Elim M. Drost (WIP)

These characters need a little more work. They may be too strong, not well thought-out, there may be too many occurrences of the same power in channel, or they may not fit with the channel's theme!
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Elim M. Drost (WIP)

Post by Bandog »

Player Nickname: Bandog

Name:  Elim Michael Drost
Codename:  N/A
Age:  25
Date of Birth:  March 15th, 2027

Height:  6'1
Weight:  198 lbs
Hair Color:  Black
Eye Color:  Green
Place of Origin: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Nationality/Race:  American/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Biological Engineering

Status: Refugee 
Occupation: N/A

Personality Profile: (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.) 

Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.) 


General Power Information: (How would you classify your character's particular set of abilities? Having even a loose theme is more likely to get approved than a random grab bag of powers.)

Ability One: (You are permitted three 'powers' to start with, though they can also be physical traits, physiologies, etc. Detailing what your character can do with each, their limitations, et cetera. The more detail, the better. You are not restricted to a firm three aspects -- some powers may have minor sub-abilities, and as long as they do not encompass the strength of another power entirely, they should be acceptable.) 

Ability Two: 

Ability Three: 

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:  (What happens if your character overexerts themself? Do their powers provide them with any negative attributes, like a weakened heart, lack of resistance to toxins, etc? Does their power make them shaky and high-strung? Balance is important!) 

Skills: (What things does your character excell at? Cooking? Swimming? Are they a survivalist? Remember to be realistic and not overdo it.) 


  • Chapter 1 - Incursion
In the year 1952, physicist Erwin Schrödinger first described what future scholars in his field would label the “multiverse theory”, the idea that the world in which they lived was simply one of an infinite amount of possibilities. Expanded upon exponentially by the likes of Hugh Everett III, Max Tegmark, Brian Greene, and others, the belief was one that most could never imagine evolving beyond anything but a thesis. A thesis that would turn into a nightmare for one particular reality all too similar to our own.

On August 3rd, 2036, the anomaly appeared one hundred and forty five kilometers south of the city of Bayingol, China. What exactly caused a rift in space and time six hundred and thirty two meters in diameter to open upon the sands of the Gobi was doomed to remain a mystery to the wider world. If that knowledge ever existed, it likely died along with whoever uncovered it. For three weeks, the anomaly pulsed upon the sands of the desert, known only to those outside of China's sovereign territory due to satellite imagery. Request by the UN's National Security Council for clearance to conduct testing on site was refused by the People's Republic, and even the nation's longstanding allies such as Russia and Pakistan found themselves all but ignorant of the developments in their own backyard. Later testimony given by what little of China's ruling party would soon remain indicates that the breech was first entered on August 19th, little over two weeks after it first appeared. The five man team that passed through, as with all those that followed would never return, and their fate only able to be theorized after the events of the subsequent months. Again and again, teams were sent into anomaly, ranging from anywhere between sole individuals to entire armed platoons.

Then, on September 15th, -they- exited the anomaly.

In the years to come, they would be known by many names. Upon the initial breech into China, the People's Republic christened them “Yaoguai” after the demons of Sino myth. Similar names were given to them upon the early encounters by neighboring nations. The Russians initially called them Chort, the Japanese dubbed them Yokai, and a number of Arabic states named them Shayatin. It was only as more and more nations became involved that one name above all else became common.


Yet it wasn't their physical nature that gave them that name, or the ones prior. At a glance, the Aberrant could easily be mistaken for human. They bled red, their physiology was much the same as your standard member of the human race, and if one were to place one in civilian attire in a crowd of people they'd be almost impossible to pick out unless you looked hard enough. No, what made the Aberrant monstrous wasn't their appearance, it was their actions. Even before they started making the camps, even before the cleansing of entire cities down to the last child, even before they declared a war of genocide upon the human race, they made their nature clear by the methods used by Aberrant forces during the earliest encounters. The tip of the Aberrant spear was a single soldier, one that carried in its hands a device no more then twenty centimeters wide. Video footage later obtained from the remnants of the People's Liberation Army showed that at approximately 1831 Greenwich Mean time, the device detonated, taking with it both the expansive research facility that had been built around the anomaly, and all biological life within a sixteen kilometer radius.

Upon receiving the last minutes of the research staff at the anomaly, the People's Liberation Army was ordered to do whatever was in its power to ensure the total destruction of the anomaly and anything that slipped through. Unwilling to risk anything slipping through their net, their initial response was nuclear. For two hours, the People's Liberation Army peppered the anomaly with ICBM after ICBM, each releasing a nuclear payload within the upper hundreds kiloton range. But, to no avail.

It was only when the mushroom cloud cleared that the invasion truly began. Air missions launched by the PLA were met with catastrophic failure. Aberrant weapons technology proved itself to be superior to anything available to Chinese forces at the time. Their anti air allowed them to turn back the countries missile and rocket strikes, and destroy their sixth generation fighters and bombers. The advanced war machine that China had spent decades creating quickly became little more then an accessory to a violent, and brutal ground war against an expanding extradimensional force. For the next five years central Asia became a war zone, a bloody charnel house that the world hadn't seen for almost a century. As the months passed, more and more nations within the region joined China. For the first time in many years, the U.S found itself providing what had once been a bitter enemy in its quest for sovereign might military assistance, and foreign troops were not only allowed but -welcomed- on Chinese soil.

It was as the world spiraled into chaos that Elim M. Drost grew to manhood.

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: (This is what makes a character unique. What do they like? What don't they like? Any crippling fears? Do their powers cause them to glow in the dark? Vegetarian? Eat live sheep? Etc, etc! All the little things that make your character different from the rest!) 
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Re: Elim M. Drost (WIP)

Post by Sisip »

Please feel free to let us know if you intend on finishing this character!

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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