Patient File - Marlo Cross

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Patient File - Marlo Cross

Post by madnessarrow »



Patient: Marlo Cross Date of Birth: 08/23/1994 Age: 24
Sex: Male Marital Status: Single
Current Medical Conditions: Cardiomyopathy, repeated heart failure.
Current Medications, Herbal Supplements & Vitamins (Daily Dose, Start Date, Name of Prescriber): Patient uses recreational marijuana daily for sleep.
Allergies/Adverse Reactions to Treatment: None.

Primary Care Physician Name: Dr. James Mallory

Cardiomyopathic damage to heart due to constant strain via kinetic energy charge. Cells differentiate from skeletomuscular and smooth muscles lacking composite “spring factors”.

Phase 1 – Reduce ongoing or additional damage to heart.
Options: Standard Drug interventions, Pace maker, surgical correction, and heart transplant.

Drug Intervention Strategies: Medications such as Blood thinners, Beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, Diuretics, Anti-Hypertensive drugs, Statin, and Anti-arrythmias drugs.
Blood thinners –Bleeding Risk during Combat Missions.
Beta blockers – Maybe [Side effects detrimental to mission functions]
ACE inhibators – Maybe [Side effects detrimental to mission functions]
Diuretic – Unlikely to yield beneficial results. Drink more coffee.
Anti-Hypertensive – Maybe [Side effects detrimental to mission functions]
Statin – Unnecessary unless high cholesterol is also detected.
Anti-Arrythmias – Unnecessary unless heart rhythm is also disturbed by power usage.
Summary: Drug Intervention Strategies yield mixed to low results, usually ending with patient withdrawing from physical taxing activities. Possible Combination of Drugs 2,3,4 to strength heart tissue over time, short term usage recommended.
Last edited by madnessarrow on Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Patient File - Marlo Cross

Post by madnessarrow »



Patient: Marlo Cross Date of Birth: 08/23/1994 Age: 24
Sex: Male Marital Status: Single
Current Medical Conditions: Cardiomyopathy, repeated heart failure.
Current Medications, Herbal Supplements & Vitamins (Daily Dose, Start Date, Name of Prescriber): Patient uses recreational marijuana daily for sleep.
Allergies/Adverse Reactions to Treatment: None.

Primary Care Physician Name: Dr. James Mallory

Cardiomyopathic damage to heart due to cardiac cells lacking essential Kinetic Absorption Proteins or KAPs that reinforce cell wall structures to absorb and disperses kinetic energy. KAPs are present in both skeletal muscle and smooth muscle tissues.

Phase 2 – Medical Intervention to Correct or Replace damaged Cardiac Tissue.

Surgical Correction and Transplant Options

What the Procedure Does
An experimental procedure in which skeletal muscles, already containing KAPs, are taken from a patient's back or abdomen. Then they're wrapped around an ailing heart. This added muscle, aided by ongoing stimulation from a device similar to a pacemaker, may boost the heart's pumping motion, and reduce or eliminate damage to the heart.

Result: Could be temporary, cellular mesh may decay over time and require replacement. Does not reverse damage or replace damaged cardiac tissue. Prevents further damage over time. Additional medical intervention may be necessary to prevent myocardial infarction from non-power related complications.
Requires: No additional technology required.

Gene Therapy –
What the Procedure Does
Gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for the abnormal genes, or to make a beneficial protein. Thus, causing his cardiac cells to absorb and disperse kinetic energy in the same manner as his skeletal muscle and smooth muscle cells do utilizing KAPs.
Results: Altered cardiac cells would produce KAPs thus preventing additional damage from occurring. Already sustained damage would persist. Additional medical intervention may be necessary to prevent myocardial infarction from non-power related complications. KAP production could cease over time due to epigenetic factors.
Requires: Gene Editing

Genome, or DNA therapy –
What the Procedure Does
Genome editing is a way of making specific changes to the DNA of a cell or organism. An enzyme cuts the DNA at a specific sequence, and when this is repaired by the cell a change or 'edit' is made to the sequence. This would result in a change in the fundamental way cardiac cells are produced resulting in new cardiac cells with the KAPs gene present, which could then be up regulated to produce KAPs.
Results: Altered DNA would result in the production of altered cardiac cells containing the gene sequence necessary to produce KAPs thus preventing additional damage from occurring. Already sustained damage would persist. Additional medical intervention may be necessary to prevent myocardial infarction from non-power related complications. Alterations would be permanent baring additional DNA alteration.
Requires: DNA Editing, Gene Editing.

Cloned heart tissue transplant
What the Procedure Does
Cardiac Tissue is removed from the heart and cloned to replace the patients existing heart. This offers a perfect match replacement that does not risk organ rejection and thus does not require lifetime anti-rejection drugs. The cells would then be altered using gene therapy, or DNA Editing, to produce cells capable of producing KAPs. The heart would then be transplanted into the patient replacing the damaged heart.
Results: Total cardiac replacement with healthy, KAP activated tissue. No chance of tissue rejection. No additional medical intervention required outside of standard surgical oversight. KAP production could cease over time due to epigenetic factors unless DNA editing was used instead of Gene Editing.
Requires: Tissue Cloning, Gene Editing, and/or DNA Editing.

Additional Medical Notes: It is strongly suggested to use an SND to temporarily suppress patient’s abilities to reduce the likely hood on ongoing damage and stress to the heart. Additionally, the device may be used to aid in the eventual recovery of cardiac tissue.

OOC Notes and Disclaimer: Please note that the following statements above and below are made based on a rudimentary knowledge of the following topics. As they contain both real world and fantasy level technology and theories, these are just my opinions and have no real world, or fact-based foundations, examples, or citations.

On Cardiomyoplasty-
Arguably the most realistic solution. This would involve growing a matrix of biocompatible tissues, or harvesting skeletal muscle that already contains KAPs, then wrapping the heart in those tissues to prevent further damage. This would take cells from Marlo’s body that already possess KAPs to construct the Bio-Synthetic Mesh. This is basically real-world technology with the exception that the real world does not contain the Kinetic Absorbing Cells present in Marlo’s Physiology.
The result would be a protective barrier around Marlo’s heart that could stabilize but not heal completely or continue to deteriorate due to massive accumulated damage over time.

On Gene Editing –
Altering the expression of genes can be as simple as a change in diet and exercise in the real world. Other aspects of gene editing are more complicated and require the use of medical intervention. Gene Editing or Manipulation results in either and up regulation or a down regulation of specific gene sequences. This process does not remove or add genes to an existing sequence. As such the cells would have to already posses the gene sequence for KAPs, but currently in a down regulated state, to benefit from gene therapy itself.
It is possible that the cardiac tissue contains the genes for kinetic storage but are, for handwavy reasons down regulated, in which case a simple course of gene therapy would cause the cells to begin produce the KAPs, however it would not undo the damage already caused to the cells themselves.
This could be temporary or long term as gene expression can, and does, change over time.

On DNA or Genome Editing –
The most extreme solution would be to locate the DNA sequence responsible for cell construction and alter it to include the same gene sequence of skeletal muscle and smooth muscle cells in the cardiac cells as well. In this scenario the cardiac cells DO NOT already contain the gene sequence that allows for the production of KAPs and thus would require the DNA to be re-written to contain it.
This process would ultimately be permanent baring additional DNA editing. Current cells would be altered to contain the gene sequence for KAP production and could be up regulated immediately. This would also allow for the alteration of other DNA’s to produce cells containing KAPs in other organisms, not just Marlo and thus has the widest ramifications, both Ethically and within the Economy of Action.
As will Gene Editing this could be temporary or long term as gene expression can, and does, change over time.

On Tissue Cloning –
Arguably the most favorable outcome. The most common method of therapeutic and reproductive cloning is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). SCNT involves removing the nucleus from a donor egg and replacing it with the DNA from the organism meant to be cloned. Scientists could potentially clone organs with SCNT by cloning embryos, extracting the stem cells from the blastocyst, and stimulating the stem cells to differentiate into the desired organ.
Alone this process would simply result in a clone of Marlo’s heart, albeit a healthy undamaged version of it. Either Gene Therapy or DNA editing would be necessary to produce cardiac tissue with KAPs. This is the version which offers the best outcome possible and may be a result of trial and error using the above-mentioned methods or simply the result of a series of deductive conversations.

Summary: #tl;dr

Step 1: A decision needs to be made whether the cardiac cells already have the gene for KAP production or not. If so then Gene Therapy is enough, if not then DNA therapy would be required.
Step 2: A course of action should be selected with a desired outcome of either Permanent or Temporary results.
Step 3: Approval for use of either Gene Editing level of technology or DNA Editing level of technology needs to be acquired, as well as, approval for Tissue or Cell Cloning level of technology.
Step 4: Science based role play and recovery options.
Step 5: DFTBA(Don’t Forget To Be Awesome)
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