the image for a larger view
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General Power Information: Large red raptorian feathered wings, super speed, limited telekinesis

Ability One: Wings: Hiroto was born with an enormous set of feathered wings with a wingspan that stretches over fifteen feet from tip to tip, while they are magnificent to behold they are also quite inconvenient for him. They are sturdy like a birds wings and are water resistant and sleek and have a bit more resilience to them than Hiroto himself. They allow for his flight with incredible agility and maneuverability coupled with his powers of speed.

Ability Two: Super speed: Hiroto's top speed thus far has been clocked at Mach 3 or 2,302 miles per hour (3,376 feet per second) this incredible speed extends not only to his movement but also his coordination, perception, agility, reflexes, and reaction time. Though it is suspected that this is not his upper limit he may be able to increase that with more time, training, and practical experience. Hiroto's typical speed which he usually manages to maintain with some degree of regularity is generally around Mach 1 (767 Miles per hour) or 1,125 feet per second, which could be considered his cruising speed when he decides to use it. While he could throw a super sonic punch to strike someone it would not be without devastating consequences to his body. (see drawbacks)

Ability Three: Limited telekinesis: Hiroto's telekinesis works only on himself and acts as a sort of protective barrier which will deflect minor debri from dust, rocks, and other small items which might impact with him while he moves at such incredible velocity. He can extend this telekinetic protection to his feathers and wield them like a sharpened melee weapon by plucking them and striking utilizing the telekinetic field to absorb the shock of impact on the "feather weapon" or with sweeps of his wings, however if he lets them go the telekinetic reinforcement fades instantly and they go back to being abnormally large feathers and nothing more. His ability to cut hard targets is currently limited to hard woods or that which might normally be cut with a mundane sword/knife Additionally his feathers can be reinforced with the telekinesis to provide a shield of sorts against direct attacks though the shock of absorbing such attacks will usually cause a molting or loss of feathers thus he is unable to defend in this manner for very long at all and risks critical damage to his wings or his body. Lastly and likely most importantly the telekinetic field protects him by limiting the incredible friction generated by moving at such high speeds and incidentally prevents him from bursting into flames.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Aside from the obvious drawbacks of having enormous wings ever present on his back, Hiroto also shares a trait with large birds of prey in that his bones are hollow and while they are not necessarily brittle they are not exactly resilient. If he were to use his speed to try and deliver physical blows with his body his limbs would likely break because of the resulting impact. He is also rather susceptible to blunt force trauma and while his personal TK field will shield him from small debri a concentrated assault on his person would likely do tremendous damage to his frail skeleton (His muscles can only do so much). Hiroto also suffers from a sort of Samson effect with his wings and the more feathers he loses the more his speed is degraded both on foot and in flight, should he lose too many feathers he is unable to fly and his speed will be severely hindered. His feathers do not regenerate or regrow instantly but they do regrow quickly regaining lost feathers at roughly one per hour and able to regrow a complete loss of feathers in roughly one week. If he did lose all of his feathers not only would he look like a plucked chicken and lose the ability to fly but his speed would be almost non-existent as well. Lastly like any bird of prey his feathers are rather flammable and while his TK shielding might help resist it for a very short while, it will almost certainly fail at any prolonged exposure, often referred to as the Icarus effect (fwoosh!). Hiroto also suffers from a strong case of claustrophobia preferring to be free rather than confined and this extends to more than just the physical act of confinement but also the mental and he rails against such stricture at every opportunity. Hiroto does not possess superhuman endurance so his speed is best used in bursts and while he is very athletic, exerting himself at his top speed will exhaust him after only a few minutes depending on the severity of the activity.

Skills: Hiroto is an excellent guitarist preferring electric to acoustic, a little known skill of Hiroto's is also that he is somewhat of a polyglot; he is proficient in English, Japanese, Mandarin chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, ASL, Russian, Italian, and Arabic he is able to read and write with fluency in all of the mentioned languages as well and can also understand brail thanks to his sensitive sense of touch and his language proficiency. He is adept at systems of combat which focus on redirection and deception, a practiced gymnast, and adept at parkour/free running. While by no means a master at any of these skills he is able to hold his own and in many cases excel just by virtue of his speed and the ability to focus and react faster than just about anyone.

Background: Hiroto never knew his parents and from his earliest memories he grew up a product of the system. Due to his rebellious streak and inability to handle confinement Hiroto found himself in and out of foster homes for almost all of his life until his emancipation at the age of seventeen. While he was schooled per public curriculum he never excelled academically, instead preferring activities and pursuits which benefited his abilities and strengths, that being speed and agility. Oddly enough while Hiroto did not do well in subjects such as english, composition, and history, he did well with science and mathematics especially with subjects which were handled in a fast paced manner and had a great deal of change to them. He received a guitar from an early foster family to encourage him to find a pursuit which would interest him and he found a passion for music often developing new guitar riffs that benefited from his speed and reaction time, he was a creative that enjoyed the ability to freely compose music and when he was finally on his own he continued to pursue music, letting that pay for his meals and his meager living arrangements as a young adult. Unfortunately for young Hiroto he never quite fit the mold of the conservative young Japanese adult, the same could be said for the typical dutiful hero in the hero academies across the country. All in all Hiroto found himself to be a stranger in his own country. He refused to be bound by the restrictions and rules of polite society and became a sort of vagabond of sorts that did odd jobs for money and busked his music where he could, eventually he was given a break with his music but, unfortunately he ruined it with his inability to work within the confines of a label. While he gained some important exposure with his initial label offerings it was never more than enough to make his name known in some circles as an eccentric who could make fine music on the fly and in fact his musical tastes seemed more in line with impromptu songs that were never the same from show to show. While he gained a sort of small following he began to grow bored of things and started searching for things to keep him busy outside of his hobbies. This led to his using his abilities to help those in need around him but as he was not recognized by any of the hero training academies of Japan, or legal and governmental agencies he was often shunned. He learned from a young age that he was unable to handle tight and confining spaces to the point of hysteria and in fact could not even handle being kept inside of vehicles such as automobiles, busses, trains, and planes. Boats were a bit better but only if he were able to remain above deck. Other modes of transportation which were not confining were alright, such as bicycles and motorcycles, scooters, and the beds of trucks someone else was driving. Eventually Hiroto grew tired of constantly being held back and being unable to develop his powers either because of a lack of money to pay for the academies and lacking the backing or influence to be accepted for his qualities or having the academic marks to be given a scholarship. So he wandered being nothing more than a vagabond, someone who lived on the outskirts of polite society and becoming more like a Robin Hood of sorts, while he had an innate sense of right and wrong, following all these rules in order to get to that right outcome was often too stifling for Hiroto and so he managed to gain a small criminal record, even with the best of intentions from vandalism, to assault, to disturbing the peace. Hiroto was going nowhere and his talent was being wasted, luckily he had a few friends that knew of his problems and gave him some advice about a school in America that could train him to learn more about his abilities and likely give him the chance he needed outside of the confining country of Japan. Without really even looking back he secured a ticket on a ship and worked his way across the pacific with a work visa in order to get to America where he traveled across the country in order to find Cobalt and see whether his friends had steered him right or set him on a wild goose chase. He's know soon enough whether being a hero really did just mean more rules or if he could be who he was meant to be and fly free. Time would tell.

Criminal Record: Various small crimes all in Japan.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Hiroto eats very little but he loves variety, his favorite kind of food is Spanish tapas, little plates with lots of variety. His best dish he can cook is instant noodles, his musical ability is quite good but he doesn't pursue it too much if forced to conform to musical theory and accepted musical norms. Hiroto chose his hero name far before he was a hero by taking into account his red winged countenance and his affinity for being a free spirit and always "in the wind" leading to him choosing the code name of Fujin after the god of wind, hoping one day to live up to that mantle. While Hiroto hates confinement and is, in fact, afraid of it he does enjoy open forms of transportation especially fast motorcycles and saves money in the hopes of one day owning the rather coveted Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Hiroto is a but of an adrenaline and sensation Junkie and loves almost anything that might give him a thrill. While Hiroto is a rebel in almost every sense of the word he still has a very real sense of right and wrong and will fight tooth and nail against anyone that would work to hold other people down, which has gotten Hiroto into more than one tricky situation with the law.
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