Bobby Pearson [Telapa]

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Bobby Pearson [Telapa]

Post by Sisip »

Player Nickname:

Name: Robert "Bobby" Pearson
Codename: Technocoloured Dreamland Paradise (TeLaPa)
Age: 17
Date of Birth: April 20

Height: 6"3
Weight: 170
Hair Color:Pink
Eye Color: Blue-Grey
Place of Origin: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Professional Loafer

Personality Profile: He just wants to live, enjoying every moment.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Illusions
Bobby is able to create illusions. From small little parlor tricks to large scale environmental changes. He prefers trippy psychadelic scenes full of colours and shapes, but he is able to create real-world images when he wants to.

Ability One: Illusion Manipulation
Bobby is able to manipulate illusions. Either his, or ones that he comes into contact with.
He cannot dispel any illusion that is not his, he can create minor alterations in them.
Ability Two: Illusion Solidification
Bobby's illusions can have various levels of mass. From something merely a mental image to something as solid as a chair or tree. He can only do this with illusions of his own creation. While he can manipulate someone else's illusions he cannot give them mass.
Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: It is very easy to get sucked into an imaginary world, and Bobby does that often with his illusions. When trying to create large illusions for long periods of time Bobby becomes physically exhausted

Skills:Colouring inside the lines.

Background: He had an average life, a happy famiy. His SecondCousin Twice Removed was a resident here at Cobalt some years ago. Bobby and Angel are still in contact, as his 'cousin' has turned into his sole narcotics supplier. (AngelBerries)

Criminal Record:
One count - possession of a controlled substance.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:Bobby is always carrying around what he calls AngelBerries. They are sour gummies laced with a mild hallucinogen that he's obtained from a family member.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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