The Kraken Releases *unedited*

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The Kraken Releases *unedited*

Post by Goldbolt »

[10:25] <JJ> alien technology! Alien technology! Alien. Technology. JJ knew he shouldn't be this excited over what was essentially an earpiece and speaker with some special additions, but he couldn't help it. There was wear and tear from daily use, but the real damage was from wearing it on missions. Battle damage and strong magnet exposure. He was in his lab with the dissected device laid out
[10:25] <JJ> carefully with all the parts labled and in their own soft cloth lined box. Images were on screens of every single step JJ took in taking it apart. But right now? He was waiting on the 3D printer to spit out some replacement parts and customized tool heads.
[10:25] * JJ is now known as ShoErrands
[10:31] * Endymion (Shobits@2607:fb90:7aae:ugzk:nuns:itzx:htux:qrvn) has joined #Cobalt*hill
[10:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Endymion
[10:31] * ShoPhone (Shobits@2607:fb90:54a5:prlr:ljlt:jony:nrhh:mxkx) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Endymion!Shobits@2607:fb90:7aae:ugzk:nuns:itzx:htux:qrvn)))
[10:31] * Endymion is now known as ShoPhone
[10:35] <Marlo> Scarlet was sitting in front of JJ's tv, still in pajamas, playing Punch Out and having trouble with Bald Bull. She grumbles and looks over at her boyfriend, "You're doing better than me, looks like. Did you eat breakfast before I came over?"
[10:57] <vilerat> The GPS on Mako’s ankle monitor puts him off in the deep forest at the edge of Cobalt property. Since very early in the morning. The time of day that fog rolls off lakes like steam and peace blankets the world while things are just starting to wake up.
[11:01] <vilerat> Kevin reports in for duty. Today he has his wet suit on under his uniform. The reason why, he tells a concerned employee, is because he’s not -quite- feeling his best yet. It helps cut down on the coughing. No, he’s fine to work. The desk duty was getting bland. “I noticed something. Just want to ask a question is all.” Is his reason for traveling down to the maze. “It won’t take long.” He assures a concerned co worker as
[11:01] <vilerat> he swipes his ID card. Did he have clearance to be there? The green light and cheery *ding* from the checkpoint says yes.
[11:05] <vilerat> Kevin continues on and deeper into the maze. Down the rows of inmates and past some jeers and rude suggestions. They don’t seem to bother him; he pays them no mind. Ultimately he comes to a stop outside of Smash’s cell. A smile exposes his odd teeth. “I’d like to have a word with you.” He says while poising to swipe his keycard again.
[11:07] <Krum> Isaac started his day early, too. He's out mowing the lawn right now. Hat on, sun glasses, and ear protectors. All the usual attire for landscaping. He's leaning back in the seat of the riding lawnmower, as if it was somehow a cushy job.
[11:09] <Marlo> In the Maze, time seemed to pass in spurts. It wasn't the lack of light, as the system kept the prisoners from going crazy by fading lights on and off with the day. It was the boredom that got people irritated. People like SMASH, who paced back and fourth like a caged bear. About the same size as one too. Hollis Walker and his alien counterpart, dubbed Wolfram or just 'The Male' had passed the time reading or just communicating
[11:09] <Marlo> via their neural link. Neither monster had any inclination as to what was to transpire. Especially not Smash. He's an idiot.
[11:11] <Krum> Down in the maze, Max is slowly going crazy, too. HE's never been one to like reading. He's practically climbing the walls. They can't even get drugs in this place, to make it easier!
[11:13] * ShoErrands is now known as JJ
[11:13] <vilerat> Kevin swipes the keycard. The cell door opens with a tired whine. He steps inside. “Faust sends his regards.” The squidman states with that odd smile of his. It looks exactly like the smile on his ID. A little off, like his color, but that’s easily attributed to the water-filled helmet. | Other guards think it’s questionable for someone to unlock a door. Then are alarmed when Kevin enters without backup. Two hurry down the
[11:13] <vilerat> hallway towards the door. | Kevin doesn’t seem to care. He just watches Smash.
[11:18] <JJ> "I had a box of fishsticks and a monster. I'm fine." By box of fishsticks JJ means they were still frozen. Ew, but not ew to JJ. "As you may have guessed, aliens don't use Earth standard tools and I can't improvise everything. Thankfully with the 3D scanner and printer I can reverse engineer these pieces and tools. Still takes a bit of tweaking in the render program to make sure I get
[11:18] <JJ> the sizes right and some trial and error to make sure there won't be any nasty interactions with anything the Earth plastics give off."
[11:26] <Marlo> The massive muscled mastadon looked at Kevin curiously, the Faust line catching him off guard. Speaking of guards, the first to the door gets a boulder of a fist upside his head, knocking him against the back wall. Metalhead rose to his feet, pounding on the wall, "Hey, fishfuck, don't forget us. " in the containment tank sitting between Smash and Metalhead's cells, the crippled Atzma'ee clawed at the glass,
[11:26] <Marlo> "[Liberation, Meatsack! I must see the moon!"]"
[11:30] <vilerat> Kevin continues to smile like his face is frozen like that. “Thank you.” He tells Smash and leads the way out. One hand raises to head height and he snaps. Every. Single. Locked. Door. In the maze opens in unison. Every dampener turns off. Kevin reaches into his helmet and pulls out what looks to be five tic tac boxes and sticks them to a nearby wall. Something like water flows between the devices and a portal opens to the secure
[11:30] <vilerat> arrivals room. Kevin steps in and waits patiently.
[11:32] <vilerat> The guards are alarmed. It takes a couple seconds for them to register what just happened. The sound of doors, dozens of them, slamming open is unmistakable but also unthinkable. Before they can react there’s a wild gust of wind from the ventilation system. Plumes of thick dust and dirt and lint swarms the maze. The shit adheres to the guards, the walls, the ceiling. Everyone but the prisoners. The dust chokes them and flares in
[11:32] <vilerat> color. The place looks like a hellscape of writhing red and purples.
[11:34] <Krum> Max stares at the now open door. He feels the dampener turn off. Hell, the door doens't even MATTER if the dampener is off. But if the door is open, it means he doesn't have to walk through the wall. He starts walking and almost bumps right into Smash, already trying to get a portal to open, trying to get -out- of here. But it's been a while, and he's stone cold sober. And maybe the wards are still working
[11:37] * Remulon ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
[11:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Remulon
[11:38] * Devilpants ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
[11:45] <Marlo> Scarlet, unaware of the shitshow taking place under their very feet, started to make waffles, "Ugh gross. Fishsticks are for Eight yeaaah okay"
[11:51] <Marlo> Metalhead jerked and writhed as Wolfram reintegrated into the shared body of Hollis Walker. Two guards catch atzam spines in their shoulders and legs as the metal monster stomps out next to Smash. SMASH looks down at Max, grinning behind his beard, "Hey, yer the guy Impact's got his twist all up uh..his panties.." "Panties in a twist, Brian. It's panties in a twist. Just get in the portal. You coming, Kid? Boss might have a
[11:51] <Marlo> job waiting. " being no fool, Metalhead steps into the portal...
[11:52] <vilerat> The secure arrivals room is supposed to be fortified with an absolute shitload of weapons. Most non-lethal with the big guns firing last. They don’t. None of them do. Nobody even realizes there’s been a breach until the first prisoner steps through. Kevin leisurely strolls to the door and opens it while the on-duty guard fumbles to make sense of what’s going on. The door opens to a long corridor in the basement. “Left, up the
[11:52] <vilerat> hallway, up the stairs, and out.” Kevin will tell the first to leave while making his own way out.
[11:52] <JJ> "Hey! Fingerfood. Easier to eat a bunch of sticks than a fillet. And when they're still frozen they're not greasy." JJ was also unaware of the chaos, using his full attention on delicate alien technology. "This would be so much easier if there was a literal universal standard... But almost done with the replacement parts, then I gotta clean them up and build a mock up, and run some
[11:52] <JJ> simulations before printing out more parts and installing the real thing."
[11:52] <Krum> Max stares. "Hell yeah," he answers. "I can portal us away once we get out of this god-forsaken-croc-pit." He's still drawling, of course. And sooo desperate to get his hands on some drugs
[11:53] <Marlo> Metalhead's arm pokes back through to knock a certain Uidry as the hated alien tries to escape. Several knocks, actual, "Dirty!@%$in Uidry."
[11:54] <vilerat> Meanwhile the guards struggle to breathe and tear at the dust. It’s impossible. The dust yields and doesn’t move. All the guards accomplish is clawing at their own faces. One guard frantically lashes out with his powers. He sprays poison into the air. It burns another guard and sends an escaping prisoner to the ground. Two other prisoners trample the first. It’s everyone for themselves and everyone wants out.
[11:54] <Krum> Isaac is also unaware. He's still mowing the lawn, Back and forth over the slowly shrinking patch of as yet tall grass.
[12:02] * JJ is now known as ShoErrands
[12:32] <ShoPhone> * Kevin meanwhile, the real squid man was enjoying a tuna sandwich and the lovely weather. No need for his reverse wetsuit today. Why couldn't everyday be like this? He was still recovering from the lung and gill irritation and had a late though excusable start to the day. He waved a tentacle to Isaac. "'morning," he called out.
[12:33] <Krum> Isaac stops the lawnmower and waves back. "Hey, Kevin." He nods. He doesn't smile, like he normally might have, but he does stop the mower. "How's it going?"
[12:40] <vilerat> Kevin walks away as if nothing happened. Just another boring day at the job. Maybe he’s taking a break. Or he’s on patrol. Up some stairs, through some doors, with a pleasant greeting to each person he meets. Kevin is a nice guy, after all. A few minutes pass and he arrives in he courtyard. There’s nobody else out yet because he took a shortcut. A nice, efficient one, because that’s how he is.
[12:43] <ShoPhone> <Kevin> "It goes, got the feeling back in my lungs and gills, infirmary says no permanent damage there." He took a long drink from one of his many every present water bottles. "Was worried they may have been damaged beyond recovery and if he stuck needing the wetsuit all the time unless I was in my tank. How've you been?" Yes, Kevin knew about the police incident. How could be not?
[12:43] <ShoPhone> And if I'd *))
[12:46] <vilerat> Kevin avoids the main gate. There’s other ways out. So he passes by the current scene while calmly walking away. For a brief moment he’s visible to Kevin and Isaac. The doppelgänger may be taken as a trick of the mind or even some student screwing around.
[12:50] <Krum> "I'm alright," Isaac nods, glancing to Kevin and shrugging. "I got off pretty easy, I guess." He pauses, blinking at the figure in the distance. And then looks back to the one in front of him.
[12:57] <Marlo> The poor security guard gets another of Smash's fists upside the head to knock him out as they followed the instructions left by 'Kevin', the behemoth trying to repeat the instructions, "Left up the stairs, up the halkway." Metalhead was less confused, "Fuckin A, Smash. Just follow me and shut up."
[13:00] <Lucian`> <Lily> *It's a weekday, so she's in class! Unless alarms are going off or scents from below are drifting up to their level, she's unaware of any problems.*
[13:00] <Lucian`> <Megumi> *Pretty much the same.*
[13:04] <Marlo> Lonnie is left oblivious ss he struggles through algebra...
[13:05] <Lucian`> <Lily> *Probably helps tutor him now and then. She won't do the work for him, but she'll help him figure it out.*
[13:06] <vilerat> A struggling guard tries setting off an alarm but stumbles and fails. Someone else does but nothing triggers. However! A flood of villains sorta negates any kind of attempt at a quiet escape. A lion with a mane made of tentacles barrels away from the security sector. The beast is the size of a large bull and stops for no man. Behind the beast is a snake that goes for -days-. Wide around, strong, and fast. Others follow and bolt in
[13:06] <vilerat> different directions.
[13:07] <Lucian`> <Lily> *She sits bolt upright in her seat, and sniffs the air.* "...?"
[13:08] <vilerat> A cloud of dust, lint, and tiny particles of crud fall off the prisoners as they leave. The whole area is downright -dusty-. A mess. An absolute mess. A small dust devil forms by the fountain and swirls leaves and grass clippings in the winds. Isaac will have -fun- cleaning it up later.
[13:08] <Krum> Max follows Metal head. Keeping close. And keeping quiet!
[13:10] <Lucian`> <Megumi> "...what is it?"
[13:10] <Lucian`> <Lily> "...a lot of strange scents."
[13:12] <Kraken> "What the? Who is that?!" Kevin just now noticed his twin. And then dust devil errupting at the fountain? "something's not right here, Isaac." He'd run off for the double, "hey you!"
[13:14] <Krum> Isaac stares at the dust devil. At the mess. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Because he's going to have to clean this up! But then Kevin runs off, and Isaac's not dumb enough to let his friend run alone. He goes with Kevin!
[13:14] <vilerat> Kevin slows when he hears Kevin. The double comes to an abrupt stop and turns to face the actual squidman. Then he waits for the other to catch up. Still that creepy smile. It’s off. His color is off, too, and he’s dry to the touch. So very unlike the real Kevin.
[13:14] <Lucian`> <Lily> *She stands up, probably drawing attention to herself from the teacher.*
[13:15] * Devilpants ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:16] * Devilpants ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
[13:16] <vilerat> The dust devil strengthens and the wind kicks up more dust. Summer has a firm grip on the country and rain is scarce. So much dust and dry dirt. It continues to swirl and even heads towards the small gathering of people. To Isaac and the lawnmower.
[13:17] <Lucian`> <Megumi> <c> "Hey, JJ, it's Megumi. Can you do a camera sweep?"
[13:17] <Kraken> meanwhile Quilver had been sent out of physics class for telling the teacher how the book was wrong and what he was teaching were lies. That's not how gravity worked at all! (She was using her tablet to talk English while her translator was being repaired.) 'Disrupting the class' 'disrespecting the teacher' but this meant she was out in the open when the trouble was being stirred up.
[13:17] <Lucian`> <Lily> *She moves towards the classroom door, sniffing the air.*
[13:17] <Marlo> The two thugs lumber their way through the courtyard, cutting across the lawn as a huge F-You. Smash barrels toward the opposite door, laughing like a crazy man!! "TRY AND STOP ME YOU PUNKS!!" Metalhead is snapping on his helmet with the huge underbite. They're not here to cause trouble, they need to get out, "SMASH!! HIT THE GATE! DON'T STOP!!"
[13:18] <vilerat> The squidlion roars with anger and ferocity. The sound echoes off the Cobalt buildings. A quick swish of his tail and he bounds towards the front gate. The iron bars will be a problem but one he can surely scale or tear open.
[13:18] <Marlo> Lonnie stands with Lily, looking panicked, "What is it? Another bomb?!"
[13:19] <Lucian`> <Lily> "...worse."
[13:19] <Krum> Isaac stares at the people now coming toward him and his lawnmower. "Who the-- Hey! STOP!" He shouts, because one of them is getting on his lawnmower!
[13:19] <vilerat> The massive snake rears up a good twelve feet in the air and hisses. A glance at one of the nearby buildings, one one dear Megumi is in, and he flares his great hood. Flashes and swirls of color flow across the hood in an attempt to mesmerize her.
[13:20] * Devilpants ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:21] <Lucian`> --- Lily and Megumi are in a classroom!
[13:21] <vilerat> A small monkey. Just a normal capuchin. That’s the wicked villain who makes off with Isaac’s lawnmower. She rides like a bat out of hell towards a patch of flowers...and that funeral tree planted for Yeti.
[13:23] <Lucian`> <Megumi> *She wasn't specifically looking out the window, but that flash of light and color catches her attention, and unfortunately for her, she does in fact glance out the window... and probably several other students do too.*
[13:23] <Lucian`> <Lily> *Too busy concentrating on the classroom door.*
[13:23] <Kraken> Radioed for back-up, code fubar. Why hadn't the alarms gone off?!
[13:24] <Krum> Isaac chases after the monkey that's lawnmower-jacked his ride! "No! STOP!"
[13:25] <vilerat> The great snake continues to strobe and flash colors. The command is a simple one: cause panic. Noise, powers, physical altercation. He doesn’t care as long as it draws attention.
[13:25] <Kraken> JJ would get back to Megumi with the very silly phrase. "Holy schnitzel... "
[13:26] <Lucian`> <Megumi> @.@
[13:27] <Marlo> On his way to the gate, Smash crashes through a wall and into the hallway. Metalhead was right on his tail, pulling metal onto his body as he passed. "Hit the gate, Dumbass!"
[13:27] <vilerat> The monkey doesn’t shop! She laughs madly and leans forward and over the wheel. How does she floor the gas? With a second monkey! There’s more. And more. Like someone dumped a whole barrel of the damn things on the scene. One leaps off the lawnmower and runs for Isaac.
[13:27] <Lucian`> <Megumi> *She hops up on her desk.* "Iiiiiiii~ Am the very model of a modern major general~"
[13:28] <vilerat> Absolute chaos. A man with long blonde hair and a fabulous build struts into the courtyard. Random people will notice their hair growing to extraordinary lengths. One initially likes it until the hair begins to choke her.
[13:29] <Lucian`> <Lily> "Megu, what're you--?"
[13:29] <Krum> Isaac's starting to realize what's going on now. Some of the escapees are already past him. But he turns, staring at the others running. He plants his feet in the grass and calls forth fire, spreading it in a quickly growing wall first right, and then left. It's hot and huge and impressive. He's trying to stop others from getting away! But it takes a lot of concentration. And so he doesn't see one of the guys who'd just got past
[13:29] <Krum> him come back with a heavy rock, which hits him on the back of the head. The wall of fire suddenly disappears. Isaac drops like a felled ox. And the inmate who knocked him out bends to steal the kid's wallet, cap, and sunglasses. EVEN HIS SUNGLASSES. The future's so bright, he's gotta wear shaaaades
[13:30] <vilerat> A girl in her early twenties follows Fabio closely. She giggles brightly and leans down to grab a rock. The rock changes to skittles. She pops one in her mouth and confidently struts to the front gates. Those are coming -down- or becoming twizzlers.
[13:30] <Lucian`> <Megumi> *Puts on a whole light show in the class room. Fireworks, strobes, everything. There's a spotlight shining on her.*
[13:31] <Kraken> <JJ> "OK. Who's playing Jumanji?! Didn't they learn anything from the first movie?!" This was what JJ did when panicked, he made movie references. He then sent out a JJ-mesage to anyone who was on the team and security. "Massive breakout! This is not a drill! Get to safety if you're a noncombatant!"
[13:31] <vilerat> The second Isaac’s fire touches a speck of dust that whole damn dust devil turns into a fire devil. The sound of screaming fills the air as the winds blow faster and hotter.
[13:32] <Lucian`> <Megumi> <c> "Start spreading the neeeeeews~ They're leaving todaaaaaaaay~ I want to beee a part of iiiiit~ New Yoooork~ New Yooooork~"
[13:32] <Lucian`> <Lily> <c> "S-something's happened to Megumi!"
[13:32] <vilerat> The monkeys squeal with joy as they reduce Yeti’s tree to wood shavings. The flowerbed is gone. The single monkey who broke away pickpockets Isaac and runs off with his wallet.
[13:33] <Kraken> dust and heat... very bad for the aquatic officer. Kevin would be on his knees coughing. This was not good...
[13:34] <Lucian`> <Megumi> "MATERIALIZE!" *She starts to glow as her transformation kicks in!*
[13:34] <vilerat> Kevin watches the real Kevin go down. Then he turns and leaves the area before the fire can reach him. Cold.
[13:34] * Kraken is now known as ShoBRB
[13:35] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *Glowing feathers burst off of her. And then a ring of glowing light balls.* "YOU get a laser! And YOU get a laser! And YOU get a laser!" *Hard light beams target the teacher, Lonnie, and Lily. They're nonlethal but hit like trucks.*
[13:35] <Lucian`> <Lily> *Yelps out and is smashed through the door into the hallway!*
[13:36] <vilerat> Burning leaves are cast off and fly as embers through the air. There’s so much dust. More catches fire. A trail of it leads to the basement and maze. There’s so much dust and lint down there. So. Much. Lint. Unless the fire is stopped the maze is going to be shut down for quite some time. Also: a barbecue of any guards still down there.
[13:36] <Marlo> Lonnie reaches for Megumi, hoping to snap her out of it, but she transforms and blasts him!! He flies away like a sack of potatoes!!
[13:37] <Krum> Isaac isn't out too long this time. Thank goodness. Someone steps on him and he comes around, groaning. Looks around. Fire devil. Cool. Not a godo reaction, but an honest one. Kevin. Shit. He shakes his head to clear it, and run-staggers toward the fallen squid officer. "Kevin!"
[13:39] <Marlo> Lily lands at the massive feet of the REAL Smash. His beard spreads with a smile, his huge hawkish nose prominent on his face. "Hey there, Kid. You should probably run." Frustrated, Metalhead charges past to the gate, metal spines shooting out at the security guards as a deterrent, "Don't hurt the kid, Farfuhl, We don't have time for this shit!" His metal hands reached out to the gate, the steel bebding to his touch..
[13:39] <vilerat> The fire devil is bad news for a guy who takes a long time to leave the area. The massive snake hisses at the flames and bolts. Right for Kevin and Kevin. The color show is definitely over and his hood snaps firmly shut.
[13:41] <vilerat> Candy girl reaches the gates and grabs two iron bars. Like magic they’re candy! The whole gate is now twizzlers. She stops to take a bite and licks her fingers as she leaves. A guard tries to stop her but she runs at them with her hands out. Homegirl could go for some m&ms just about now.
[13:43] <Lucian`> <Lily> *The blast and knockback had caused her to hit her head against the wall, and she laid crumpled at Smash's feet. She held her head.* "N-nngh... GHHK!" *She coughed up something that sortof looked like blood, but it was dark-reddish-orange, and some dark mist flowed off of it. Her body convulsed, and muscles started to swell, bones making cracking sounds.* "AAAAAGH!"
[13:43] <Krum> This is where it's useful to have someone like Isaac around. Maybe he can't kick ass in a physical fight, like so many of his friends. Maybe he can't talk to ghosts. But fire... fire is his friend. He can control it, draw it to him, dampen it. He can draw away the heat, and into himself. And it feels so good. So... good. Without thinking, he pulls at the fire spreading over the grounds, calling to it. Like in a dream, he
[13:43] <Krum> casts it upon that snake heading toward Kevin. Because it's time, at last, for someone, probably several someones to burn. Not Kevin. He likes Kevin. But people... will die. His red eyes become twin orbs of flame as well.
[13:46] <vilerat> The fire flows towards Isaac like flaming water. The guards and any stragglers are spared a horrible death. The snake doesn’t realize what’s going on until it’s too late. His hood snaps open again and the colors swirl and shine. So beautiful. So dazzling. He tries to mesmerize and give Isaac an order: “Dance.” He hisses the word with a panicked tone in his raspy voice.
[13:48] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She blasts the window right out, and she bursts out, and, well... the snake asked for Chaos. So now she's beam-spamming everything. EVERYTHING. Students, Teachers, Staff, escaped villains. If they're outside, she's shooting at them. While Star Spangled Banner echoes around and she starts a massive, loud fireworks show to boot. (Sorry, Quil.)*
[13:49] <vilerat> Kevin takes the long way out. Past the buildings and forest. A quiet escape route while everyone else is busy fighting. A handful of villains follow him but there’s no interaction on his part. The dust has some problems at this range and spills away from his body. Revealed is a man in a black suit that covers his entire body. There’s some equipment strapped to his body as part of a contingency plan. A knife, a pistol, a couple
[13:49] <vilerat> explosives, a torch for cutting and welding metal. Almost as if he either had no powers or didn’t intend on using them.
[13:51] <vilerat> Fabio is struck by a beam of light. He cries out in horror and checks his hair with both hands. No! Not his hair! Fear fills him and he blindly runs away.
[13:51] <Krum> Isaac does dance. But maybe he was already dancing. Because he sees fire, feels it. The part of his mind that would respond to the snake's command isn't listening to the rest of him right now. He's moving his arms, his entire body, controlling the flame, directing it. Gravity almost doesn't seem to have its usual sway. And the fire doesn't stop. It starts to consume. Any straggling escaping prisoners might get caught in it, and
[13:51] <Krum> .... oh, it feels so good. So very very good to have so much flame and power flowing through him. The snake will feel good, too. It's a glory.
[13:51] <Lucian`> <Lily> *Her school clothes tear and shred, muscles popping and convulsing, fur growing out, her short brown hair growing long and shifting to black. There's a tearing sound as her ears shift into cat ears.* "RRRRAAAAAAGH... AAAGGHH... NO... YOU RUN...."
[13:52] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She stands up, panting hard, and emits a low, rumbling growl.*
[13:53] <Lucian`> *** Sorry, I meant Stars and Stripes Forever
[13:53] <Marlo> The massive fist comes down at Tora's face, SMASH cackling like a five year old busting ooen a pinata. "ALWAYS WANTED TO FUCK UP SOME CHINK PUSSY!!" Smash was a piece of shit. It was unfortunate that he had such unbelievable power!!
[13:53] <vilerat> The snake would disagree. A lot. The snake spits venom at Isaac but it’s burned away to a noxious smoke. There’s hissing and a snake’s scream. Pain. So much pain. Death isn’t instant but is sure considering the damage he takes.
[13:53] <vilerat> A monkey is caught up in flames. The one that made off with Isaac’s wallet. Both she and the wallet go up in bright flames.
[13:54] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She throws up her arms to block her face, only to get knocked back HARD.*
[13:56] <Marlo> Metalhead is already through the gate, looking back at Smash, "YOU DUMB ASSHOLE!! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE OR I'M LEAVING YOU, MEATSACK!!"
[13:57] * ShoBRB is now known as Kraken
[13:57] <Marlo> But Smash pressed the attack, throwing compressed nukes disguised as fists at Tora, "I'M GONNA MAIL YOU PARTS BACK TO CRIPPLER!! NO ONE'S STRONGER THAN ME!! NO ONE BEATS SMASH!!" He was relentless!
[13:58] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *Meanwhile, continues to shoot literally everything while performing a one-girl Sousa march. She's hologrammed a parade marching band uniform over herself, and she's twirling a baton and marching in place in mid-air, showering beam blasts down at anything outside that moves, friend or enemy.*
[14:00] <Lucian`> <Tora> *There was a haze of fog blocking Lily's control over her form. But the tiger spirit was there. She ducked past one of the incoming fists, and leaped into the air, using her feet claws to grip the ceiling as she tried to rake her steel-rending claws across his face.*
[14:00] <vilerat> The man in black leaves the scene and disappears into some brush.
[14:01] <Kraken> Quilver totally would have been running into the fray and delivering some vicious bites and spearings, but... fire works had her running the other way. It was like that 4th of July all over again!
[14:01] <Marlo> Chains snap out from the windows, trying to snag Pegasus as she soared around, "Megumi, Snap out of it!" Scarlet tried to stay hudden from the blasts, but could only do so much. Must be the one in cell 41-D doing this to her.
[14:04] <Kraken> knew Isaac was a being of fire - only that knowledge stopped Kevin from 'rescuing' him. Kevin ran away from the fire making some terrible coughing sounds. And he'd only just started to feel better in that regard.
[14:05] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She's way too distracted and mind-controlled to resist getting snagged by Scarlet. She struggles, and blasts do launch out in Scarlet's general direction, but they go very wild and basically miss.*
[14:05] <Marlo> Claws rip into Smash's skin, drawing long red angry lines over his face. The goliath bellows, covering his face as he swings a wild backhand at the clinging tiger lady, "!@$%ING C@$%"
[14:05] <vilerat> Laura derps onto the scene because of course she does. And she sees absolute fucking chaos. The monster clings the side of a building. A bag hangs from her jaws. One bulbous eye blinks and then the other. Uh. Uh. Fuck. She launches off the building and tears ass over to Kevin. She’ll try to dive under and carry the squidman away. To water! Hopefully for Kevin her idea of ‘good water’ isn’t a toilet.
[14:06] <Kraken> Dillon was leading a group of younger students and non-combatants, and anyone who just couldn't into an underground villain attack shelter.
[14:07] <vilerat> The monkeys crash the lawnmower in a ditch. There’s screaming at each other before they split. They run into the forest because freedom!
[14:07] <Lucian`> <Tora> *And cling she does, as she tries to wrap and arm around Smash's thick neck, and squeezes, trying to choke him into unconsciousness.*
[14:08] <Lucian`> <Tora> "NO ESCAPE, PREY."
[14:08] <vilerat> Fabio runs to Dillon and points at his hair. “Is. Is it alright?!” He asks and keeps gesturing at his beautiful locks. Of course his hair is fine. But everyone has a weakness.
[14:11] <Krum> Isaac draws the rest of the fire to him. Oooooh, it's not quick, and nothing happens immediately, but slowly the fires begin to get smaller and then go out. One by one.
[14:14] <vilerat> Isaac’s fire leaves dead bodies in its wake. The snake villain and a single monkey. In the monkey’s paw is what remains of Isaac’s wallet. Torched again. They both have faces contorted in pain and horror from a terrible death. They also smell delicious. Except for baked poo and fur. That smells less delicious.
[14:14] <Kraken> Quilver had been running away from the fireworks, those were inside the compound, she'd make her way outside, on the other end of that gate. Something there stopped her frenzied panic at the sky lights. Brain-stink of MetalHead's condition. [Essence Binder!] "K'hsssssssss!" She wasn't back to full size yet, but was bigger than the other day.
[14:20] <Marlo> Smash's neck is as solid as a redwood. He lets Tora feel it for a second before driving the tiger hero back into a wall, repeatedly. Right as that happens, Atlas rounds to the corner, swinging his new sledgehammer for the fences, "LET HER GO!!" It hits...and does nothing. Smash laughs as he drops a foot down on Lonnie. The young man screams in agony, a loud SNAP as Smash crushes his shoulder and arm. Metalhead was
[14:20] <Marlo> stepping into the black van, idling and waiting. He turns and...offers a hand to Quilver as the alien stares, speaking in Atzma'ee, "[Come, Quicksilver. Do not want to be alone. Come with us.]
[14:24] <Kraken> Quilver had also torn through any villain in her way to him, she was in full I-Kill-You threat display by the time she reached MetalHead. [No! You are sick!]
[14:24] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She gets smashed into the wall repeatedly. Then her friend gets smashed. There's a roar of rage, and she disengages and starts slashing wildly, going to maul him.*
[14:25] <vilerat> Every. Alarm. In the garage goes off at the same time. The scene is thrown into a supreme cacophony of screeching, beeping, blaring absolute -noise-. To make it worse the din plays over the intercom system.
[14:27] <vilerat> A car zooms out of the garage and drives like a monkey is behind the wheel. There isn’t one but might as well be. A motorcycle follows. It does a trick by going up on one wheel. They hit a slow villain and a coughing guard.
[14:29] <vilerat> Laura dumps Kevin in a lake. Squids go in water! That at least she understands. Then she beams and literally pats herself on the back because she did a good.
[14:29] <Kraken> Quilver rattled [I will not go with you!] Instinct screamed at her to kill. To destroy the essential zombie. Brain sick, replication error... Suffering... But she knew the mutant half could bind her as well.
[14:31] <Marlo> Scarlet slips into a dead spot, no eyes no cameras. This allowed her to 'step sideways' into her voidspace and, hopefully drag Megumi with her. Megumi's power might protect her. But, the cold void might be enough to snap her out if it, "I'M SORRY, PEGGIE!"
[14:34] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She's indeed dragged into the voidspace. She gasps for a moment, eyes widening as she grabs for her throat before a shimmering barrier snaps around her. She coughs, now able to breathe.*
[14:37] <Marlo> Tora draws blood, long jagged slashes open up over Smash. At first, he's caught off guard, stepping back toward the gate. "AGH!! I HATE CATS!! I HATE CATS!!" A giant hand snaps out for one if Tora's arms or a leg. It was time to go, and Smash wanted to go out big: It was time for a backbreaker, if only he coukd catch her.
[14:41] <Kraken> Kevin was down for the count, tossed into a lake. Probably spell the end for his field work and position, maybe freedom too, he was so getting blamed for this, Thanks doppelganger! Dillon was keeping the little ones safe along with the more responsible older students. JJ was fully suited up and had the drones deployed. Eyes everywhere. Tron was wearing what looked like a proton pack
[14:41] <Kraken> from Ghostbusters, only it was filled with modified foam once this stuff hit the target? Encasement. It would spread, expand, cover, and harden. It was breathable though, but it smelled really bad. Like an egg farting. Tron was zooming on his wheelies and spraying!
[14:45] <Kraken> it also stained the skin neon green.
[14:46] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She's fast, and agile, but she's been SMASH'd several times. Smash is able to grab her leg.*
[14:46] <vilerat> Not everyone was so quick to escape. There’s some people thinking they’re slick. Trying to sneak out after the fact. Tron gets a couple oddities. A three-headed dog, who has been busy eating snakeman, an old man who was a grand villain back in his day. The cane doesn’t really help escaping. Mean JJ. A giant stone shape that looks sort of human but mostly like a very crude shape of one. The eyes were spray painted on.
[14:48] <vilerat> Laura gets caught up in the foam because that’s just how her day is going. The monster tries to yell about making a delivery to Quilver but it comes out as some muffled yelling. At least she deserves it. All those times grousing Sisip many years ago.
[14:49] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *Her eyes are lidded and hazed as she focuses on Scarlet.* "Wh-wha...?"
[14:50] <Marlo> Up in the air goes Tora, a hand around her ankle, fingers gripping her hair. He held her there, just to let her know just how weak she was and how powerful he is...then, he brings her down, Tora's back slamming hard against his knee, attempting to bend her in half, "I WIN! HAHAHAHA!!"
[14:51] <Lucian`> <Tora> *Lets out a shrieking roar unlike, well, anyone's heard. Her legs go instantly limp.*
[14:51] <vilerat> The stone statue would be happy if it heard the snap of bone. If it could. However all it can do is stay where it is because there’s a lot of people and they won’t all turn away. Maybe it -is- happy. Some scientist is likely theorizing whether it’s possible. Maybe.
[14:52] <Marlo> Scarlet was uncharacteristically touching her friend's shoulders, worried, "Are you okay? Can you breathe?! We're in my voidspace! You were singing and shooting people so i figured you got mind controlled so i dragged you here to snap you out of it." The voidspace looked like...nothing...just blackness...
[14:53] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "Y-yeah... I'm... what...?" *She looked around.* "...there was this snake and colors and then..."
[14:53] <Kraken> QUILVER Tora's roar snapped her out of The Male's scent spell. She turned from him and ran for Tora and SMASH for a leaping kick to hook her claws into him.
[15:00] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "'s an escape. I... I'm okay now. Can you send me back?"
[15:01] <Marlo> Lonnie cries out as he watches his mighty friend is seemingly broken before his eyes, "TORA!!" he reaches with his good arm. Futile. Smash had just let go of Tora when the metal claws sank into his back. The huge angry man screamed, bloody oozing from his wounds. He carried the Atzma'ee on his back until four blackened metal lances lashed out from the street at Quilver intent on dislodging her from Farfuhl, "SMASH, GO
[15:01] <Marlo> NOW!!" yelled Metalhead
[15:02] <Marlo> Scarlet covers Megumi's eyes wnd suddenly the pressure changes: They're back outside!!
[15:02] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "Th-thanks, Scarlet." *She gives her a genuine smile, but it's tinged with REGRETS.*
[15:05] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She collapses to the ground. She's... not unconscious. Her face is snarling as she literally starts dragging herself toward Smash.* "NO... ESCAPE..." *She tries to slash out at Smash's legs and feet, her own legs limp behind her.*
[15:05] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She turns her attention towards the chaos now.*
[15:06] <Kraken> Quilver SMASH was a thick human. Thick in wit and thick in hide. Huge. Absolutely huge specimen bigger than her and currently outweighed her. It was like fighting that hippo in the Sims. Claws sank, but she could not get a good bite in. However, there was one part that wouldn't be covered in thick skin. Quilver raised her tail, and held it stiff and pointy. Yup, you guessed it. She was
[15:06] <Kraken> gonna stab him in the ear! But The Male got to her before she could jam the spike into Smash's melon.
[15:14] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "...?!" *Her eyes widened, seeing Lonnie AND Tora down, and now Quilver getting lanced. This required something special.* "I summon the light of destruction. Stars, gather, and become the light which pierces everything." *She swept her hand forward, a glowing blue-white sphere appearing in front of it. Motes of magical light coalesced and were sucked into the sphere, causing it to grow.*
[15:15] <vilerat> Meanwhile Mako’s GPS shows he moves deeper into the woods. To a big lake out there. Then around on the lake. The old man is having A Day in the wilds! The signal moves around lazily.
[15:16] <vilerat> The thick layer of dust in the maze dissipates. Out the air system and into the world. This time it’s careful to stay the fuck away from Isaac. At first it’s visible as a thick cloud but disappears quickly.
[15:17] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> " Tear through everything in a blaze of light! SEARING SPOTLIGHT BREAKER!" *She pulled the one hand back, then punched her fist into it. There's a sound of a detonation as a column of light smashed forward at Metalhead and Smash.*
[15:19] <Lucian`> *** The spell is reasonably selective; Quil, Lonnie, and Tora won't get caught up in it on account of them all having been knocked away from Smash to various extents.
[15:21] <Kraken> The very same lake Kevin was recovering in! He hacked up some sooty mouthfuls of ew. Skin was not changing color in the spots that had been closest to the fire. Yup, I think it's called flash burn. He wheezed in these pathetic little gasps.
[15:24] <vilerat> Mako is on a boat. A kind of janky looking boat, actually. Like someone carved it who didn’t really know how to make a boat. It’s a log that’s been hollowed out. Not terribly big. A kayak! The old man even has a handmade oar. Maybe he didn’t see Laura dump Kevin. He only becomes aware with all that coughing. So he makes his way over one stroke of an oar at a time.
[15:25] <Krum> Isaac is still standing, surrounded by a ring of small flames. They rise to lick at his hands like beloved pets. His eyes are twin orbs of flame, half closed against the waves of ecstasy assaulting his system. It's almost painful. And it's a warning sign. Part of his mind is trying very hard to get his attention as his gaze starts to move again, looking for other fires, or even better, other enemies.
[15:26] <Marlo> With blood trickling down his massive arms and thick back, Smash's bravado had begun to piddle out. Tora's last swipe caught the big nasty. She would be dead, skull crushed by that prison issue boot if not for the power of the Spotlight Breaker!! Brian Farfuhl flies back, out of the campus's ruined gate. The beam narrowly misses Metalhead as the thug dives into into the van. "SHIT!" The top is seared off as it
[15:26] <Marlo> speeds away, Smash getting dragged behind as he grabs the bumper, hauling hinself up and in, smoke trailing behind them.
[15:27] <vilerat> Laura is an enemy that’s trapped in JJ’s green foam. There’s continued attempts to escape. Wiggling, drooling, whining. Might be hard to ID her. There’s other beings trapped in the foam slabs like some early Halloween decorations.
[15:29] <Krum> Agha! But Max is there, and far enough off campus to open a portal finally.
[15:31] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She's dragging herself, clawing at the ground, towards Lonnie and Quilver.*
[15:32] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She collapses to the ground in a kneel, panting. Those big attacks are very draining.*
[15:33] <Krum> The air sizzles. Reality snaps AND crackles. He centers himself between Smash and Metalhead and TRIES to portal them all out... and of course that might include anyone near them. But only if they're right there in the mix
[15:33] <vilerat> Dog runs outside to go pee. Then she sees the absolute mess. Nope. Maybe she’ll find a potted plant indoors and try to make it work. Back inside through the automatic doors.
[15:34] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She tries to take a few more, decidedly-less-potent pot-shots at Max, the portal, Smash, Metalhead, the van they're trying to escape in... Some of the shots shoot through the portal and will hit whatever's waiting on the other side. But these are parting shots, so their efficacy depends!*
[15:36] <Lucian`> *** Also they're probably at the max limit for her line of sight, so the aim's going to be spotty at best.
[15:39] <Lucian`> <Tora> "L-Lonnie... Quilver..." *Her senses as Lily seem to be back to her now, but... yeah. She reaches out for Lonnie before her eyes glaze over and she passes out.*
[15:40] <Kraken> floated, dazed, confused, and just staring downwards. He tried to swim for land but everytime he stuck his head out of the water the coughing fits returned. JJ sprayed the foam until he ran out. Those caught in the sulfurous green stuff would be immobilized and welll, stuck where the foam had cemented them. Oh, he had the compound to dissolve it, but that could wait. Gotta pee? Sorry.
[15:40] <Kraken> Quilver snarled and would kick her legs and flail her arms, her tail whipped. [Bad metal! Bad!] She was trying to pull away from The Male's lances or pull them out of her. [Flower Hunter...]
[15:43] <vilerat> Mako navigates his boat over to poor Kevin. “Hey, man.” He says and gives Mr.Squiddy a light nudge with the oar. “Stay in the water. The fuck happen to you, anyway? Holy hell.” He gets the two of them back to land, over some time, and will try to keep Kevin’s head underwater with the oar. “Get that shit outta yer gills. I’m hurtin just watching you. Damn.”
[15:49] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She staggered up to her feet and tried to run over to help Quil get the spikes out. She staggered a few times but got close enough to help.* "Quilver! Lonnie! Lily!"
[16:03] <Krum> Isaac let's threw flames fade finally. He starts walking over to the others. His clothes are tattered and charred. His eyes have returned to their usual red color.
[16:05] <Kraken> horked up some mucousy globs of ash, similar goo was seeping out his gills. "Breakout... gotta head back... fire. Prisoners." He rasped the words out inbetween head dunks.
[16:07] <Marlo> With his right arm flopping sickly at his side, Lonnie staggers to Lily's side. His face was red with tears of pain. "Lily, shit! I'm sorry! I couldn't...shitshitshit please don't die!"
[16:12] <Kraken> JJ one of the drones... let's go with Aldrin fluttered over to Isaac and hovered over him. JJ's Tron voice sounded over it. "Roc, what's your status, I'll know if you're lying. Aldrin has a camera."
[16:14] <vilerat> “Who the what what?” Mako asks and shakes his head. “How the hell did you get out -here-? I come out here because nobody else does. I like the quiet. You’re deep in the woods, man. You ain’t going nowhere like this.” The old man looks up and in the direction of Cobalt. Odds are anything that has to do with ‘breakout’ and ‘prisoners’ would go badly for him. “Probably got some peeps back there that aren’t my buddy
[16:14] <vilerat> anymore.” He shares the thought with Kevin.
[16:20] <Marlo> From an unbroken window, near the shelter where Dillon had taken the children, Fabio's limp frame shatters the pane, sending him and his golden locks sprawling onto the courtyard lawn. Large bandaged hands rest on the sill. Douglas Dugan cries out, "LOUISE?! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!"
[16:23] <Kraken> "I was running from the flames... Isaac had them under control... pyrokinesis." He dunked his head. "Choas... villains everywhere... students and the team fighting." Another long breath of water. "Must've tripped. Someone grabbed me and raced me over here." He tapped his com - waterproofed! Because anything Kevin carries with im is going to get wet you know. "Status... Anyone?"
[16:23] <Kraken> cough cough, he horked up another ashy glob.
[16:23] <vilerat> Fabio lands in a fabulous pile on the lawn. Somehow his body winds up twisted in the pose that a guy on a romance cover would take. Even in death he’s a model, dammit.
[16:27] <vilerat> “Holy hell.” No kidding. Probably was hellish. “I’m not sure if I should be upset or glad I was on the lake.” Just being honest. “Once you’re in a little better shape I can carry you back or we can ride on Aiko.” It takes a few hard shoves of the oar on lake bed but he gets on land. The makeshift kayak is pulled on the bank and he crouches next to Kevin. One hand reaches out to give the other guy a rub on the back.
[16:27] <vilerat> “Just catch yer breath, man.”
[16:29] <Marlo> Well, hopefully not dead, but if he is, well..don't mess with Doomfist when he's looking for his daughter. Security no doubt surrounding him, Doomfist just sits and waits...
[16:31] <Marlo> The rental car belonging to Marlo Cross pulled up, the door flying open before it had come to a stop. He rushed in, calling out over coms, "KEVIN? SISIP?! What..oh god what happened?!"
[16:37] <Kraken> Marlo would happen by those downed by the gates first. Quilver, Tora, Atlas, Pegasus. [FlowerHunter... Pyrite...] she struggled for a name to apply to Pegasus. But Marlo was there. [Impact...] She was still breathing and speaking, but other than some jerks and twitches she wasn't moving much. Kevin would reply over the com "Finally!" horrible coughing sound, some splashes.
[16:37] <Kraken> "marlo! There's been a breakout!"
[16:37] <vilerat> The gates are twizzlers. Very large twizzlers. A pile of m&ms is all that remains of the guard who manned the gates.
[16:39] * Krum is still just a touch dazed. Almost feeling.... drugged. It's a good feeling. He's near to Quilver now, blinking at them
[16:40] <vilerat> “Woah, woah. Don’t hurt yourself worse, man. Geeze.” Mako summons his mask from the air and puts it on. He speaks through his com. The voice is distorted to sound like a retro radio newscaster. “I’m with Kevin in the lake off in the woods. Dunno how he got out here but he needs clean water and a medic.”
[16:46] * Krum is now known as Isaac
[16:49] <Marlo> "Mako, can ya get him back here? We need ta know who got out." Marlo knelt by Quilver, checking out her injuries, "Quilver, nod if you're okay." His com went silent for a moment...
[16:53] <Isaac> A medic was already busy. Khunbish is hurrying toward the injured, healing what he can as quickly as he can. The old man has his cane, of course. Anyone who tries to help him walk gets hit with it
[16:53] <vilerat> “Yeah. I’ll fly him out.” The old man gives Kevin’s back another rub. “Imma leave you pointed down. So hack up what you can. I got a water bottle ya give you. Try ta make it last.” He leaves briefly to fetch his bag from a tree on the shoreline. It’s fastened to his back and the water bottle passed to Kevin. “Aiight. I know yer not ready ta go but we gotta.”
[16:56] <Kraken> after a long round of hacking Kevin would nod to Mako. "Take me there..." he didn't cough again, but his voice sounded terrible. "They need me... I don't know what help I'll be." burned by Isaac's firespout and dumped in the lake while the chaos reigned. Quilver locked eyes with Marlo and didn't nod. She still had those great big lances from The Male pinning her down.
[16:56] <Lucian`> <Tora> *She's completely out. Also her spine is bent wrong.*
[16:56] <Kraken> or not, Pegasus had yanked them out bu Quilver still had some leaking holes.
[16:58] * Isaac moves closer to Quilver and Marlo. Struggling to focus. His eyes flame over again. "Tell me what you need. "
[16:59] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She's not... out of it, but she's still trying to "help", even if she's doing so practically mechanically.* "..."
[17:00] <vilerat> “Poor bastard.” He mutters and puts the water bottle in Kevin’s hand. “Aiight let’s get ya home.” The old man leans down to pick the squidman up. Old he maybe but weak he is not. Mako takes care of himself and is used to manual labor. Aiko appears from midair and he steps onto the glider. The duo zoom through the forest and back to Cobalt. The trip is a careful but quick one. No random branches or leaves smacking anyone in
[17:00] <vilerat> the face.
[17:05] <Kraken> for a human you never yank out impaled object, that's what's continuing to keep the blood inside. You never know where the object is or what pulling it out could do. But Quilver was not human, and the impaling impliments were like poison. Once she was free of them, the wounds leaked out black and Quilver was trying to chew at her leg. [Poison...] Kevin was quiet on his trip, other
[17:05] <Kraken> than a cough here and there.
[17:08] <Isaac> Isaac is shivering now, as he fights to come back to the moment. He turns his burning, flamy eyes to Quilver. "Didja see the fire?"
[17:08] <vilerat> Mako arrives and does one pass over the property to get a look at the mess. Make sure no threats lingered. Doesn’t recognize any. So he lands beside the medical center. Aiko is left on the ground and he hurries inside with Kevin in his arms. “Almost there.” He tells Kevin with a sigh. “You -just- got out of medical, too. Imma bring ya some nice sushi or something.”
[17:09] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "Quil... what are you...?"
[17:13] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "...poison...?" *She hurried over, kneeling down next to her.* "W-what do you need?"
[17:17] <Kraken> <Quilver> [The Male... Sick. Get dark metal out.] Had Pegasus been at Quilver's language lessons? Quilver was poking around where the spikes had been stuck in her body and biting off bits of darkened skin which she'd spit out. [Bad metal. Tries to mesh, tries to replace. Long time adjust...]
[17:18] <Isaac> "Dark metal. The Male. How do we get it out? I can try fire. " or a knife, sure
[17:19] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *Yes, she would have attended!*
[17:19] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "...bad metal... g-got it."
[17:20] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She held up a pair of fingers, and a "blade" of hard light appeared at the tips.* "...ready?"
[17:27] <Kraken> Quilver cringed and looked away. It would hurt, but she knew they'd get the invading 'flesh' out. [Shock... out, cut...] If any of the gate was still gate and not a giant twizzler Quil would grab a chuk in her mouth.
[17:29] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *Her eyebrows arched sadly, knowing what was about to happen. She took a breath, then used the hard light knife to start cutting away at the invasive "metal" that was attempting to graft itself to Quilver.*
[17:30] <Isaac> Isaac takes a step back, and then over to Lonnie, to check on him.
[17:31] <Lucian`> <Tora> *Still completely passed out and her back is bent wrong.*
[17:31] <vilerat> Kevin is left in the medical center. Likely he ends up in the hospital tank after some gill flushing. Mako heads out of medical and joins the group outside and sighs. A torched and cooked snake of immense size stands out the most. Quilver and a group around her. Tora is broken and Isaac looks crazy. Aiight. Back into medical to report Tora’s situation so she can be rushed inside and to intensive care.
[17:33] <Kraken> Quilver would make such a din. The likes of which few have heard - or were capable of hearing. Dogs on the campus were probably tossing their heads back and howling.
[17:34] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> <q> "I'm sorry I'm sorry..." *She sniffles, tears rolling down her cheek but she keeps at it.*
[17:37] * Isaac flinches at the sound. His eyes revert back to their normal red immediately.
[17:37] <Lucian`> <Tora> *That noise snaps her back to consciousness and now she's roaring too, the upper half of her body writhing as she tries to cover her ears. The lower half, not moving at all.*
[17:39] <vilerat> A team of medical workers are on their way to fetch Tora but buckle and fall from the noise. Dog bowls in Mako’s room. Mako winces and stops to cover his ears. The old man can weather a lot of pain but the screams aren’t on that list.
[17:40] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *She holds up her free hand, and a shimmering barrier pops up around her and Quilver, trying to absorb the worst of the noise. She's bleeding from her ears, though.*
[17:44] <Kraken> Quilver it burned as it cut! She chomped down hard on the piece of gate and tried not to kick at Pegasus. She was helping. She was good... Field surgery wasn't a pleasant thing, but it was necessary. The Male was ill. His quills carried the replication errors and had pierced her. She could fight it, but the more that was removed the easier it would be to recover. And the less mass she'd
[17:44] <Kraken> have to chew off.
[17:48] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> *It looks like she's struggling to stay conscious throughout Quilver's piercing cries... She was trying to be as thorough as she could. Hopefully the contact was short enough that there wouldn't need to be much to remove...* "...sorry... I'm sorry..." *There was a rather compounded look of guilt. She knew someone'd taken control. She'd been turned into a weapon against her own friends.*
[17:49] * Sisip ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
[17:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Sisip
[17:50] <vilerat> The noise is dampened by Pegasus so the medical staff hurries over to Tora. There’s some debate how to move her but they take action with boards and straps to secure her spine as best they can before loading her onto a stretcher.
[17:51] <Lucian`> <Tora> *Not to overly complicate things but she also weighs 400 pounds. Dense skin, bone, and muscle.*
[17:52] <Kraken> Quilver and more to chew meant more to grow back, she'd lost enough weight and mass as it was. But Pegasus was doing it. She was suceeding in cutting the invading mass out of Quilver's leg, side, and tail. Quilver had stopped making that ear-bleeding noise and had chewed that chunk of gate post into a misshapen piece of modern art.
[17:54] <vilerat> The staff try but give up. Backup is called via a com system. Extra hands trot out and help lift Tora. With grunts and some minor complaint they get her inside and onto a bed meant for larger residents. The joys of x-rays, a specialist, and some sedation follow. They’ll take good care of her. The staff accepts they won’t be going home anywhere near on time today.
[17:56] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "...almost there..." *She was trying to be as thorough as possible, but she's no surgeon. She was burning through personal magical reserves at a rate she really shouldn't. A trickle of blood drips from her nose, and the blade has shredded off the armor that surrounds the fingers manifesting it, bleeding from her fingernails there too.* "A-almost..."
[18:01] <Kraken> Quilver was breathing hard, quills were tinking against themselves, and Quilver was muttering something to herself that was probably a prayer from the amount of times things like [moon] and [great hunt] and [sky pack] were said.
[18:02] * Kraken is now known as ShoFEASTS
[18:04] <Lucian`> <Pegasus> "...a-almost... g-got..." *With a few more agonizing cuts, the last bits that she can see are cut free. The blade from her fingers sputters and poofs into sparkles. ...and then her eyes roll back and she passes out, her magical armor glowing, poofing into sparkles and blue-white feathers of light, leaving her in the outfit she was in before.*
[18:07] <vilerat> Mako quietly sighs and assists the staff in getting people inside. Pegasus is one. The old man is a strong guy and would have been helpful transporting Tora. At least he can help now. Because Pegasus doesn’t outwardly look to be in bad shape he’ll leave her in triage for one of the nurses to look over.
[18:18] <vilerat> Then to Quilver. A heavy sigh at the downed alien. Well, shit. That’ll be quite the workout. “Gonna get you to medical. Just don’t try ta fight me again. I know yer hurt but I’m just tryina help.” Mako crouches down and reaches out to grapple Quilver. With a grunt he lifts her using his knees. Not throwing his damn back out because f that noise. Into medical he goes, slowly and carefully, while hoping someone meets him with a
[18:18] <vilerat> stretcher he drop her off on. Otherwise he’ll be dropping her off in the room she’d been on not too long ago.
[18:50] <vilerat> Mako stalks out of the medical center and rubs at his lower back. Finally he’s back in the courtyard. Gets a good look at the burned snakeman and the guards that swarm the area. Security is thick and META active. Good thing he’s got his mask on because he’d be in some trouble for the looks he gives them all. A rub to the back of his neck and he quietly grumbles in Chinese. So he winds up looking for a familiar face.
[18:50] * ShoFEASTS is now known as JJ
[19:10] * Isaac is out in the court yard. Just sitting there. He's still got that bump on his head and it's got dried blood. He's a little bruised from getting stepped on and he can't find his wallet. That's confusing. But he's sitting there, eyes back to their normal red. A little dizzy, but thinking clearly
[19:16] <JJ> was helping to move the badguys he caught with his foamgun. He was going through motions like they were automatic, like he wanted to focus on something that didn't involve seeing his home in pieces. He didn't want to see the busted gate or the fire damage or the blood stains. He wasn't even on his wheelies anymore, he was using his feet like a caveman.
[19:17] <Lucian`> <Megumi> *For all intents and purposes, she's currently comatose. Her normal functions are fine, but she's had some hemorrhaging in the head, ears, and sinuses, and there's a strange fold of flesh in her chest behind the sternum that X-rays pick up as "damaged". There's a note in her file to contact one "Hayama Nozomi" in Japan.*
[19:17] <Lucian`> <Tora> *Out, and probably sedated at this point to keep her from moving.*
[19:19] <vilerat> Mako heads over to poor Isaac. The ex-con sits beside the young man with the grunt of an old guy that just carried a metal alien around. “The fuck, man.” Is all he has to say. The mask comes off and he waves it away. He’s spent a while in the forest. Finishing up that boat, out on the lake, probably made some squirrel noticed. According to his GPS he was out there all day and smells like it. But a shower can wait.
[19:20] * Isaac turns to look at Mako. "Are you alright? I think I messed up. Really bad." He sounds faintly sick, actually. "I should go help with the clean up. It's going to take weeks to get the lawn right again."
[19:22] <vilerat> “I was on the lake, man. Yeah I’m alright. Found Kevin and had to bring him back here to medical. Smoke in his gills. Again.” A slow blink and he nods. “You look like you’re gonna puke.”
[19:24] <Isaac> "I think it was my fault." He looks up at Mako. "The fire. I think people are hurt and it's my fault. And-- I'm not sure. But I think it-- " he can't say it. His eyes dart away.
[19:26] <vilerat> A slow nod. A glance up at the snake. Then back to Isaac. “Let’s go inside. I should check on Dog. C’mon.” Away from security. Like he cares it would interfere with the investigation. His buddy is in a bad way. One hand is held out as an additional nudge to come with him.
[19:28] * Isaac swallows hard as he gets up. "Alright-- but we should help with the clean up. It's our home." He looks back over his shoulder, at the mess, but only briefly. For now, Isaac follows Mako.
[19:34] <vilerat> “Mmyep. We will. But gotta go check on Dog, right?” A hard pat on Isaac’s shoulder and he leads the way into the dorms. Only a small part of him wants to check on Dog. The rest just wants to get Isaac away from the mess he contributed to.
[19:44] * Remulon ( Quit (Quit: Feel as lonely as I do.)
[19:44] <Isaac> "How did those guys all get loose, anyway?" Isaac is mystified. he's been trying to figure it out. "Metalhead almost killed me once. And-- And so did Smash! Now those guys are free and... I don't know. What if we can't stop them next time?"
[19:46] * Marlo ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[19:48] <vilerat> “Fuck if I know. I -just- got back. Took Kevin to medical. Then Megumi. And Quilver.” A heavy sigh from the old man and he rubs his face. “I don’t know, man. It’s a mess.” An all over mess. “I don’t wanna get involved. Odds are some of the assholes have a beef with me, too. I switched sides, remember?”
[19:52] * Isaac nods and rubs his face. "I do. Yeah. That's part of why I'm worried." He reaches up to rub the back of his head. "I need to visit the infirmary too. The people in there, I mean. And -- I don't know." Can he even stay here after hurting people like he has? He has a flicker of panic. "i should leave. I dont' want to get put in the Maze myself."
[19:55] <JJ> Took his Tron helmet off and carried it under his arm. Poor kid's eyes had gone dim. None of their usual glow was present. JJ was worn out and staring at the destruction. This was home... this wasn't supposed to happen at home... Not for a long time... he rubbed at his left arm, he'd lost that one in a past campus attack, but that one had been different. That one had been people outside
[19:55] <JJ> getting inside. This was the other way around. Someone did this... someone let the badguys out.
[19:57] <vilerat> There’s a long pause and his steps slow. “You sure?” A pause and he nods. “Aiight.” Mako’s the ‘help hide the body without questions’ kind of friend. “Go bird and we’ll get the hell outta dodge. I don’t wanna be here no way. Who knows what’s lurking around here waiting.”
[19:57] <vilerat> Laura isn’t because Tron captured her!
[20:04] * Devilpants ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
[20:05] * Isaac shakes his head. "I'm not sure, no. I don't knwo what's going to happen." He sighs. "I need to talk to someone. Get dog. I'll be down there. Maybe I can find Dillon or JJ or someone."
[20:06] <JJ> was right there somehow looking like all his eight years as he stared at the downed gate. He was not going to cry. He'd put on a tough face and helped prevent some bad villains from escaping. But he'd been riding an adrenalin high then. Now was the crash.
[20:11] <vilerat> “Aiight. You change your mind and lemme know.” He leads the way to his room. The door opens and there’s Dog. She whines from under the bed. Still hiding from that terrible noise Quilver made a while ago. “Aww. C’mon, Dog.” Mako heads over to coax the frightened dog out from under the bed.
[20:13] * Isaac is already hurrying. He trots over to find JJ, somewhat out of breath, and holding his head. "JJ. Are you alright?"
[20:15] <vilerat> Mako gets Dog’s harness and leash on. Then he leads the way out. “On duty.” He states to switch Dog’s mode. Instead of comforting the pooch he turns her on guard mode. It works. So he goes to the hallway and locks the door behind him. Out they go and into the scene. He joins Isaac and JJ.
[20:16] <JJ> "I'm ok... I'm ok... Why would someone do this? Someone did do this right? They didn't just bust out on their own... security is better than that. Right?"
[20:16] * Isaac comes over to hug JJ. It's impulse. "Thank all the gods you're alright," he says suddenly.
[20:17] <Lucian`> *** Megumi is also suffering from what appears to be hypoglycemia. She'll need a D5W IV infusion. Lily is suffering from "Got Bane'd Like Batman".
[20:19] <vilerat> Mako watches the scene and sighs. “I need a damn drink.” Likely most people on the campus do at this point. “Dunno. Check the cameras or something, JJ.”
[20:26] <JJ> Kevin's room was under guard, fishboy was a suspect afterall. He did even know it yet. Quilver... Well, the alien lost that weight she was starting to put back on. Boo. She'd need time to rest, heal, and eat. She was going to be tiny forever! Back with JJ now. "No... the cameras show Uncle Kevin doing it... Letting everyone out. Why would Uncle Kevin do that?" he hiccuped.
[20:28] <Isaac> "I don't think he did," Isaac says quickly. "I was talking to him. Out here. I was mowing the lawn, and he walked up and we started to talk-- and then. I saw another Kevin. Another him. There were two Kevins, JJ."
[20:29] <JJ> "Where? Where was the other Kevin? When? I'll check the feeds. Uncle Kevin didn't do this!"
[20:29] <vilerat> That makes Mako cough and shake his head. “What? No. I dragged Kevin outta the lake! Gills all full of smoke. Coughing up big hunks of mucus.” A glance to Isaac and he nods. “Yeah. I. Kevin’s a nice guy, right? A little awkward with the advice but I think his heart was in the right place.”
[20:30] * Isaac turns and points. "He was over there. And then those guys started coming out and -- I don't know. Kevin said there was something really wrong, and yeah. JJ-- I think it was me that started the fire. I'm the one that-- I did the fire. And, uh. I think I killed someone. One of the -- It was the snake. I remember killing the snake. Are they going to put me in the Maze? For doing it?"
[20:33] <vilerat> Mako falls quiet and listens. A glance down at the attentive Dog. A glance around to see who’s around. Suspicious. A grunt and he leans down to rub behind Dog’s ears to offer some reassurance. Dog doesn’t show a reaction to the touch.
[20:37] <JJ> "I only see on Kevin there, Isaac... One Kevin! he didn't do this! He's my uncle! He's been here since before I was born! I've known him all my life." Fat tears were falling down his cheeks. "Someone had to have done it to him! That's not my uncle!... Wait... The Kevin letting all heck break loose is wearing a fishbowl..." JJ didn't mean to ignore Isaac's question, he was worked up
[20:37] <JJ> about Kevin. "They don't put people in the maze for killing bad guys... butifreeing them... oh noes..."
[20:38] <Isaac> "I'll swear to it, JJ. I saw -two- Kevins. He was talking to me -- no suit. No bowl on his head. And then we saw the other with the bowl on his head."
[20:40] <vilerat> Mako continues to pet Dog. He listens in on the conversation and winds up crouching beside the pooch. “Off guard.” He mutters the order and lets her relax. Dog is very unhappy and keeps whining. Shifting her feet around and staring over her shoulder. There’s too many smells and sounds for her to calm down.
[20:42] <JJ> "Uncle Kevin's wetsuit doesn't have a fishbowl. It's got this collar with these water chambers to keep his gills wet and a mouthpiece and goggles. My dad designed that suit. I know it inside and out! That Kevin is not wearing the right suit!"
[20:46] <vilerat> “So...Kevin was a clone or some shit? A copy? The hell, man. Anyone here that can do that shit?” Another glance around. Never really been a person to like busy areas and there’s a lot of security around. Dog whines aloud and paws at Mako.
[20:47] <Isaac> "I don't know what to tell you, JJ. I saw two." Isaac shrugs, and glances to JJ and then to Dog. "A clone? I don't know. Maybe. There are people who can change to look like others, aren't there?"
[20:49] <JJ> "I don't think we have cloners or duplicators or shape shifters currently here. But under that fishbowl can be anyone... I... he never used his tentacles."
[20:49] * JJ ( Quit (Quit: brb)
<vilerat> “Could be an outsider coming in.” A shrug. “I’m not really a people person so I don’t know shit. I’d offer to ask around but wouldn’t know who to ask. Not like I got access to the people I used to know.” A sigh at that. Mako keeps trying to calm Dog down. “C’mon. It’s over. Maybe I need to get her to a vet or something.”
* Isaac glances at Dog. "She'll be okay. It was just a freaky day. Have you tried giving her a treat?" And then back to JJ. "Your uncle didn't do anything. He's Kevin. He's not going to let people like that go. He knows the sacrifices it took to get them in there in the first place!"
<vilerat> “Yeah.” Mako agrees with Isaac and nods. The old man gives Dog a light hug before standing up again. “Security still gotta hold Kevin in case. He may be a target. Again.” A quiet sigh. “Poor bastard is going to be hurtin for days anyway. In bad shape. So. Guess we gotta be lookin fer someone who can mimic others, huh?”
<JJ> "Can't be an outsider... they knew enough about Uncle Kevin to disguise themselves like him. And knew his security stuff! They had his clearance. You can't just waltz on down there... What if META doesn't believe him? He has a record with them... it was self defense but META doesn't forgive or forget..."
* Sisip ( Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
<Isaac> "I don't have a record," Isaac answers. "I'll -- Look, I'll tell them what I saw. They can use a telepath on my mind even, JJ. I'm not lying."
<vilerat> A slow nod. “An alumni, maybe? I’d rather not consider it someone here still.” Another glance around. Then he crosses his arms and keeps the loop of Dog’s leash around one wrist. “I don’t think you’re lying, Isaac.”
<JJ> pulled a tissue out of one of his arm compartments and dabbed at his eyes before blowing his nose. "He doesn't deserve this... he's supposed to be happy."
<Isaac> "I'm sorry. Jesus, JJ, I'm so sorry. I started the fire. And-- he probably was hurt when I burned the snake to death. it was coming for him, and I had to stop it. But it probably scorched him. "
* Isaac gives Mako a brief and grateful look
* Naphthalim ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
<vilerat> “The size of that thing? I’d hazard a guess that you were defending yourself, Isaac. No harm in that.” A glance back at the snake and he frowns. “The smoke might have gotten to Kevin. You don’t control smoke so.” A shrug. “Can’t take all the blame, man. It’s the fault of whoever the fuck released the bastards.”
<JJ> "And they're gonna say it was Uncle Kevin. I... I hate who did this to him! Hate them. Look how many people are hurt... And is that Yeti's tree?!" And the waterworkds started again.
* Isaac tugs JJ into another hug. "It's okay. the monkeys did that to the tree." He says quietly.
<vilerat> Oh no. JJ is a wreck and Mako just looks awkward. Doesn’t really know what to do in this kind of situation. “You got proof it wasn’t him. Look. They gotta -prove- it was him. Ain’t no damn Phoenix Wright game. This is a damn mutant place. Like they ain’t dealt with lookalikes before.”
<JJ> sniffled... "Monkeys..." JJ snickered. "Who opened the Jumanji box?..." because jokes was how the JJ coped. "They should finish their game so all this goes back to normal. As long as time doesn't rset back to 1969, cause none of us were born yet. Except maybe Mako..." hr sniffled again, "and telepaths could get the codes. Technopaths could spoof them... ! Is there aother techie
<JJ> here?!"
<Isaac> "I don't know? I'm sure there are other technopaths in the world, though. And whoever did this obviously has resources."
<vilerat> “No techie that I know of. But I don’t know many people.” Complete opposite of what he’s used to. Was in the know. Now he isn’t. The old man shrugs. “I wouldn’t mind being young again. But I don’t wanna go through that part of my life again.” A nod to Isaac. “Well. A technopath would have resources. Can make them. Can they make a body that looks like Kevin?”
<JJ> blew his nose. "There's shapeshifting, cloning, power copying, being really really good at costumes... It had to be an inside job." Just like at the police station, but hopefully the culprit wasn't another Kevin...
<Isaac> "Maybe. And maybe they were able to look like one of us long enough to get what they needed. " Isaac glances to Mako again. "Right? It may not be one of -us-, not really."
<vilerat> A heavy sigh. “Well. Did he have a mustache? That’s how you can confirm it was was an evil twin.” No laughter but it’s a dry joke. “META probably has a list of people who could pull it off.” A nod to Isaac. “Yep. Might still be an outside shifter. Just come in as a squirrel and watch shit. Quilver and I can only kill so many of the damn things. Or a technopath who just watches the security footage. There’s cameras
<vilerat> everywhere.”
* Sisip ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Sisip
<JJ> "Doya think they're letting people visit the infirmary?.. Could check on them, see how they're doing... I haven't gotten them anything... it's late now, and they're likely not hungry now... all beaten up or asleep." And JJ was babbling. He always babbled when he was nervous.
<vilerat> “Tora...was very badly injured. She won’t be awake for a while. I don’t think Khunbish will be able to help her. Megumi...same, honestly. But less so. Quilver is in the same boat. Lost a lot of metal. And Kevin won’t be able to talk for a while. Gills swell when they’re irritated that badly. I mean. He might recover and I think Khunbish can be of help to him. But. No. I think they all need to rest for now.” A slow shake of
<vilerat> his head. “They’re the medical center’s responsibility now, JJ.”
<Isaac> 1
<Isaac> In the infirmary, Khunbish is actually busy, already at Tora's bedside. He works his healing over her. It doesn't go quickly, but it is happening
<JJ> "I'll have to make them all gifts! And food in Quilver's case, I was almost done fixing up her translator when this happened..."
<Lucian`> <Tora> *Needed to be put in a medically-induced coma, if that would even work on her. But she was still out, sedated. Minor scrapes and cuts seem to have fully healed already, but the spinal injury is something different entirely.*
<vilerat> Mako chuckles and nods. “Yes. They’ll surely appreciate that. It will give you something to focus on as well.” The old man leans down to to give Dog some more attention.
<Isaac> Khunbish sees the problem. The old man pulls over a chair. He can do this, but he has to do it only a little at a time. Old stones are placed on girl's body. NOt really necessary for this to work, but useful as focuses. It will take several hours, but he knows how to do this. Slowly, the old man closes his eyes, and begins the process of connecting his own energy to hers. When he reopens them, they glow slightly. More work,
<Isaac> to begin a constant, steady loop of clean, balanced chi between them. Slowly he will bring her back to health, while steadily healing them both, as it had to be.
<Lucian`> <Megumi> *In her own patient room, though. She has no real physical problems, save for minor injuries. Nothing that any healer couldn't fix, and getting her a dextrose IV infusion seemed to stabilize her odd blood sugar imbalance. And, with that all in mind, her eyes open blearily.*
<JJ> Looked at Dog as though this was his first time noticing her. "Oh! Someone has to take care of Quilver's dog! Poor puppy must be so worried without his alien." JJ was going through all kinds of ideas for get well soon gifts in his head. Yup, buried in worry? Gotta turn that into being buried in his lab.
<vilerat> “Mm? Oh. Right. Stubbi, isn’t it? She’s told me about him. Little pug.” A nod and he gives Dog a pat to the head and stands again.
<Isaac> "I'll go by and get him. I can watch over him, I guess." Isaac frowns. "He can just go with me tomorrow to work."
<vilerat> “Sounds like a good idea, Isaac.” A nod of agreement. Turns to watch the massive snake being moved off the property. Pretty obvious what happened. No need to leave a carcass in the open. The monkey is disposed of and Isaac’s wallet eyed. Enough of the ID remains that the guard makes note of it.
<Isaac> "It wasn't going for me until I was already casting fire towards it. I think it wanted Kevin." Isaac watches the snake too. "It screamed."
<JJ> "I didn't forget about you, Isaac. I have stuff for you on my to-do list. You go through too many phones and wallets... and how do you even get so many replacement IDs? What does the IDpot think of you?..." He looked at the remains the clean up crew was gathering. "They always go for Kevin..."
<vilerat> “Of course it screamed.” No point in trying to dismiss that. “It’s a massive fucking snake. It was an escaped villain. You defended yourself and Kevin.” A nod to JJ and he sighs. “You sure his power isn’t bad luck?”
<Isaac> "They keep making me talk to FBI agents," Isaac shrugs. "Doesn't help that I look like I do." He glances to Mako. "I never expected to hear it scream,t hough. I thought snakes just hiss."
<vilerat> Mako looks irritated by that. Of course he does because he knows how much of an asshole people can be. A nod. “Well it -was- a mutant so... guess it had vocal cords.”
<JJ> "That or someone opened the chamber of secrets and you're a parseltongue. And only you heard the screams... I though Ncle KEvin might... but who knows, maybe he broke a few mirrors, or opened an umbrella indoors while walking under a ladder in cat town."
<Isaac> "... that's awkward. Being able to understand the only snake that's ever tried to talk to me. Sort of talk to me. And I killed it." Isaac just rolls with the parsel tongue thing.
* Naphthalim ( Quit
<vilerat> Mako blinks slowly and mimes rolling his eyes. “So y’all should get some rest. I think this place gonna be a fucking madhouse tomorrow. And tonight. Get and walk Stubbi. I have work tomorrow.”
* Marlo ( has joined #Cobalt*hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Marlo
<vilerat> Kevin isn’t the only one under guard in the medical center. Fabio has been spared the clutches of cold death by the peanut gallery. The villain lives to make people faaaaabulous another day!
<Lucian`> <Megumi> *She's also under guard in the infirmary. Not that it matters, because she's barely awake now.*
<JJ> Dillon is going to have to live with those long locks for the time being... Lockdown after an event like this, barring medical emergencies (like many a resident) it was no one in and no one out.
<Lucian`> <Tora> *Khunbish's healing and spiritual balance are what's going to accelerate her healing to the point she'll be fully recovered in a week, instead of "mostly recovered and needing rehab". His efforts had another bonus side effect, in that they were keeping the tiger spirit appeased (for now). Lily, in her tiger-girl form, is sleeping peacefully. Sedated, and strapped down so she can't accidentally move.*
<Marlo> Lonnie Burch would be sitting outside in a chair by the door. His collarbone was broken, his shoulder and upper arm. They were in a cast as ye awaited treatment...
<vilerat> Things have turned quiet. Mako glances down at Dog and sighs. The front exit is barred off. “Guess I can’t go to work tomorrow, huh? Dammit. Don’t even know how I will explain this to the boss. Goddamn.” The old man sounds angry about the breakout. It interferes with the attempts at a semi-normal life. “Hope I don’t lose the job. I liked it.”
<Isaac> "We'll write you a note,' Isaac nods. He rubs his face. "Come on, JJ. Let's go get cleaned up and then go see everyone in the infirmary."
<vilerat> Mako still grumbles. “Aiight. I guess. I’ll keep busy wit cleaning up this fuckin mess. The hell we even gonna do? Pull all the dead grass? Sod or seeds? There’s shit in the grass.” A glance at the shit in the grass. “Is that -foam-?! Who has -foam-! What the fuck.” A heavy sigh and his shoulders fall. “Aiight. Yeah. Medical. Fine.”
<JJ> "The foam was me..." JJ was still wearing his Tron suit, still had the helmet under his arm, and still had the fauxton pack strapped to his back. "I stopped some escapeed with it..." he sniffled again. "I should get cleaned up, and get some real clothes on."
<vilerat> Mako looks over at JJ and blinks. “Really? Oh. Damn. Good job, man. Congrats. I guess I won’t make you help clean it up.” The cranky old man forces a smile and reaches out to give JJ a heavy pat on the shoulder. “Yeah. Go get cleaned up. You’ll feel better. Grab snacks to sneak in and hide for yer buddies.”
<Isaac> "Yeah, we'll start on the lawns tomorrow. We have a thing we can drag behind the--" he stops, looking for the lawnmower. "Those monkeys jacked my ride."
<Lucian`> --- Also the monkeys mowed over Yeti's tree.
<vilerat> Mako can’t help but laugh at that. “The what. Are you serious? Holy fuck I can’t believe I was kayaking when I could have seen -that- shit. Wow.” More laughter. “Eesh. Well. Maybe we can go find it. I can repair things well enough that I should be able to get it working again. Barring it catching on fire too.”
<JJ> "The monkey's destroyed Yeti's tree..." JJ hung his head low... "I'll help with the clean up tomorrow, I have the compound to break the foam open, make it easier to clear away." he was walking for the building, he needed something to take his mind off the destruction.
<Isaac> "We can plant another tree. There's nothing out here that can't be fixed. None of us died." He avoids looking toward the snake carcass that's still in view.
<vilerat> “Wasn’t even there long enough to take proper root.” A glance at JJ. Then he sighs. Heads to the dorms as well because he needs a shower for real.
<Lucian`> <Megumi> *She stares up at the ceiling in her room, the beeps of monitoring equipment keeping her company.*
<JJ> Quilver was asleep, but at least with Megumi's field surgery she wasn't tempted to gnaw and didn't have to wear the cone of shame this time. Gnawing was a perfectly rational choice! *ahem* so, sleeping. And sleeping so deeply she didn't even have her spines exposed tonight.
* Isaac shows up at the infirmary, then. He's cleaned up, and he has a few gifts. Not great ones. But a few. There's a small cat type thing he made out of tin foil. That's for Quilver. And some candy he'll never eat, to give to Lily and Megumi. Twizzlers. And a bottle of vodka for Kevin.
<Lucian`> <Megumi> "...thanks."
<vilerat> Mako is in his dorm room taking a very nice shower. Like always he spends way too long in the water. Mouth open, water flowing over his gills, feels good. Flushing out the pollen and grime from the day. After that he dresses and shows up in the medical center. Like Isaac he has some gifts. Wasabi peas for Megumi and homemade spicy teriyaki beef jerky for Lily. Quilver gets a box of paperclips and Kevin a bag of salmon skin chips.
<Lucian`> <Megumi> "Thanks."
<Lucian`> <Megumi> "Glad to see you made it okay." *She gives him a tired smile.*
<Isaac> "Just a bump on the head." Isaac the back of his skull. It had bled more in the shower, but he's pretty sure it's stopped now. "Just fine. Sorry about the fire. I think that's my fault."
<vilerat> “You need to get that looked at. I know you ain’t gonna sleep but...” Mako heads away to go fetch a nurse to look at Isaac’s head.
<Lucian`> <Megumi> "Yeah, I... I think that snake did something to me... I think I was attacking people..." *She looks down.* "Explains this." *She lifts up an arm. It's strapped to the bed. Also probably explains the security guard on her door.*
<Isaac> "You were attacking people, too?" Isaac looks shocked. "They arrested you for that?" Oh crap. A little panic. Eyes widening. Isaac looks out the window
<vilerat> Mako hunts down a nurse and tells him about Isaac having a head injury that was bleeding. The nurse that comes back with him is the one from last week. The guy looks -miffed-. “I spent an hour looking for you.” He states.
<Lucian`> <Megumi> "...yeah."
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