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Amber Dahl

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:08 am
by Tesseract
IRC Nickname:TellaBella

Name: Amber Dahl
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 4th June 1993
Hometown: Salem, Mass

Height: 5'7
Weight: 135lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Nationality/Race: White

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Amber, whilst putting on a brave and tough facade she is deeply insecure and has deep emotional turmoil stemming from
the lack of growing up in an ideal family. She makes up for her awkwardness by being overly ambitious and sometimes can get herself in over her head.
In the company of those she does not know or does not feel comfortable around she tends to come off as arrogant, alternatively when she feels comfortable around
someone she opens up more and is able to be herself, however she does not trust people easily and is innately distrustful of everyone.

Amber does not anger easily, although once angered she will hold a grudge against someone for a very long time. Her ability to form and maintain healthy relationships
is lacking, mainly due to her distrustful nature and unable to forgive people for their transgressions.

Physical Description: Amber's hair is straight and brown which falls just below her shoulders, her piercing grey eyes hidden behind
her glasses,when she feels like getting dressed up contacts are more comfortable. Make up is not something she uses a lot of, not
on a regular basis. She can be found at most times wearing a plain coloured t-shirt and jeans, mostly worn jeans not because they are made that way but because
she wears them a lot. Only slightly taller than most of her girl friends she finds her height to be perfect at least in her humble opinion. Her active lifestyle
keeps her in shape, the pictures of male and female body builders makes her physically ill so needless to say she doesn't push herself to that.

Character Picture (Optional):
*Author's Credit*



Primary : Energy Absorption - Amber's body acts as a very large power sink, absorbing energy of any variety be it hard radiation or something as simple as the
body heat of another person. The energy absorbed is not categorized nor differentiated once stored, for example thermal and kinetic energy are both stored as "energy"
without a specific definition, the exact limit of her storage capacity is not known to her as she is constantly absorbing energy however she apparently does have an threshold in which the excess energy must be expelled as once the threshold is passed she experiences pain in various degrees depending on how far past the threshold she has gone. Her control of this power is limited, she can dial up her absorption rate and dial it down to a minimum however she is always absorbing energy from around her and the air around her is colder than it would be otherwise.Amber is always surrounded by a soft yellow glow, which is directly tied to the rate of absorption. The brightness varies in range between slightly noticeable to that of a spotlight, at max intensity. The more energy she is absorbing the brighter the glow. The glow can not exceed the relative rate of absorption. (She won't be able to glow comparable to a spot light if she is only absorbing enough energy to power a flashlight.) While she can dial up the absorption of energy she is unable to direct which source the energy comes from she just acts as a large power sink and any energy around her is sucked in. A good analogy is to compare her to a black hole, everything gets sucked in regardless of whom or what it is.

Secondary : Energy Redirection - Amber has limited control over the expulsion of the energy that she absorbs, she can redirect a small amount of energy out of
her body in the form of heat/light in order to keep herself from going into a cascade overload. This redirection of energy is focused through her hands and requires a measure of concentration to do so, and is no way passive. If she were to try to expel to much at once control would be lost and a cascade effect would drain her of all energy, rendering her in a very weakened and confused state. This cascade effect would focus the energy upward, the size of the beam would depend on the amount of energy stored. While expelling energy she is enveloped in a softly pulsating yellow hemisphere, it has no real effect other than a pretty light show. The beam of redirected energy would be similar to that in appearance as a lantern flashlight. The strength of a redirected beam can be dialed up or down, from a soft warm glow of a flashlight to powerful enough to inflict serious concussive and or thermal force, these beams can be in short bursts or a sustained beam. The more energy used however the more dangerous it becomes for Amber as she may lose control at higher yields.

Tertiary :

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Amber's power absorption limits her ability to be around people especially physical contact, constantly absorbing energy
makes her feel very cold to the touch, not because she is cold but because she is drawing your warmth from you. Being unable to control where the energy comes from also poses a problem as she causes interference with any electronic devices and absorbs radio waves so radios and cellphones have an acute difficulty working in her proximity.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Higher level of energy absorption, more control over the source she draws from. Greater control of the type and ability to redirect the energy to avoid a cascade overload. (Note: Not required for staff members.)

Background: Amber's father left her mother and herself when Amber was very young, while this was not something that her mother let on to Amber that bothered her Amber knew it did, her resentment for her father leaving her and mom alone only grew as the years progressed. Her childhood was pretty normal as a single parent's childhood could be. Her mom being a professor at the local university afforded her some luxuries such as lots of time alone at home and ease and comfort of living. She did wish her mother was around more and spent more time with her than her student but she understood that mom had to work to feed, clothe and all that fun stuff that she needed.

The onset of Amber's abilities was not exactly seen in any meaningful way, at first she noticed that stuff around the house started to act funny, especially electronics. Lights would dim when she walked into a room people would report that the room was really cold even though that she was certain the A/C was off and it was the middle of summer. These events continued for some time until her and her mother got into an argument about her wanting to go on a date with a boy from school and her mother telling her no, the argument got quite heated (pardon the pun) the room's temperature started to drop very quickly and was soon down to 50F the lights turned down to dim points around the room, the only thing that stopped Amber from completely sapping all of the energy from the room was that her mother slumped over and passed out. Amber quickly rushed over to her and embraced her mother, skin cold to the touch it was as if she had been in a freezer for too long. Shocked at this Amber ran away as fast as she could, street lights dimming as she ran past them until she got to the park where she doubled over in pain, there was something wrong she didn't know what it was but something was definitely wrong with her.

A sharp pain showered down her spine and a split second later she was engulfed in a bright yellow beam that extended upwards blowing a hole in the canopy of the tress above, she didn't know how high the beam extended but she was amazed at what she saw happening. Just as suddenly as she was engulfed she passed out, waking up hours later in the hospital. After a few days of observation they let her mother take her home, the car drive home was quiet and the silence made Amber feel awkward, she wanted to say something but didn't have the courage to.

Fast forwarding a few years to Amber's 18th birthday...

The warm summer air and the soft Saturday morning light came over her, waking her up. "Ahh.. well then happy birthday to me.." She knew her mom wanted her to go to college, and could get her into the university no problem but that's not what she wanted, she wanted to move far far away from here. She never celebrated her birthday, not anymore. She felt a slight twinge of pain in her stomach but thought nothing of it, it was not as bad as it normally gets when she's been too full on energy before so she thought "I'll be fine for another few hours or so..". After having had breakfast and having a nice long 'You're 18 now get out' talks with her mom Amber rolled her eyes of course she was going to get out. Having saved all of her money for the past 3 years she had enough saved up to buy her own car and anything she might need to get her own place.

After having taken her after breakfast shower, she felt a little odd the pain was growing more quickly than she felt before. She kept very close tabs to keep her absorption as little as possible in the shower but this was odd "No.. not here.." her body had other plans, she had just barely put her shoes on and grabbed her keys to go take care of this problem when her legs gave out from under her. "NO PLEASE GOD NO!!" her mother heard this of course and ran up the stairs just in time to open the door to see her daughter engulfed in a bright orb of yellow light and the beam extend from that orb punching a hole in the ceiling wrecking the entire roof of the room, Amber had an apologetic look on her face as she looked at her mom from inside the orb before she passed out pieces of ceiling and dust falling onto her.

She woke up a few hours later, but this was not the normal hospital room she was used to... the place looked rather different where was she?

Somehow she ended up in a new place, apparently this was not exactly the normal hospital she was used to so she decided to take a look around.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Amber finds microwaves offensive, she refuses to eat anything made cooked in them and can't even look at them. She is rather adept at soccer and various sports including swimming.