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Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 8:53 pm
by Remu
Player Nickname: Remulon

Name: Ray of Light Upon Petals Beneath Four Stars
Codename: Hyacinth
Age: “18” on record. (Actual age [REDACTED])
Date of Birth: May 14th

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair Color: Flowers, etc.
Eye Color: Purple
Place of Origin: META Facility N14 -- (Planet of Origin: “Val-tuur 9-7”)
Nationality/Race: Species R-275 (“Cheivaali” - “The Rooted Ones” -- Colloquially known as a “Plant Queen”)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Extraterrestrial

Status: Refugee, 2nd Generation
Occupation: “Ugh. Do we necessarily have to be more than the offspring of an interstellar refugee right now?” None.

Personality Profile: Hyacinth is a very even-tempered individual -- sometimes too even tempered, with a blunt speech pattern that can sometimes come across as sarcastic, even though Hyacinth displays a lack of understanding re: sarcasm. Sometimes said to be robotic.

Friendly, but with a sit-and-watch style of interaction. Childishly stubborn at times. Very outspoken about environmental causes. Extremely fond of beautification of all things without necessarily being vain. Notably confused about certain social norms despite semi-regular exposure to facets of Earth culture.

Physical Description:

Species-R275 is a plant-based humanoid, though most of the similarities to anything human are purely cosmetic.

Hyacinth’s skin color shifts between a variety of green hues with dark stripes and bioluminescent markings all throughout. Eyes are framed in deep green, large and expressive, and never staying a single shade of violet, and never looking in any particular direction. Teeth are small and sharp. "Hair” is composed of filaments, fronds, and a variety of colorful flowers, earthen and alien. Occasionally, mushrooms or flowers sprout from within in crown-like formations. The floral alien could easily be mistaken for a fae creature, wispy and graceful, with an aesthetic seems to be stuck in an ornamental wonderland with a colorful (and at times garish) style of “dress” (mostly made of plants), while the flowers, et cetera growing sporadically from their skin are proudly displayed like jewels.


General Power Information: “Plant Queen” (”Something of a misnomer. We don’t only deal in plants. Nor are we royalty.”)

Ability One: Flora-mycokinesis - Hyacinth has the ability to create, adjust and almost telekinetically manipulate plantlife both earthen and alien. Plants from their native planet (the kind that glow, that seem to move on their own, that work as mockingbirds, etc) are, naturally, a bit easier to work with, though their survivability on earth tends to fluctuate. They finds most earth’s plants to be somewhat dull in comparison, and trees pose a challenge of their own. Blooming various kinds of plants to maturity is an easy task, and by altering the density of a plant they can make razor sharp leaves and grass or change the chemical composition of the plant to add the traits of another species.

Some of their floral creations seem to take on a life of their own, acting as automatons. This is not always to their benefit.

Perhaps the most unusual trait stems from the truth of Hyacinth’s physiology -- as their species functions as a hybrid plant-fungi-animal, Hyacinth’s primary control and creation of plantlife extends, to a lesser degree, to the fungus kingdom. They can grow a variety of mushrooms and even mold, though the latter is not something they typically bothers with, having a personal distaste for its presence.

Ability Two: Plant-Hybrid Physiology - The body structure of Species R-275 is largely plant-based. They have no bones to break, their insides made largely of tube structures that carry liquid, but possess several vital organs that can be damaged beyond repair, a system of blood-like fluid with chlorophyll, and a brain between their eyes. It is both like and unlike a human’s in function and form. They require a large amount of water and sunlight, either real or artificial, to function, but the kind of light they are exposed to will affect their functionality, appearance, and even mood.

They have a high resistance to natural poisons.

Heat and fire are deadly opponents and they cannot recover as easily from burns -- a bad enough burn and they may go dormant to try surviving, and is known to bury themself in soil come winter.

The body is not metamorphic in the traditional sense, but plant matter is often grafted and molded to adjust the appearance of the Cheivaali for aesthetic reasons and to help them better resemble native species (It is not uncommon for a Cheivaali to go into a dormant state and behave as a plant for years).

Learning to hear and speak took Hyacinth’s parent-plant several months of practice, but the flowers from their planet capable of producing and receiving vibrations have given their the ability to mimic sound and therefore generate speech. It’s a little odd, though, as they eat with their mouth but do not speak with it.

Ability Three: Commune With Nature - A series of complex chemical signals are sent between Hyacinth and other lifeforms capable of receiving them (most plants, animals, and fungi), and processing them in kind. It is the species’ primary form of communication.

The nature of the Cheivaali, as a plant-based species, is chemical-based signaling. It enables communication and suggestion. This is what enables them to retain peaceful communications with most species that they interact with. It is not a perfect form of communication, but enables the gist of most trains of thought to be exchanged between the Cheivaali and other forms of life, though what can be processed depends wholely on the species. (It is very much a case of “ I talking to a [CENSORED] plant right now?” when a human stares at a Cheivaali and just knows they’re being silently judged)

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • An extreme intolerance to highs and lows of temperatures -- they make them go dormant for self-preservation.
  • Additional damage & difficulty recovering from burns.
  • Highly susceptible to a variety of manmade toxins. Has no tolerance for alcohol (but is known to drink anyway, because “It’s liquid!”).
  • Must retreat into a large flower nightly for regenerative purposes and sleep. Sometimes skips, but is very prone to sleep deprivation symptoms when not rested, and has been known to sleepwalk.
  • Hyacinth has a somewhat restricted diet comprised mostly of water, uncooked meat and fish, some natural sugars, and various raw plants and mushrooms. Has been known to "cannibalize themself", which is really just producing...well, produce, from within.
  • While their reflexes are fine, Hyacinth naturally moves a bit slower than the average person due to their body structure.
  • Has a distinct need to be present in nature on a regular basis.
  • Coloring inside the lines.
  • Speed-reading.
  • Natural medicine.

<Authorization For Release
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From: META Scientist [REDACTED] - Extraterrestrial Affairs
Re: Species R-275 - Subject 02-1 -- “The Plant Queens”>

“Subject was born at Facility [REDACTED] to a member of the same species who had willingly turned themself over to META care after claiming an intense “boredom” with human interactions and a desire to reach “Enlightenment”. After that, they offered themself up to tests and freely information about their species (Which has not made further contact) in exchange for a “comfortable living space”. As such, a human-sized terrarium was constructed and a list of requests was adhered to. See attached documents for further information about the late Subject 01-1 -- “Xi-aeleida-len-mio”.

We learned that the Cheivaali are a hybridized lifeform, made up of parts plant, fungi, and animal. They have a connection to nature, apparently on all planets they touch down on, that allows them to manipulate it and control “growth”, and they seem to be able to talk to wildlife. We are told that some members of the species were sent away as a contingency plan during a time of hostility with a warring race, but others chose to stowaway in secret within the vessel of an invading species that would eventually land on earth and caused serious issues for Salem, Massachusetts (See attached “Document 6” for more info). Only one survived the trip and spent some amount of time at mutant haven [REDACTED].

Subject’s parent produced a seedpod and passed away on [DATE REDACTED] shortly after Subject 02-1 was “born” from it, seemingly of their own will. The subject behaved much like their parent after emerging and seemed to possess the parent’s generational knowledge, but possessed no memory of their home planet despite being able to produce plant and fungi originating from it.

Subject 02-1 developed at a staggering rate and reached what we believe to be physical maturity in the span of only [REDACTED] months. We kept the subject under observation from [DATE REDACTED] until [DATE REDACTED], at which point they “suggest that we arrange for my emancipation”.

We found the arguments presented [… garbled information …] sound. [See attached forms] and after convening with expert [REDACTED] during [REDACTED] we arranged for the release of Subject 02-1, on the condition that they report to agent [REDACTED] on a weekly basis for a check-in, and arranged for housing at [REDACTED].”

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
[x] Hyacinth’s true name refers to a color of a flower from their home planet that, according to them, has no translation in any earth language. Apparently, there are a lot of colors like this on Val-tuur 9-7 due to its array of exotic plants and its sun.
[x] Skateboards, poorly, but will always ask if you want to see a ‘sick kickflip’.
[x] A member of a self-propagating species that needs no assistance to reproduce and has an unknown lifespan.
[x] Is tied to a literal tree-of-life on their planet, that, if destroyed, will cause the extinction of the entire race.
[x] Loves brightly colored things! Collects yarn.
[x] Everything Hyacinth knows about their home planet comes from META documents and journals kept by their late parent.