
Characters who have been removed from the game for various reasons; lack of play, player absence, et cetera.
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Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Unknown
Codename: Bishop
Age: 4
Date of Birth: June 18, 2015

Height: 6’1
Weight: 300 pounds
Hair Color: N/a
Eye Color: Varies; changes at will
Place of Origin: Salem, VA
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Unknown. Bishop appeared on the internet one day

Status: Other
Occupation: Owns a security and electronics company

Personality Profile: Bishop keeps to himself primarily. While he has a physical body he mainly interacts with the world through the internet and text messages. The only place he really shows his face is on the Oculus in chat rooms. For the most part he comes across as a friendly guy but has a laser focus on work. It makes him seem cold and rushed at times.

Physical Description: The chosen avatar is a tall and lean android with clean lines and a highly polished body. A lot of time and research has clearly been put into the design and manufacturing process. The eyes shift color at will but are generally a deep blue lit from within. The real life version has a nanobot coating gives him the ability to change his external shape to a degree.


General Power Information:

Primary: Technopathy

Bishop has open control of the electronics that have WiFi, Bluetooth, or an internet connection around him. It is not a two way street; he’s gone through months of heavy research and development on a super beefed up firewall. Devices without WiFi, Bluetooth, or other connectivity are a bit trickier and, with focus, control is possible. Bishop has built those techs into everything surrounding him so devices without them are secondary.

Secondary: Hyper intelligence

Only so many terabytes of information can fit in one android’s memory banks. Extra information deemed unimportant gets filed away in an external searchable database. The efficiency of keeping his own mind clear of unnecessary information means he can put extra focus and brainpower into whatever obstacles lie ahead. Especially useful when working on new tech or a difficult task. Coming up with new inventions and solutions to problems is a natural extension of the brainpower boost.

Tertiary: Mechanical body

Because his main brain is stored elsewhere the body is disposable. A very expensive disposable vehicle for his electric brain. The metal is strong and tough. It can take a heavy beating and spring back quickly. Nanobots coat him and can heal wounds efficiently. There’s no getting tired or being too stressed.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Limited brains are carried in his metal head. Should the connection with his main brain be terminated he’ll be left significantly dumbed down and even have trouble functioning. Signal jammers are a huge annoyance and will definitely ruin his day.

Electricity and magnetic pulses will always be an issue for electronics. There’s a Faraday cage around his brain and his body might recover from a mild to medium blast but it’s not perfect.

Power supplies run out. More power used more power spent. It’s possible he’ll run out of juice and simply power down.

Skills: Many things. Bishop keeps his mind and body stimulated outside of the virtual world by practicing tricks. They mostly center around dexterity like juggling balls around his hands and fingers.

Background: Bishop started existing several years ago. He appeared seemingly from nowhere. The robot has given no backstory and is unwilling to speak of it.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Collects glass figures of cats.

Prone to theatrics and spectacles but becomes uncomfortably aware whenever this happens. May lean into it or correct course.
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