Police Reports - Electronic Surveillance

A great place for literature pertaining to lengthy character backgrounds or arrivals, and a peek at the hidden side of your character. Additionally, if you keep missing your roleplay partners, feel free to catch up here!
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Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:16 pm

Police Reports - Electronic Surveillance

Post by iwantmoresleep »


Date: July 28, 2019
Officer: Philip Hanson

Name of person: Cynthia Rogers
Age: 19
Date of birth: January 17, 2000
Residence: 361 Hinton Street. With parents.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 64 inches
Weight: 135lbs
Distinguishing physical features / scars: Scar shaped like a star on her left ankle.
Vehicle Make / Model / Year / Color: Dark Blue Nissan Sentra, 2014
Clothes: Jeans, hiking boots. Blue shirt. New York Giants ball cap.
Last seen: Saturday, July 27, 8:00 am.

Person(s) making report: Kyle Rogers, Felicia Rogers.
Relationship to missing person: Parents. Biological. Note-- currently married

Report: Parents state Cynthia enjoys the outdoors. She went hiking, alone, in Silver Falls State Park, but has not returned from the hiking trip. Parents went to the park themselves and located her vehicle. Doors locked, undamaged. No indication that she returned to her vehicle after hiking.

Witness reports: None attached. No witnesses to disappearance

Other attatchments: See photo
See also, toothbrush and hair sample provided for DNA matching


Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:16 pm

Police report 2 (WIP)

Post by iwantmoresleep »


Date: 8-8-2019
Time of report: 20:19
Time of incident: Approximate 13:00 to 19:00
Call to emergency services Y/N: Y
Person making the call: "Tora"
Time of call: 13:31
Dispatcher: Naomi Walton

Officer making report: Clark Goodman
Rank: Detective, grade 3

Incident Description:
Call for emergency services came in, a person who identified herself as "Tora". She stated she was at a residence adjacent to the Silver Falls State Park and that at this residence they had located the person Cynthia Rogers, reported Missing July 28. She was being held against her will by four individuals (men), identities as yet not determined by "Tora". These men were armed with guns and were shooting at "Tora" and the three people who were with her in the search party. Police and ambulance were dispatched immediately. Arrived on scene by 13:50. Gunfire was confirmed, from one individual. three others were subdued and their guns forcibly removed from them, by "Tora" and her companions. Cynthia Rogers was removed from the property and taken for medical care.

The search party is herein identified as "Tora" -- Mutant. No other names given. Has fur like a tiger.
Quilver - Mutant. Silver. Like living metal.
Isaac Jackson -- Mutant. For reasons as yet undetermined, he as unclothed and preferred not to show himself, but he gave his name for police records. He states they plan to collect the reward.
Jin Lao-- Mutant. Criminal Record under META classified. Wears ankle monitor. Note: contact META for pertinent information.

Cynthia Rogers was interviewed later, in the hospital. Under doctor care. She states that while hiking in the state park, she stepped into and was hit with a bear trap. Unable to free herself or call for help, she passed out from pain and blood loss. When she regained consciousness, she was in a shed with a dirt floor. Her wrists were cuffed in front of her person with a chain connecting them to the wall. Her leg was bandaged. There was food and water within reach. She states that during her captivity she saw all four men repeatedly. She asked many times to be released so that she could go home and each request was refused. She was not otherwise assaulted at that time, but she feared they would because she could overhear them arguing about her ultimate disposition.

Four individuals arrested:
Last edited by iwantmoresleep on Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:16 pm

Criminal Record - Wooten, Matthew

Post by iwantmoresleep »


First name: Matthew
Last name: Wooten
Middle: William
Date of Birth: 11-26-1977
Residence: 12 Shelby Lane. Danvers, MA
Height: 71 inches
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: Blue
Race: Caucasian
Language spoken: English
Identifying marks / scars / tattoos: N/A - None known

Criminal facilitation in the first degree
Aggravated harassment in the second degree
Aggravated grand larceny of an automated teller machine
Unauthorized use of a vehicle in the third degree
Unlawful wearing of a body vest
Insurance fraud in the fourth degree
False imprisonment
Illegal hunting
Aggravated Assault
Last edited by iwantmoresleep on Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:16 pm

Search Warrant - Travis F. James

Post by iwantmoresleep »

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