Julian Weiss

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Julian Weiss

Post by madnessarrow »

Player Nickname: Julian`Weiss

Name: Julian Janos Weiss
Age: 29
Date of Birth: April 13th 1990

Height: 6’1
Weight: 193
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green (Purple when power is manifest)
Place of Origin: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nationality/Race: First Generation American Born - Romani
Classification/Origin of Powers: Homo Sapiens Magi - Mutant/Magic

Status: Other
Occupation: Occult Consultant, Private Investigator, Street Performer.

Personality Profile: Julian focuses on the most efficient and organized means of performing a task. This quality, along with his goal orientation, makes Julian a superior leader, both realistic and visionary in implementing a long-term plan. Julian is fiercely independent in his decision making, having a strong will that insulates him against external influence. Julian analyzes and structures the world around him as logically and rationally as he can. Due to this straightforward way of thinking, Julian tends to have the greatest difficulty applying subjective considerations and emotional values.

Julian is outgoing, charismatic, fair-minded, and unaffected by conflict or criticism. However, these qualities can make Julian appear arrogant, insensitive, and confrontational. He can overwhelm others with his energy and desire to order the world according to his vision. As a result, he may seem intimidating, hasty, and controlling. Julian takes a tough approach to emotional or personal issues, and so can be viewed as aloof and insensitive.

Julian has learned how to emulate compassion over the years but it takes direct action on his part. When confronted with stressful situations he tends to forget to pretend to care.

Physical Description:

General Power Information: Innate Sorcery: The inherent ability to tap the infinite store of ambient magical energy and manipulate it for a variety of effects. A power he derives from three sources: personal powers of the mind/soul/body, powers gained by tapping the universe's ambient magical energy and employing it for specific effects(spells) and finally, from the tapping of the life forces of living beings the blackest of magic known to the mystic arts. As such he possesses a wide range of abilities derived from the use of these magical energies. Apart from those he possess three unique abilities, not derived from spells, relating to his status as a mutant.

Ability One: Floating Disc: He is able to generate an energy field in the shape of a disc approximately 4 inches thick and 3 feet in diameter. This disc is capable of stopping or deflecting projectiles, psionic forces, mystical forces, and repels virtually all electromagnetic and kinetic energy. By standing on the disc and attaching his feet to the surface, he can fly at speeds of up to 120 mph at a height of 10,000 feet (the limit at which he is still able to breathe), he is able to fly upside down, and maneuver with great skill in the same way one might ride a surfboard or skateboard. He can use the disc as an offensive weapon by casting the disc at a person which can impact with sufficient force to shatter all non-metallic materials and displace an average sized human male 20 feet. He is able to direct the disc with fine maneuverability so long as it remains in his line of sight. He can dismiss and create this disc as well as maintain it at will.

Ability Two: Soul-sword: A Soul-sword was created by Julian when he was younger due to his inability to control his magic. Julian magically caused his own life force energy to manifest before him. Once this happened he cast his hand into the eldritch energy and drew from it a Soul-sword. The blade reflects his natural mystic might and as such appears as a brilliant energy blade. Although usable as a physical weapon, its main use is to disrupt magical spells and beings.
 Strike the Supernatural: The blade only physically harms magical creatures or objects.
 Maim the Ethereal: Intangible and ethereal beings can also be struck. Although the effect depends on their nature.
 Counter/Break Spell: When used to strike a person who is possessed, ensorcelled, or otherwise magically controlled or transformed the sword will counter or break the spell.
 Sword Summoning: He can store his Soul-sword in nothingness and summon it whenever he desires.

Ability Three: Magical Senses: His innate senses allow him to see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions, and perceive the original form of a shape-changer or a creature that is transformed by magic. He can detect and identify all forms of mystical energy near him and at quieter moments he can attune these to sense non-mystical forces such as emotions or life energies. He understands how these energies are being used and for what purpose and can track spells or objects back to their source.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Human Factor: Despite all his spells and magical training, is only human physically. Hence, if not taking proper care or defenses, he can be overpowered by mere blows, energy attacks, or gas.

Incantations and Gestures Dependency: He depends on spoken incantations, mystical gesturing, and his arcane sword; likely these can be counted as weaknesses. He can be incapacitated by being gagged and bound, preventing him from uttering arcane invocations or performing mystic gestures. If he cannot hear his own spells, they do not work.

Physical Condition: His magic has a degree of unreliability, which is further affected by his physical condition: when well rested, in good health, and mentally and emotionally alert, Julian can cast numerous spells in rapid succession and attain desirable results for several hours.

Object Dependent: While Julian’s ability to manipulate magic is inherent in him, he does require specialized objects, or foci, to manifest any additional power beyond his senses, sword, and shield. These objects can vary from simple chalk to blood, incense, crystals, and the like. Additionally, as he does not possess an eidetic memory, he has several books of spells, called Grimoires, which can be taken from him and thus rob him of his a variety of spell casting abilities.

Overexertion: Despite his abilities, his spells are not necessarily guaranteed to work, particularly if he had been straining himself or using his powers excessively. If overextended, his spells can backfire, causing magic to work against his wishes or to undo previous spells.


Knowledge of Sorcery: Julian was trained in witchcraft. This is not one specific set of beliefs but the understanding that there are many paths to power and that one must rely on self discovery to master their own abilities. His sorcerer training has not given him a set of powers separate from his mutant abilities, but only honed his control over his existing abilities. He has, however, a special affinity for the natural elements and materials that witches utilize in their spells: the four alchemical elements, wood, organic substances, etc.

Occultist/Magical Knowledge: During his studies which continued until recently he has gain sufficient awareness on Occults and the extra dimensional entities they worship. He is aware of almost all known supernatural creatures as well as their more traditionally held abilities and weaknesses. He has strong understanding of herbal lore and can create many powerful elixirs. He has a fairly large host of sorcerous spells at his command and has an almost unlimited capacity to learn new ones as well as create spells that mimic the abilities of other supernatural beings.

Divination: While not true magic. Julian is proficient in the art of fortune telling utilizing such mediums as; tarot cards, dice, tea leaves, playing cards, and zodiac charts. He found these practices enjoyable and occasionally passes the time ‘scrying the future’. He makes his living performing these skills on the street and out of shops. It is possible that due to his natural magical energies he could be given glimpses of the future from time to time.

Talented Artist: During several periods in Julian's life he has displayed a rather innate talent for art. From street graffiti to sketch work. He has never really expressed himself artistically, such as painting or drawing for fun, but his skills no doubt extended to such a degree if he so chose to invest his time.

Combat knowledge: During his time with the hunters Julian acquired several skills that revolve around the act of tracking and killing supernatural creatures. This included training in the use of handguns, knife combat, and close quarters combat. He is only mildly proficient at it, but has learned to incorporate this into wielding his soul sword in a much more efficient manner.

Larceny: He has learned how to pick pockets and pick locks.

Background: Janos Weiss was a powerful black magician whom, fearing death, sought a way to reach a kind of immortality. By awakening an unborn child’s mystic soul, teaching it the ways of sorcery, then transfer his essence into the body allowing him to retain his full skill and knowledge of the occult while gaining a youthful body. His first attempt failed, the resulting energies causing the fetus to die. Following his visions he sought out a woman who would give birth to a mutant child believing that a mutant’s DNA would allow it to handle the resulting flood of mystical energy.

Julia Ludari, the woman from his visions, was mystically bound by Janos and forced to bare his child. The ritual worked, awakening Julian’s consciousness to the world around him and flooding him with the resulting mystic energies. He formed a mystical bond with his mother and began to perceive and understand the world even before he was a part of it. Julian, aware of his father’s plans, guarded himself throughout his childhood, creating his floating disc at an extremely young age. He spent his time learning what his father would teach him but was ever weary of his father’s final goal.

Due do his age he had great difficulty in manipulating the vast amounts of mystical energy at his finger tips and thus he coalesced his powers into the form of a sword. As Julian continued to master his abilities his father began to fear that Julian would surpass his own skill and thus he sped up his plans to ascend to Julian’s body. Drugging the child, Janos stole the boy in the night to prepare for the ritual of ascension. Julia interfered, freeing Julian and called upon her own store of mystical powers to fight Janos. This gave Julian the opportunity to flee with the advice of his mother; ‘Seek out a city of heroes and villains to hide amongst. Prepare yourself against the trials of life so that one day you may defeat your greatest foe.’

Julian spent a few months in Salem before fleeing in the advent of the Fae Invasion. That amount of 'mystical heat' proved too much for the paranoid mystic. So he traveled staying never longer then a few months in any one place. Before returning, almost a year later, to the city of Heroes and Villains. After spending a few week in town setting up defenses he settled on facing his father head on. Concerned for the citizens of Salem, who at the time where already dealing with a kind of Zombie epidemic, he left town. What happened then is something Julian keeps to himself. He is no longer on the run and has taken many liberties with his lifestyle.

Julian spent some time with a group of humans who hunted supernatural creatures. During that time he did not reveal himself to be a sorcerer, or mutant. He did share his vast knowledge of the supernatural with them and in returned learned many useful skills in the process.

He has returned, for the third time, to Salem. Aware of the supernatural 'hot bed' that seems to surround the area, he has returned with intentions to join forces with Cobalt. If they will have him. He has created a Consulting practice that allows him to offer his supernatural knowledge to the public. He works on a referral basis only and does not actively advertise his profession.

Criminal Record: Vagrancy, Solicitation, trespassing, and two counts of public intoxication. He is also a known 'Street Performer' to code enforcement.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Julian is in fact a member of the Roma. However, his father prevented him from ever learning the ways of the Romani and as such follows a more eclectic path of magic called witchcraft. His personal energies, as well as his eyes, are colored purple when his powers are manifested in the physical world.

While Julian rarely drives, he does own a grey 1977 Camaro z28, it is in good condition, with the exception that the exterior paint is quite faded, giving it an almost unnoticeable appearance. The car has several sigils etched into its body to keep it running well past its natural point of mechanical failure.

Julian owns a registered Taurus Model 82 .38 special revolver as well as specialized ammunition for hunting supernatural creatures.
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