Miguel [Chiapet]

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Miguel [Chiapet]

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Miguel Haal
Codename: Chia or Chiapet
Age: 2.5 in dog years and 18 in human years
Date of Birth: June 10, 2002

Height: 7” to 6’5
Weight: 12 pounds to 250
Hair Color: Dark reddish brown with white patches
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Sandusky, Ohio
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Informant

Personality Profile: Sarcastic with a dark sense of humor. Easy to get along with and likes to crack jokes. Surprisingly happy and upbeat considering he’s still dealing with the repercussions of the illness that warped his powers. Still hasn’t come to terms with what it means to have a non-human form.

Physical Description:



General Power Information: The broken hovering shifter

Ability One: Once a shapeshifter but now he can only change his size. From the size of a mouse to his former 6’5 in height and anywhere between. The change is quick but very painful if he goes too fast.

Ability Two: Flight. Or, more accurately, hovering. While he can go up and down the primary effect of his power is to hold himself at any given height. It makes carrying him possible and prevents furniture from cracking beneath his weight.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Changing size is rough on a body and doubly so at hurried speed. Things work fine at an average pace but are excruciating if he’s in a hurried rush and put him at risk of passing outer causing damage to himself.

Miguel’s size may change but his weight doesn’t. Even as a mouse he’d still be 250 pounds. It’s mitigated by hovering while he’s awake. While sleeping, incapacitated, or if he’s unable to hover, his weight is normal.

Stuck as a dog forever. Love and a family is impossible and he’ll never have the life he dreamed of as a child. The normal happy one with a spouse and children. Even if he were to meet a fellow shifter the children are likely to be an abomination. Anything else is awkward and legality is in the grey area.

Most hobbies and everything else he took for granted are out. Even preparing his own food is next to impossible.

Chocolate and many other favorite foods are now poison to him. Fleas, ringworm, heart worm, and the like are all threats he has to be conscious of. There’s more vaccines required just to be outdoors.

Skills: Being a dog has advantages. A good nose, great at digging, and is virtually camouflaged or easily overlooked in most situations. Thankfully he kept opposable thumbs while shifted so he can still manipulate objects.

Background: Miguel had a normal upbringing. A kid with two brothers and a younger sister had it relatively easy. Both parents worked at good jobs so he was never left wanting. While not a spoiled child he certainly had a cushy life.

Finding out his mutant abilities threw things off some. He was the only one in his neighborhood that wasn’t normal. His parents tried to hide it but sometimes he’d lose control and change on accident. It worked for a year or two before they simply gave up and sent him off to a school for the gifted in Arkansas.

Miguel did well in school and kept living a good life until he migrated to Salem. The fall into the evil rabbit hole was one in slow motion. Most of his time was spent spying and reporting to his boss. It was a scary but decent life. One day a terrible illness befell him and he found himself stuck as a dog. It robbed him of human-to-animal and granted small-to-big. The change also stripped his ability to speak naturally.

The last of his money was spent getting a special collar that enables him to speak. Now he flounders through life and tries to hold himself together in a world he’s completely lost in.

Criminal Record: Several biting incidents landed him in the pound on different occasions. Due to his small tooth size the damage was minimal and didn’t warrant jail time longer than a week in the pound.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Has no idea when to celebrate his birthday. Dog years? Human years? Will he live to 15 or 65?

Being stuck with a broken collar and nullified powers is his ultimate nightmare.
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