
Characters who have been removed from the game for various reasons; lack of play, player absence, et cetera.
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Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Malakai
Codename: Doctor
Age: 30
Date of Birth: December 20, 1989

Height: 5’8
Weight: 180
Hair Color: Light mousey brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Origin: Springfield, IL
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other - employed at Fractured in Crowley’s Row
Occupation: Healer

Personality Profile: Coward through and through. A large portion of his working time is spent standing around, and drinking, during cage matches in Fractured’s basement. Far too much carnage and gore has been seen by his eyes so he shies away from any and all violence. Very non-confrontational.

Physical Description: Average height and a light build. Few have seen what lies beneath his plague doctor getup. Most just recognize him by the leather bird-shaped mask with grey tinted lenses. He wears a heavy black robe with several additional pockets added to it. A leather messenger bag is almost always on his person.

Under the outfit is a very handsome man. Age has treated him well. The constant shielding from the sun has left his skin nearly translucent and extremely pale. Somehow it works in his favor by giving it the cast of a marble statue. His hazel eyes are piercing with the spark of wit.


General Power Information: Healer

Ability One: The old swaperoo. Take injuries and move them to another person or object. The transfer is instant and doesn’t hurt at all. Like a magic eraser sweeping away the pain of the past. No scars are left behind.

Malakai most commonly moves injuries to crude dolls that he makes himself. If enough warning is given he can make them look like his clients.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The drawback isn’t to him. The healing process is easy like a sleight of hand trick. The payment for his services lies solely on those receiving the healing. Whatever amount of time would normally be required to heal target injuries is deducted from their lifespan. The occasional healing won’t have much of an effect but repeated ones are cumulative.

Skills: Bartending. Malakai is an alcoholic and a quick learner so he picked up quite a few recipes from work. He often drinks on the job and can hop behind the bar and mix up some with expert ease.

Background: An average life for a an average mutant. There was no big event to make him realize his powers. No outward change. One day he had a bandaged hand and gave a friend a high five. In that instant he found himself healed and his buddy noticed an injury.

Some attempts were made to get through medical college but he dropped out before completing his doctorate. Malakai may be a bright man but partying got in the way. Now he works at Fractured to keep the fighters in top shape...and in debt to himself and, by extension, Richard. It ensures the fighters continue to work the cage and be profitable.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:[/]
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