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Max Cross, resident or villain?

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:38 pm
by iwantmoresleep
Player Nickname: Kat

Name: Max Cross
Codename: None yet assigned
Age: 28
Date of Birth: May 5, 1991

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 186
Hair Color: chestnut brown
Eye Color: brown
Place of Origin: Texas, alternative universe
Nationality/Race: Caucasion
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident/ other? / villain
Occupation: No job, but he's a thief

Personality Profile: Cynical, suspicious, paranoid. He's all of that and sometimes he can be a bit of a jerk. He doesn't really have any friends, but he's damn good at stealing things, using his abilities. He can be a bit of an opportunist, but he's also learned a lot of caution, the value of careful planning, the ins and outs of financial planning and hiding money in various accounts. But he's also frustrated to find himself in this universe.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Alright, so one aspect of string theory is the concept of many worlds or universes stacked next to each other through different dimensions. Basically, Max is like a little wormhole generator. Bending space and time to create portals through the fabric of reality. it's not teleporting, really, because it's not instantaneous. And it can be made large enough to transport large areas or lots of people, depending on the amount of energy and effort put into it.

Ability One: Max can make portals that will open a portal to other dimensionsn In fact, he's not even from this universe. He's from another one. He'd been a successful thief in that universe. Mutants were relatively unknown, so no one could discern how he was pulling off his schemes. In fact, in that other universe, he has a father that he shares with someone else -- Marlo Cross and Scarlet Cross. Neither of them would know about their 'half brother' -- born from a different mother, in another state, in another world. A brother whos' found himself in his universe, trying to track down family. He's been making his way through the country with his search, and leaving a wake of chaos and trouble behind him. Whole neighborhoods have been disappearing, as he struggles to remaster is abilities in a place where everything is just a little different.

Ability Two: He can also create portals to other places, not just through time and reality. Sometimes that means he actually can make a portal to another planet.

Ability Three: The best part is that he can confine his abilities to just himself, so that he can affect his own body's place in reality. He can walk through walls, when it works, right into the kind of vaults where really valuable things are stored, and then carry them out with him.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: There's a cost to meddling with the forces of space and time and bending the fabric of reality. For one, it needs a huge amount of energy to make it possible. Max has passed out more than once just from accidentally expending too much force and creating portals too large. It also affects his health, making him sometimes very weak or sick. And worst of all is that others have learned of his abilities, and they weren't nice people. There are dangers to that... (background will explain more)

Skills: He's pretty good at using a computer, especially on the dark web -- this to hide and make money, to advertise his services. He's a careful planner and he never does anything without contingencies. He's pretty good at dishonest things, too. Like pretending to be a cop, or sneaking into highly sensitive places to steal information.

Background: So he was born in Texas, in another universe, an alternate dimension. His father was father was a Boston native who moved to the southern state to escape a bastard name Faust. In that universe, Wendell Cross had left behind his wife and never fathered any other children. Just Max, with a girl he met at a strip club. Then he'd been arrested, sent to prison, and died there in an incident with two other inmates. Max didn't know his father that well, but remembers him fondly. The problem is that he'd grown up with a rough crowd around him. Another one of his mother's 'boyfriends' had discovered the kid's abilities. He addicted Max to drugs, in order to control and manipulate the boy. Teenage Max would do anything for his next fix. That's what led to the accident, however. He'd been stoned out of his mind, and in the middle of a hallucination, he'd used every bit of energy he had to create a massive portal. Literally half a Texas town had disappeared, in two dimensions. And when Max had woke up, he was in another universe entirely. One with other mutants, and now a lot of very angry normal people protesting over the fact that half a town had disappeared. He's been slowly making his way east, trying to find out what happened to his father in this world. That's when he found out about Marlo and Scarlet.

Criminal Record: In this universe, he doesn't have much of one. He was never born in this world. He more or less just appeared.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: He's an addict, so he has a hard time handling reality without wanting to find an escape from it. Sometimes he hallucinates. He hates birds. Terrified of them. They're nothing but dinosaurs waiting for the chance to eat people.